General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa at pro scene.

Medusa at pro scene. in General Discussion

    Mah girl had negative amount of picks + bans through TI4, despite her getting few minor buffs and one rework in last patches (which means IceFrog actually tries to make people use her).
    On the other hand PA, WK, Naga, Morph, Void and Spectre were picked quite a lot (especially Void).

    Should I expect her to get buffed in the upcoming patch? Or every other carry to get nerfed? How does these things usually go after TI is over?

    Or should I expect new meta changes?

    What, do you think should be changed for her to become a solid pick on competitive Dota scene?

    Personally, I don't know what is going to change, but I would love to see Stone Gaze disabling evasion. This should been implemented ages ago.


      as long as the old click your mouse in the opposite direction of her when she ults is a thing then I doubt yo girl will be up there with bats and wolfman in the pick ban rat race any time soon.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        She just needs to be not totally useless for the first 25 minutes. And even after that 25 minutes, she doesn't do much.

        Jorges Sanz

          Shes ok as it is. Just some items need to be nerfed for her to possibly be picked up, namely aghs, refresher and dagger(unlikely). or maybe you could try something batshitcrazy like dusa blink

          Ples Mercy

            she is way 2 useless in the early game. She is meant for games with a 1 core lineup which doesn't work in the current meta, since doom, bat and bane will destroy pretty much every 1 core lineup there is.


              nerf mecka, forcestaff, ghost scepter, heroes that are both good laner, teamfighter and pusher, and then we might see medusa again.

              Oh, and don't forget to nerf all those overbuffed support, starting with the gold income (unless you HEAVILY increase the cost of those broken support item)


                "as long as the old click your mouse in the opposite direction of her when she ults is a thing then I doubt yo girl will be up there with bats and wolfman in the pick ban rat race any time soon. "
                So what you're saying is...she needs to build a riki every game.

                The primary problem with medusa is that she doesn't fit the current like all.


                  What if medusa's ult locked in place for 3 seconds o.O


                    Or what if her ult was changed so that instead of taking 2 seconds to petrify, it only took 2/1.5/1 seconds and give her an aghs effect similar to doom where stone duration does not decrease as long as you're still being hit by the stone gaze. Then again perhaps a near 14 second aoe lockdown is too long /shrug

                    Dire Wolf

                      Yeah I don't think it's an issue with dusa like others said, it's the meta. It's like saying anti mage needs buffs. It's a very fine line before dusa and am are op.


                        can people still change direction in treants ult? if not add it so they cant with args and there u go


                          change anim atack + faster nuke and shes good


                            Well, if we speak about her ulti, it's not just fine - it's borderline broken (I do want it to disable evasion, though). "Turning" away from Medusa isn't a thing already - since her ulti rework.

                            @Sam, @Blunt
                            That's seem to be the thing. Though I do not fully agree on Medusa being useless early, it's still probably the reasoning behind her unpopularity. But what exactly should be done to fix it?
                            Also, DOOM has high ban priority, you can't count on him too much.

                            I'm not sure how in the world Medusa's pick rate is affected by Aghs and Refresher.

                            Most of these items shines in team fights, and that's where Medusa is absurdly strong.
                            But what about bringing Purge component of her ulti back?

                            @Dipshit, @Mark
                            Actually, I don't get this thing about "meta".
                            4 protect 1 tactic was executed more than one through TI4, especially notable were examples shown by EG and Fnatic. There were few games, where Medusa would perfectly fit both lineup and tactic chosen, but she wasn't picked.
                            And if meta is about deathbolling and team fighting, than she perfectly fits it again - she is OP in team fights starting with level 6.
                            And, yes - Antimage does need a buff.

                            @Taylor Swift
                            I remember, when fake changelog come out and got me excited by saying Snake will have like 800 speed. It will be a good change indeed. Not sure about attack animation, but her base damage is abysmal.

                            Actually, buffing her base damage, MS and Snake's speed will make Medusa very strong mid pick IMO.

                            Hafla Enjoyer

                              Icefrog doesn't buff the weaknesses of heroes, he only buffs their strengths.

                              Low Expectations

                                AM op 600 hp 15 min intk the game.
                                I think the problem with dusa is that she is so onedimentional even a 5/6 slotted dusa can get splitpushed really hard and doenst guarantee a win. The only thing she is is survivable.

                                wasted penguinz

                                  give her back old chain lightning :D



                                    Forcestaff and ghost scepter are actually better in little squirmish than teamfight, but yeah forcestaff is pretty strong in some case in teamfight, mecka is broken. but those item are especially strong (especially mecka) in mid game, and even if medusa is rather a teamfight carry, it utterly suck early-mid game, with her mobility of a maimed disabled and asthmatic mussel.

                                    Mb stealing move speed aswell as mana at each jump of the snake would do the trick.
                                    (btw the purge part of the ult is still there, but only when it turn people to stone)


                                      Give her 3 agi per lvl!

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Awful hero



                                          She has 3 abilities that help her, and 1 ability that helps the team. As a carry, she is weak until the SUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPER late game, and she doesn't offer any utility to be an early fighter or support-ish role.


