General Discussion

General DiscussionTried ranked to boost my low MMR, couldn't win evar, got lower....

Tried ranked to boost my low MMR, couldn't win evar, got lower.... in General Discussion

    So back to unranked I go where my teammates will be good!


      You mean "So back to unranked I go where my oponents will be bad because thats the only way for me to win!"


        Certainly not what I meant

        S-God ✔

          it might not be what you meant but it is what you did


            I've tried telling my friends that so many times, but very few actually agree. These days I only get to play ranked games when I'm queuing alone. :(


              Why are you afraid of losing your mmr? Nobody cares about ur trash mmr anyways.


                Damn you guys are as toxic as the players in game haha



                  How come any comments here be toxic? You gotto be mental or something.

                  You're playing unranked because you're afraid of losing your epenisnumber that is already TRASH, so why the fuck not care to improve instead of being afraid of decreasing your mmr, that again, is already fuckin' trash?

                  Jesus, you have a really weird logic m8. Gotto get things r8 and I would r8 8/8


                    Because you seem to be pretty aggressive with your comments...

                    It's hardly an e-penis number if I'm hiding my profile and not saying the number itself. I wanted to improve it cause it has been very low ever since calibration.

                    No weird logic here, you just seem to have some sort of interpersonal problems? :s


                      The thing is that you sound like some mental guy who goes cry to the teacher if someone tells you you're ugly.

                      "So back to unranked I go where my teammates will be good!"

                      Keep playing ranked and keep track of your progress. Know where you are and how good you actually are.

                      You leave ranked because you think (by your logic, I assume) YOUR team-mates keeps you down. That you're better than you actually are thus blaming your team-mates for your decrease of epenisnumber#mmr.

                      You're upset that your number decreases thus you leave ranked. Comon dude, I could shit more on you, but I'm too tired for my brain to work properly.

                      TLDR; OP's is a delisional idiot who thinks he's good.

                      Good night.

                      S-God ✔

                        the only one even being remotely aggressive is sadboy. The reason why you think your teammates are better in unranked is because your opponents are worse in unranked. You get ladder anxiety because you believe you are a better player than you are so when that number goes down you get more and more upset. The reality is you dont want to improve you just want to increase your MM number.


                          I'm not being aggressive, or probably I am.

                          Odd enough, but that's very common for north-norwegians. The thing is I'm trying to make people know what I actually mean, and not just paff around. Culture thing I guess.

                          I'm sorry if you feel offended or something, but I'm just being straight forward. Also I hate people who thinks they're any better than they are, which you clearly aren't as you're crying about your team-mates in 3k bracket which is the like the easiest bracket to carry if you're better than your surrounding players.


                            I was referring to him anyway, didn't see your post. Sadboy I wouldn't consider that shitting on anyone.


                              In terms of numbers I have been hovering around 3.4-3.5K in ranked which obv is a small e-penis haha. In unranked from what I've heard it must be 4K ish cause that's where abouts people say very high starts? I have no idea though.


                                very high starts at 3700


                                  what i can agree from you is only the fact that usually unranked is easier than ranked because in ranked many people try hard to win the game... This also make many similar hero being picked very often.

                                  anyway, sometimes bad and unlucky things happen...


                                    >Picks Spectre in Ranked
                                    >Blames team

                                    >Still blames team

                                    >No BoT's
                                    >No second Daedalus
                                    >Blames team


                                      1. Spectre my number one hero, nothing wrong with her
                                      2. That was my fault. Intentional as I was annoyed at someone
                                      3. Don't see the point in BoT's if your team is losing fights perpetually, don't think the daedalus thing is worth mentioning tbh

                                      S-God ✔

                                        BoTs is a mandatory 6th slot


                                          Seems like you're losing your unranked games too,
                                          prob not as good as you thought.

                                          ICE SKULL

                                            wtf unranked is same as ranked except you cant see your number

                                            you can find out your mmr by looking at dota 2 tv and finding your match t here


                                              1. Just because you can play Spectre, it doesn't mean you can expect a bunch of random pubbies to play around your greedy ass hero choice
                                              2. You deserve 4 losses for every game you purposely throw, since you gave 4 teammates a loss
                                              3. BoT's is MANDATORY 5th/6th slot since you MUST be able to TP to urgent fights or base being pushed
                                              4. 2 Daedalus on ES is more important than 3 Battlefuries


                                                Abyssal on ES can't bash during SoF can it?

                                                Hex Sigma

                                                  You remind me of myself. Also you do realize that by playing unranked you actually lower your skill because you're playing vs worse players.

                                                  Also i find it funny that you actually give a shit about a number that represents your skill in a video game. Oh and btw 3.5 is not low at all is above average, i have 2.5 and i can say im low. And yet i dont complain.

                                                  King of Low Prio



                                                      Damn you guys are as toxic as the players in game haha

                                                      That was my fault. Intentional as I was annoyed at someone


                                                        trash pls gtfo from my forum
                                                        nonE want scrubs like you posting here


                                                          I think it can, but it's not worth wasting 6000 gold when you already have a disable you can use during SoF...

                                                          Hafla Enjoyer

                                                            I actually like going spectre in solo ranked because with druns, phase and maxed desolate she can fuck any team and punishes bad positioning
                                                            Radiance build is obviously not good here because no one will play around you.