General Discussion

General DiscussionAm looking to be coached by a highskill player

Am looking to be coached by a highskill player in General Discussion
Habbo Boyfriend

    Everything you need to know is on my profile. I play the 2 position mostly and have quite a logical play style.

    I play on EUW servers and only speak English!

    Thanks and i appreciate your help.

    Habbo Boyfriend

      I am going to sleep now and will be around tomorrow :D


        Habbo Boyfriend

          Unfortunately although im sure this service is great i am simply looking for a kind individual with a high mmr willing to help a player out for just an hour if that a week.

          Im sure i will find someone :D


            high mmr doesnt mean ur actually good at this game

            look at vroksnak for example :D


              trash mmr means u sucks niggerdick at this game

              look at vaikiss for example :D


                i got some free time i can help if u want




                    You preach about love
                    And teach about fate
                    But all your beliefs are still rooted in hate