                                            Not sure about it. Depending on extent of such buff, you are risking to give her a nuke stronger than many ultimates.
                                            Is it still here? Will it break astral, remove Blade Mail and kill summons? I can't quite check it on myself right now.

                                            I don't think 30 minutes in the game is "SUPPPER" late.
                                            Also, Medusa is quite strong in laning.

                                            Nah, she's cute and nice. I especially like her cheeks.


                                              30 mins into the game she doesn't offer anything, most carries will outperform her heavily at that timeframe. You need at least three big items in order to have impact.
                                              Her base dmg is low and her attack animation is bad, which makes denying against her pretty easy, plus her nuke is easily kited if the enemy team isn't braindead. I wouldn't call that a strong laner (she's not weak either).

                                              Back to the topic:
                                              She has several problems compared to most common carries, the biggest one being her lack of mobility. She's so fucking slow and easily kited that she's pretty much useless in a meta where mobile heroes dominate.
                                              Another issue is that she needs a lineup built around her. She needs teammates that not only create space for her, but needs someone to hold people in place during fights (refer to point n1) and teammates who are also capable of dealing with 4v5. This, of course, is pretty much impossible when you have a meta where the deathball is stronger than ever.
                                              Last but not least, with heavy single target focused heroes like Doom and Batrider being so popular, there's no room for 4p1 unless you nerf them to oblivion.
                                              That said, she can still be picked if both teams are running a 4p1 strat.

                                              She works in low tier pubs because most people here is retarded and give her room to farm and drag games to lategame where she shines. When I play her, I like to skip the nuke and put the point on stats.


                                                It is two big items, not three. And it's easily achievable in 30 minutes. It's even slow.
                                                Her attack animation is fine, but I do agree about a lack of damage.
                                                Her nuke is only easily kited when used in obvious way. You can't actually lane versus decent Medusa and not get hit by Snake.
                                                Again, DOOM and Batrider have high ban priority, you will not see them in every game. Also, as a natural Linken's holder, Medusa is quite good against them.

                                                Yeah, you should totally skip that 11 seconds cd/50 mana cost Laguna Blade, go for stats and then complain about her early game and enemies denying your farm.


                                                  purge NEVER removed blademail, there's NO way to remove astral, and yeah it kill summone, but only when they transform to stone.

                                                  Edit: linken counter only shit bat, and an imobile target with linken is no problem for doom. on the other hand, dooming a medusa is like the worst idea ever, she can still stay in battle, splitshotting and protected by manashield even if doomed.

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Is more of the fact that she doesnt do shit until 30 minutes or more unless your enemies are really stupid to fall in your ulti, and even if they do chrono is still better than that shitty ulti.

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      I mean she hits for kittens until bfly


                                                        Great hero, but need way too much farm and time to come online. WAY. TOO. MUCH


                                                          >Uh, no, she needs at least three items. You won't do anything with linkens + something else (either manta or skadi). Luna will do MUCH more with BKB + HotD + Manta (11k, around same gold) plus she will farm even faster than Medusa at this point, and she's not even a top pick.
                                                          >Her attack animation is outclassed by a lot of others. It's not terrible, but even a Mirana would be able to deny you.
                                                          >Nah, that "hurp durp u dunno how to use it m8" thing is bullshit. Any decent player will position well enough, and even if an idiot is out of position, he can easily walk like 200 units sideways and he won't get hit. Her nuke is unrelilable at the moment unless you're playing against braindead people.
                                                          >Yeah you ban doom and batrider and you let them have Lycan and you get pushed to death before you have a ring of health. Or they get a Bane and game over.

                                                          >Implying that you will be able to actually land it on several heroes ROFL. Mystic snake doesn't speed up your farm nor solves your shitty starting stats and it's highly unreliable in teamfights (unless magnus/DS) as well as in laning stage unless you have a KOTL. So yes, I rather skip it. Fun fact: I have a better KDA than you with the hero, even with my "shit" build.

                                                          I will be the best

                                                            Linkens is useless in my opinion on medusa, because her survivabillty comes from mana shield and a Skadi should be enough for that.
                                                            You should rush midas to get lvl 14 as fast as possible, then manta skadi butterfly etc...

                                                            + Her new split arrows "buff" is absolutely trash.


                                                              Medusa best rapier carrier

                                                              Just rush rapier and deathball after that with good area zoners like Veno, it's surprisingly effective

                                                              competitively though nobody wants to take that risk

                                                              2014 devaslaytion

                                                                ^ this. Played carefully with coordinated teammates(and surprisingly once u get a rapier early, ppl will suddenly become v coordinated and will start to protect you), you basically win the game even if you are underfarmed at the start. Let your team initiate and save ur ulti for enemies who tries to aim u and take u down. Its almost foolproof if u dont make mistakes. Everytime ulti cools down u can clash or push. With rapier u can just end mid straight no need get side lanes rax. Rapier is very cost effective. U dont even need 3 slotted medusa to win. 1 rapier medusa early can win the game. And its fun LOL unless u are some super tryhard then well..


                                                                  I had a long time to see medusa mid and when i played a support 6 days ago i got wrecked by one: