General Discussion

General Discussionhelp with games

help with games in General Discussion

    advice on individual playstyle to win games in low 5k? would really appreciate it

    King of Low Prio

      'individual playstyle to win games'

      fix that


        Well , you got there legit man, you got to low 5k legit right? You should know how to win. Come on buddy, you can do it.


            wow, tinker and faceless, what a dick


              I can help you with 5k support not your cancerous picks. Even though I play void hardlane from time to time.




                  anyways, i msged miseryy from reddit and he said this:

                  "to get to 5400/5500 you have to do everything yourself"

                  that's it


                    Aggressive zone out for lane support, and rotation for roaming support are the keys to victory as support. Mastering of consumables is necessary for every role not just support.


                        i think i remember a smurf player who i talked with a while ago when i happened to be smurfing as well

                        is this your former account?

               (also played a shit ton of tinker + void)


                          i know this sounds hypocritical as fuck, but when i was smurfing i thought it was great because i could play at a higher MMR but after dropping i decided to go back to my main and the two MMR values converged, showing MM does work pretty well

                          nowadays i'm actually anti-smurf cuz i always get these awful players who smurfed to 4.5-4.9k and their real skill level is more like 4.1-4.3k and they just suck ass/feed all game long while picking cores, but i'll make exceptions for people i know since i'm relatively sure they could get to their "smurf" MMRs if they just played more games on their main

                          but yea i would advise picking non-cancer heroes just cuz the next patch is going to nerf those heroes to trash (hopefully)


                              yea if u play 150+ games and stay at 50% win rate or higher then you deserve the MMR

                              for me it's not really an issue since i went back on my main and raised it to 5k+, i think it was actually pretty rewarding cuz I played heroes I normally don't touch and bypassed the 4800 wall

                              (by the way the 4800-5000 bracket is filled with a bunch of autistic retards/boosted + account buying trash, i suspect this is where most of the accounts get sold so you get these people who are completely braindead and have 0 idea how to play their heroes)

                              6000 accounts are rare and super expensive, 5000 accounts are like $35-50 (affordable for most people) so no surprise there

                              thankfully i haven't run into them recently as i haven't played much solo ranked but that was truly an awful experience at times, thankfully lord gaben puts those same retards on the other team so i managed to climb LOL

                                King of Low Prio

                                  wtf is wrong with people 50$ for a account......I am playing my alt while this account is muted and it takes a TON of time to level it up......
