General Discussion

General DiscussionName your top 3 most dynamic heroes? and why?

Name your top 3 most dynamic heroes? and why? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    1. Rasta - Disables, Hero Damage and Tower Damage in wards.
    2. Invoker - Multi Role potential in good hands.
    3. Tiny - Mas stuns, AOEs, DPS potential.

    Hafla Enjoyer

      windrunner - very disable and nukerino or very deeps


        ta tinker invoker
        because i fuck shit up with them

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          1. Veno -Can play gank or wards style. Can transition to semi-carry if it goes south. Open build from force staff to sceptor to shadowblade.
          2. Mirana - Support hero that can make or break games. Also can transition to late game carry.
          3. Wraith King - Supporter/semi-carry who dies in mid-battle actually helps team.
          4. Warlock - very under-rated hero the slow is actually VERY VERY strong in 5v5 clash.


            1. Clock - A good set of cogs will win you a team fight even if you're way behind.

            2. Tiny - Amazing carry if they let you farm, but can also contribute a ton with very little farm if you get shut down.

            3. Lifestealer - Similar to Tiny for me. Extremely scary if they let you farm, but if you don't get your farm it isn't the end of the world. Also rewards quick reflexes and good timing with Rage.


              dynamic are more like timber, earth spirit, slark thats what dynamic means i think.

              Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

                Earthshaker-cause he iz da baws

                Sugar Show

                  1.Nature's Prophet - Ulti and dagon helps team to secure kills
                  2.Shadow Shaman - Good mid/ganker/initiator hero if you know how to play him.
                  3.Lich - Good for control offlane helping other teamplayer to farm.


                    1. Meepo, a good blink-net-poof is game breaking. Once you have BoTs tje whole map is yours, most insane slow in the game. Adds even more awesomeness if there is a Tinker or Nature's

                    2. Axe, just won a game because of him. Insane call, that ult! We where losing, but a quick halberd and some calls and we turned that game around

                    3. Sven, This hero is my balls deep hero. Yolo, and get that rampage! Can catch up quickly with his cleave.


                      1.Invoker-Fits in amost every lineup.
                      2.Nature's Prophet-Rat is good in almost every game. Plus he can do many things in pro games.
                      3.Doom-Ez win. Press R and click the most important target. Ez.