General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you expect a new patch soon? and if yes what do you want to be cha...

Do you expect a new patch soon? and if yes what do you want to be changed in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    Me persoanlly, oh god i want icefrog to stop this deathball madness. Heroes like doom, tinker or even sky combos are taking the fun out. Also i am really rooting for a buff on windranger because she seems way too weak ATM.

    So what do you expect from the next patch?

    ♛ peSte ♛

      russian region block, no Techies and buffs to some heroes


        no patch before source 2

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Just nerf Tinktard and the game will be better.


            why nerf tinker better to just patch out d1=>d2 inconsistencies/bug.
            if you nerf tinker d1 tinkers going to be thrash


              nerf tinker mapo kunka, dont buff anything => balanced game
              but im sure hes gonna make ten thousand useless buffs like always just to unbalance the game a bit.

              and doesnt need any buff, very balanced hero, its just the others that needs a nerf.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Do you really think anyone gives a fuck about Dota 1 anymore?


                  yea lots of ppl in china plays it.
                  also why even bother nerfing tinker when you can
                  1: fix march hitting flying units ( its not supposed to hit the black dragons)
                  2. fix motm being able to be casted further than it is supposed to
                  3. rearm being able to refresh disabled blink

                  pretty sure fixing these inconsistencies would fulfil the same effect of nerfs while not screwing over d1 tinker

                  Low Expectations

                    All I want is less tower gold and fix doom hero is OP. Farms too fast and doom too OP

                    Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                      nerf void and skywrath plz

                      Hex Sigma

                        tbh, sky isn't that cancerous unless you pick a setuping hero(es, bane, mirana). BKB screws him, pugna screws him, silence screws him so yeah.


                          I want:
                          Stone Gaze disabling evasion;
                          Buff to Lina's attack animation;
                          Nerf to Chrono;
                          Removal of Tinker's PvE gaming;
                          SK Aghanim's rework.


                            [size=8]Dazzle ministun pls :([/size]


                              ^[size=2]much mini, wow[/size]

                              the realm's delight

                                i expect void and doom game removal

                                Low Expectations

                                  Also buff lina plz :(


                                    remove pudge, that shit is too op

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Please remove doom and if posible remove void from the game too

                                      Thanks based icefrog


                                        Buff Windranger please :)


                                          Apart from the missings heroes, I want soooooo much aggro being finaly fixed, and not the trash aggro we currently have


                                            ^What's wrong with the current aggro?

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              My guess is he does something really dumb like reducing doom duration by two seconds but doubling hellfire dmg/healed and buffing doom base armor by 5. Then does same thing to void, reduces ult duration by a second at each level but increases void agi gain by 1 or something. Ok maybe not but that would be funny if they got nerfs to the ults everyone bitches about and huge buffs elsewhere.


                                                Nerf Tinker and PA at least those two are too strong, they're panic picks in pubs. When you're not sure if your current lineup will win just pick Tinker or PA and GG.


                                                  Rework on many aghanims because as you know there are plenty that are useless such as on Tinkers, OD's, Gyro's, Luna's, Puck's, Undying's and Veng's.

                                                  WARNING THIS IS JUST MY OPINNION PLZ NO HATE

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    ^WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU OMG WHAT A FUCKING RETARD

                                                    SO MUCH HATE

                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                      New Patch:

                                                      Force players to have a TP on them when matched up vs a blood seeker.

                                                      Also wtb more gold penalties on late hero picking.


                                                        I want pudge and riki to be nerfed

                                                        Hatsune Miku

                                                          Heroes i predict will get buffed next patch:

                                                          - Slardar
                                                          - Shadow Shaman
                                                          - Legion Commander
                                                          - Bristleback
                                                          - Venomancer
                                                          - Gyrocopter

                                                          Quick maffs


                                                            - Shadow Shaman


                                                            Hatsune Miku


                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Hero is already balanced like fuck


                                                                  - Stop complaining about a hero that isn't broken/needs nerfs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                  - Nerf tower gold/Push meta


                                                                    Nerfing tower gold will make the first 15 mins boring as fuck. Buffing the towers (either damage/armor/hp) will have a better impact.


                                                                      @Matt, even though I like playing Tinker, bloody he's broken. Try achieving your 60% winrate and 7KDA on any other hero.

                                                                      Probably not possible with your current skill ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                        Magic resistance for int up since you get defense up on 7 pts of agility. So dumb to have 2 sources of magic resistance items only and not have a natural resistance for magic.

                                                                        I dont know what the scale should be for it but I don't like the idea of int. items not doing anything except increasing your mana pool. Seems dumb.


                                                                          And yes all of matt's heros look like shit compared to his tinker. Sub 50% shit.


                                                                            The reason magic resistance doesn't scale like armor does is because physical damage scales up much faster, whereas magical damage is almost always a static value.

                                                                            I'd like to see a base damage nerf to void (why does he have 61?), some sort of nerf to March of the Machines, and Blink Dagger to have a mana cost again. Other than that, I'm sure the patch will be filled with all sorts of random things (tower gold/stats, agh's upgrades, techies) that will change the game plenty.


                                                                              More hp on towers


                                                                                Patch is planned to come out around the end of august.
                                                                                that's what valve said.

