General Discussion

General DiscussionFeatured hero in Dota profile -- With animation

Featured hero in Dota profile -- With animation in General Discussion

    Am I the only one who noticed that some players -- when I click on their dota profile, I see their featured hero doing some taunts/crazy movements -- have unique featured hero animation. I tried to imitate and have that same hero on my featured hero to no avail.

    How's that even possible? Anybody here who has the idea on how?

    bum farto

      Your hero on display can be modified in the config as can other things.


        I don't think I understood what you said, I'm sorry. Are you saying that we can modify or better yet 'choose' a certain animation for that featured hero?

        I've seen some dota profile with Doom as their featured hero and having doom waving his weapon and stomps; While some dota profile with doom as their featured hero have doom only standing.


          Crown of hell kinetic gem add "waving his weapon and stomps" animation
          Pit of Omoz will modify his attack animation and also add his loadout where he use the weapon to guard himself
          Flames of Pyre will add more variation into his attack animation
          I'm too lazy to change my loadout to doom to show you :/
          But i believe you can google it


            Yep, Kinetic gems do it, the crazy animations are usually 2-4 keys, the simple ones are cheaper. I never tried to buy them on market, but should be around the same price if you multiply with key value. I think there are some even more expensive rare ones that have crazy price but I dont really care about those couse i will never get them. :D


              I see. Thanks! Im just curious though, all that gem on 1 helm? Is it possible to spread those gem to a different item since I don't like how that helmet looks? I prefer crown of omoz.


                yeah sure mate, anything you like.


                  2-4 keys? Dunno what ripoff site you use but most of these gems are like .10-1.00 at most in market.


                    Question is, if I buy a kinetic gem(crown of hell) and placed it to a different item, let's say a sword. Would that differ?

                    Or if I buy that Genuine crown of gore from the market and I unsocket the gems to another item, would that differ?.

                    I'm Curious :)
                    But the main question is resolved, thanks @Dumb Viet, Pinoy and Burmese


                      yes it will work as long as the gem and items is for the saame hero


                        Anything you like i said..
                        You can even put the gem into the doom's asshole and it still take effects..

                        My bad for not giving example..
                        Only a few kinetic gem that is bound to the equip and most of them are the immortal from TI
                        That is the reason why the kinetic gem is so cheap, other than them you can put it anywhere

                        The reason why i put it into my helm is because my Weapon is full of inscribed gem..


                          2-4 keys i meant the more expensive ones that are still rare. but i havent checked in a while, so maybe they are cheaper now. I have some for 1-2 rares, but those dont change that much.


                            Yah the only expensive one I know of is the TI immortal gems you could only get for like a day before they changed it so that you cant get the gem. Funniest part is those gems while expensive have no effect (tried putting empyrean gem into another weapon and no effect but the gem is worth alot since you could only get it for like a day xD)


                              Got it! Thank you guys.


                                I had the empyrean kinetic until a few hours ago.
                                I didn't even know they abused that gem until recently :surprise:
                                Lucky though i don't play skywrath so i just sold it. Profit :laugh: