General Discussion

General DiscussionAn experiment

An experiment in General Discussion

    ^sampson "you will calibrate 3.5k-4.5k and ruin games til you are back to 2.5k. This is not new and these experiments are so brainless and retarded. If you actually cared about 'research' you would collect all the available data. This is not about research it is about fueling your own delusions about your own skill level. "

    Had my first account, it started the ranking at around 5.2k (you could see it with the developer 1 option just as the ranking got implemented), had a horrible calibrating phase due to people feeding and it ended up around 4.9k (it still meant legitly a lot, often page one considering it was the first few matches of ranked). Got frustrated, told myself I'm worth more than that, created two accs within the next year.
    calibrated both of the accounts at 4.7;
    - got one to 5.5 in no time than struggling around 5.6 for months,
    - second one (this current account) went from 4.7 to 5 within a winrate of 90%, soon to hit 5.4, slowly getting back to the rating of previous acc.
    having this said, your statement is sort of invalid.


      Sampson you are officially sponsored by YouPorn did you see their twitter page?

      You're chosen to be in a gay category

      King of Low Prio


        what you posted confirms my point.........

        I said 'you' specifically to the OP not you meaning everyone

        True MM does not = calibrated MM

        calibration is a approximation while true MM is where you eventually land after playing alot of matches.


          Who knows, maybe OP will improve drastically by playing against better players on a smurf account it tends to work. Of course he will be flamed and ruin games occasionally, but that's the price of playing in the wrong bracket.

          Quick maffs

            Bullshit Sampson

            Some points

            Just a fucking videogame, if i ruin the game for 9 other person, well its bad, but, who the fuck cares, you are acting like he is literally hitler by doing this.

            Another point, not everyone will fall again, few players will actually rise, few players will get a better mmr ( see van-art ) even if its only 1 %. You cant say OP will fall only by looking at his stats, maybe he will try harder and he will improve.

            Calling the guy socially inept basement dweller because he wrote here once that he had some problems with girls after a hard broke up is really childish, even more stupid is to say that he is socially inept because he doesnt care about 9 other players in his games.

            You love to argue, but you keep bringing personal insults into the table EVERYTIME you have the chance. You are calling him socially inept because he is bothering 9 players, still EVERY chance you have to flame someone in the internet you flame them, in your games, in the forums, anyone who bothers you.

            This is why people thinks you are just a troll and this is why you get banned multiple times.

            OP will not calibrate for more than 3k, so calm your tits.

            Anyway humdinger, this is actually your fault and you know why.


              Never feed Sampson in a discussion, when he first starts arguing he never stops and he is probably enjoying it (atleast more than you do).

              King of Low Prio

                'even more stupid is to say that he is socially inept because he doesnt care about 9 other players in his games.'

                are you autistic or do you honestly not see it? ( I am not using autistic as wave would)

                I am not trying to be mean but you realize social interactions require you interact respectfully with other people

                Quick maffs


                  Sampson....... respectfully



                    ok, guise, brb gonn make smurf and get 7k (cuz i am 6k).


                      sampson, take up the bet with me dude! if he hits above 3.5k ill give you my LC arcana.


                        Like him or not, Sampson is right here. There are WAY too many smurfs already and players who are in the wrong skill brackets so they only ruin games by just not being good anough and on the same level as players who actually belong there. Then they pretty much all drop back to their actually mmr from main profile or pretty damn close.

                        You want higher mmr? Play shittons of ranked games, watch better players play, learn how to actually LAST HIT and u will go up in no time. If you're only shilghtly better then others, then you're probably where you need to be or close. Anti-smurf detection works, but it puts people WAY too high, which makes them ending up with 30 or 40% winrate smurfs.


                          worst part is about people picking zeus for the hero damage while having no fucking clue regarding the hero mechanics, mostly using the ult on CD which in 90% cases it means a free loss.

                          kanye went to uni

                            why did swiftending have to call his thing an 'experiment'? he could have called it 'shutting you lot up' or something; now we've got so many 'experimenters' taking themselves seriously

                            1 Dimension


                              welp, too bad valve doesn't give a shit about the anti-smurf warriors rofl, seeing as how they close any threads pertinent to improving matchmaking faster than the blink of an eye

                              funny thing is a lot of legit 5k/6k players I know have been in this account selling/mmr boosting business themselves, so it's pretty retarded to assume that people who smurf are going to end up ruining games when these same 5k/6k players ruin games by boosting 3k and 4k trash and then those same trash lose those 300-500 points afterwards

                              dota 2's just about who can ruin the most and profit off of it, whether it be real money/keys or having ur e-peen enlarged through seeing a higher 4 digit number on ur dota 2 profile

                              1 Dimension

                                anyways i just posted the facts (valve doesn't give a shit about you, people in all brackets ruin games not just 3k/4k smurfers that everyone here treats like Jews/Muslims during the Spanish Inquisition, etc.) but i'm sure someone will come in here and issue some retarded ad homs ("you're a smurf", etc.) so don't bother because i'm not going to read ur asinine comments. xD

                                i'm just smurfing to sell the account(s) so i can buy some steam products while still being able to enjoy playing dota, which is like killing two birds with one stone to me.

                                1 Dimension

                                  @ OP

                                  MMR is pretty accurate +/- 300, so if you overshoot you'll drop back down to your MMR range in due time unless you improve. From my experience if you just focus on your own mistakes and try to enjoy dota (second point is critical) instead of grinding to get a number your life will be a lot less miserable.

                                  And frankly nobody gives a fuck whether you are 2500, 3500, 4500, 5500, 6500, etc. so don't be insecure about that.