                                                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                                                  I know a hard nerf to tinker... march of machines doesnt do dmged bkbed units

                                                                                  True Survivor

                                                                                    If Tinker doesn't get nerfed, I am uninstalling till the next patch. Even most frustrating loss in Counter Strike is more fun than a hard win vs a Tinker, fuck that shit.


                                                                                      @Once u cyka u never go blyat
                                                                                      List of problem with aggro that i yet found (I think there are more, especially in the "stance of agressivity"

                                                                                      • Creep take 2 secondes instead of 0 to aggro when you right click a hero
                                                                                      • Almost zero aggro when you right click som1 from out of aggro range (there should be some -pretty slow aggro- But i don't know exactly how slow, mb the 2 sec)
                                                                                      • Creep doesn't take aggro from summone when they attack a hero (bear of lone druid is an exeption and have like 200 aoe aggro instead of ~500 -only visage's bat should have 0 aggro-)
                                                                                      • Creep doesn't take aggro from creep ! (this allow people to actually make creep stop to fight each other -normally if you aggro creep, your ally creep should try to "protect you" and try to attack every creep that tried to attack you)
                                                                                      image to help to understand what happen :
                                                                                      • Creep sometime change target, if a closer one come to them, even though they had a valid target they can and do attack, and no1 made anything to change aggro
                                                                                      • In dota2 there's only 2 stances of agressivity :
                                                                                      attacking and moving while in dota, there's at least 4 stances:
                                                                                      attacking, attack moving (you right click, but not in range to attack, it's especially relevent for mele hero), moving, denying -in that mode you never take aggro, I can even remind how many time in dota2 i took aggro by creep/tower which finished its target while i was hitting my own creep...
                                                                                      That's even more relevant when you try to deny a tower, in dota, creep immediately stop attack you and try to kill the tower, while in dota2 you can actually tank the creep while denying the tower.
                                                                                      (The difference from attack moving, which creep do actually all the time, and moving, in terms of aggro can be seems with tower for example : )
                                                                                      • The tower can lose aggro of your hero, if you try to deny, even if in first place took aggro from tower in right clicking a hero -yeah in dota1, creep and tower thought it was important to defend heroes- :p
                                                                                      • You don't take aggro when you try to "deny" an ally hero who is above the deny hp part, in dota, when you try to attack an hero (enemy or ally) you take aggro -that's pretty usefull to make creep dance while you both attack an enemy.

                                                                                      I might have forget some more, but at least you can see how far the aggro system is now, how poor and badly made compare to dota's...

                                                                                      Edit: Found a detailed vid about aggro in dota: , it doesn't cover everything, but help you to know how empty is current aggro system

                                                                                      @ROAD 2 3.5K MMR
                                                                                      Luna's agha is not useless, it's situational, no more cap on beam on each target, that mean you can put 10 beam on one guy => 2250k damage... It's definitly not for every games, but at least offer you a way to deal with strong pickup lineup, in actually playing luna with eb agah + 2 tank item and a mobility one / 3 tank item.


                                                                                        removal of pve heroes like lycan
                                                                                        make tinker unable to cast march @highground (same goes for techie mines if this fucking antidotagameplayhero realy has to come)

                                                                                        DropDead Ugly

                                                                                          -unable to pause when game has not yet started. so that the gold penalty can actually be felt by late pickers and not circumvented by just pausing the game.

                                                                                          -enable coach to play abandoned allied heroes if the rest of the team agrees to it.

                                                                                          -for ranked games, allow the players to report those who are unable to load or just penalize them for a longer period so not to queue so many times.

                                                                                          -make broodmother's incapacitating bite no longer a unique attack modifier.

                                                                                          -make visage's grave chill aoe but only gaining 20% of the highest move speed among those affected. the debuff would be -30% move speed in the aoe.


                                                                                            The coach thing would be broken, if coach is much better then the student (which should be in the normal use of that feature)


                                                                                              Nerf gold on towers, so snowball can be harder a bit.

                                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                                humdinger, tinker is the hero i focus the most to get good, still i will never get the same stats with tinker than other heroes ( 70 % winrate )

                                                                                                You know why ? cause the other heroes i play they all snowball harder and they all are better 1 vs 5 heroes ( Slark, TA, Necro, OD, Ember )

                                                                                                If i fucked up ONCE with tinker i probably lost the game, i am so bad with templar that i fail a lot of melds, still easier to win with templar than with tinker.

                                                                                                So please dont use that argument of " you can only get those stats with a broken hero like tinker "


                                                                                                  with regards to Matt's tinker, 59% wr isn't that impressive, I have considerably higher on my jugger and luna, and higher on a few others, the KDA just indicates to me that he only fights when he's ready, probably the same reason he's not higher than 59% wr too. But i agree, the hero is hard as balls to play well, so respect to him for that

                                                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                                    Tinker 5/6 slot item is the same every game.

                                                                                                    Tinker the whole hero is basically rhythm memorization.

                                                                                                    I don't see how any considers this hero hard it's probably the easiest hero to practice against bots since the big difference between bot and human competition is just the rotation ganks.


                                                                                                      I think an interesting meta would be to add a mechanic that increases % magic damage of spells based on INT and increased magic resistence based on level instead of base 25% (but also nerf all magic spells early on)

                                                                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                                                                        ^as much as I would love that it would need a whole rehaul.