                                    I kinda' doubt he will finish his calibration games. If after 50 games he is still in the normal bracket, it's clear he will be calibrated to less then 3k mmr, so it's no point to waste other 50 games to end the experiment.


                                      I don't think that he's going to calibrate so high when he must actually play those 130-140 games. It will just put him to his skill level after +-50 games.


                                        you dont need 130-140 u need 35-40 -_____-

                                        Quick maffs

                                          Man this 1 Dimension guy is right about a lot of things

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Quick maffs

                                              Well, at least i know where the hero guides are


                                                i wish i was h4nni's punching bag :3


                                                  ^just pray you're not fly's punching bag...


                                                    @ sampson

                                                    Truest MMR chart ever. #'s dont get ya cash.


                                                      Im 4-1



                                                        wouldn't it be a little more fun to get better naturally on your main account instead of making 4~6k land smurf land? seems like it would be more satisfying than doing that since the stupid MMR # means jack shit because of tests like this.



                                                          Playing with 4k-6k MMR kids makes you better. You get punished for ur mistakes and u learn from them

                                                          in 2k mmr you could fuck up 980213 times in a game and get punished 0 times. big difference

                                                          it makes u get better


                                                            @ Fuck

                                                            How the hell would you know the difference? It sounds like you've been 2k so all of a sudden being "4-1" now you have a better perspective of the game instead of everyone else holding you down? Give me a break. It's like saying pussy tastes nasty without ever tasting a pussy in your life because all you've tasted is dick. You contridict yourself so much in this post this has made me dumber for reading it.

                                                            Everyone getting butthurt from sampsons reality check is just proof that you are all still crap and cant get over the hump of whatever trashcan tier ur in because you are not that good. I mean who the fuck cares about your MMR? I find it deeply hilarious its some sort of dick swinging contest on here every fucking day like it's going to let you win the international and get into teams and win a million bucks. Reality check man just enjoy the game and quit fucking it up for everyone else with your shitty smurf account. So much delusion on here I swear.


                                                              Frankly, nobody cares about you smurfing, except some of the active members on this forum. If you feel like you're going to become a better player by playing against higher rated players on a smurf, then go for it.


                                                                @Gustaphos im not fucking any games up for my team, ive been fucking up the other teams games

                                                                True Survivor

                                                                  Have fun getting shit on after calibration matches

                                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                                    you are too fucking awful of a player to realize your hindrance to the team, you THINK you are not ruining games but you are too much of a scrub to notice


                                                                      I agree with Sampson. Don't do it. You're fucking up both your team and the other team's games. I'll say this is nearly similar to account buying.


                                                                        These games are much more fun, actually having teammates that arent retarded

                                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                                          my god you have 0 awareness of what it takes to play past even 3k

                                                                          these reasons are why you are a 2k player

                                                                          -you thought it was a close match
                                                                          -you did not realize you where getting massively carried
                                                                          -how the hell is a shadow shaman getting more last hits that you.....

                                                                          Stop ruining games it is pathetic....


                                                                            @Sampson when did I say it was a close match... i just said it was a good game


                                                                              & I did in fact carry, watch the replay

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                how exactly was that a good game?

                                                                                you had the lowest gpm on your whole team, If it wasnt for your team carrying you so hard would it be a bad game?

                                                                                Go pay someone to coach you rather than forcing people to babysit you and teach u the basics of dota

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  383 GPM

                                                                                  the fact that you think you carried the game is all the proof anyone needs to show how delusional you are. You took all the kills because you are zues and that is it.

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    A solo support SS was able to find more farm on the map than a mid Zeus, how is that even possible....................


                                                                                      K then I'll get babysat to 5k

                                                                                      2014 devaslaytion

                                                                                        Although i agree with sampson in the case of you smurfs who smurf just because you think calibration screwed you up(doesnt apply to me because this is my ONLY account that played ranked game), should stop being delusional.

                                                                                        But i find it ridiculous. Firstly no matter how much you argue, no one will listen to you just like how you dont listen to others too. Secondly you are overblowing things up, its just ridiculous how you make a video game sound like its serious life matter. Even if they screw up games so what its just a game. I have met ruiners etc and i dont care. Why? Because there are times when my mistakes ruin games too, and the most impt thing out of all is that its just a game. Once its over, its over.

                                                                                        Once there was a guy who was angry with a feeding slark, and i told him its just a game. And he said "u mean you dont play to win??". Guys you all must understand the diff between playing to win and accepting losses easily. Doesnt mean that just because i dont care abt feeders and accept losses easily means that i dont try my best to win. In all games, just play your best. Even if the losses are due to your team so what? Its just a game, stop making a game sound like its life.


                                                                                          Zeus spam confirmed. Hitting R when it comes up is hard man to get that high hero dmg for road to 6k..... How did shadow shaman get 77 last hits and he got 70 with zeus. mind is blown.


                                                                                            @Gustaphos you act like 7 last hits is the difference between life or death

                                                                                            i can get 7 in a few seconds. calm your fucking tits, your mind must be a fucking warzone


                                                                                              ffs you all need to learn to chill


                                                                                                I just find it funny trolling another wave account. Your panties are in a wad.

                                                                                                King of Low Prio


                                                                                                  then why did u obtain less than 400 gpm on a won game? You realize how hard that is to obtain right? Like not even 3k players make those kind of horrible choices......


                                                                                                    i honestly agree with simpson he may seem like hes bulshitting everyone, but he makes clear points which make fucking sense. i honestly hope you can make it, but logic deems that you will slowly fall back to whatever 2.5k shit you are in right now anyway. learn how to win out of your shit bracket instead of making a new account.