General Discussion

General DiscussionBut Matchmaking it's fair!

But Matchmaking it's fair! in General Discussion

    Got matched with a dude with 200 hours.

    "But matchmaking work on the mmr!" There is no way you can't put a 200 hours dude with people 1000+ hours, even it's a fucking smurf or a dude who get lucky get carried everygame since 1k mmr.


      i have 2,6k hours and i get matched with 50/100 hrs smurfs so yes it is possible. Stop blaming teammates and get better


        im a 350 hours dude and im better than u, wanna bet?


          italiano, mamma mia, muccio bella cappuccino.


            Smurfs who even play bad, for the love of god. Isn't possible.


              ^Make a smurf, and play with better players, since this is what every other player seems to be doing.


                no plz don't, i get these smurfs with 4.5k rating in my games, and they're the ones who insist on going mid (even though their real skill level is like 4.1k so they'll absolutely get destroyed)

                FACT is there is a difference between 5.1k players and 4.8k players, something like 4.1k vs 5.0k mid = team with 4.1k mid gets wrecked

                one thing i'll never understand is why all the shittiest players in solo mm in US servers insist on going mid

                "i'm stuck at 4.5k beause my team is bad so i have to go mid"

                if there's one thing i hate swiftending's experiment for, it's the idea that "if u pick a core you'll go up in mmr"...and then all these delusional fucks start picking mids/carries and suck with them

                Hex Sigma

                  @all these delusional fucks start picking mids/carries and suck with them

                  thats why i dont play carry. Rather than dragging the team down i would prefer playing a boring hero like dark seer.

                  King of Low Prio

                    I usually just go mid/offlane because I hate farming (cept on drow :D) and I can get away with being a killing machine. Obviously you still have to farm when you are mid but less than if you are a safe lane carry

                    Quick maffs

                      Well i like to go mid

                      and spamming TA,Ember and Necro i have like 70 % winrate in ranked this month

                      King of Low Prio

                        ^ just group with mildly retarded friends

                        Quick maffs

                          In solo too


                            I mean if the game is like all 4200-4400 vs 4200-4400 MMR, then who the fuck cares which player goes mid, but if I queue late at night then the MMR gap is huge (700-1000+) and I always sigh when someone randoms a storm spirit and goes mid with no idea how to play that hero (dies at level 2/3, no farm whatsoever, tries to "gank" while being underlevelled). And if that player is a smurf then I know he likely tried to abuse calibration to get higher MMR which is even worse ROFL.

                            Even though I go even against 5000-5300~ MMR players mid (50/50 except for TA, in which case I win like 75% of the time cuz TA is just a good hero to go mid with), I don't even think I'm a good mid player. But these people have an unwarranted level of hubris AND have no skills to back it up either, which is infuriating.

                            The higher MM I climb, the more mistakes I see myself make (missing out on some easy cs, missing out on harassment opportunities that can potentially set me up for a kill 30 seconds later, etc.), which is the equivalent of the reverse Dunning-Kruger effect, while these people I just described are fucking delusional as hell. It also doesn't help that I get 60 ping to US West, which makes for an enjoyable gaming experience, but the MMR gap is larger than US East (which is where you get Peruvians who random core heroes and just suck in general and NADOTA people who use all-chat throughout the match).

                            But I'm not interested in choosing my poison so I just queue both servers.


                            Well seeing as you are in the high 2k range your games are going to have minimal mmr differences 95% of the time. You should practice heroes you enjoy playing, and then from those pick the ones that have the most impact, and use them in RMM. There is nothing wrong with picking core heroes.


                              Also anyone who plays the "but i've been playing for [x] years/hours/[time unit]" card needs to be shot by firing squad

                              Most dota 1 "pros" from 2007 or before are like sub 4500 mmr (i.e. complete trash at this game, the only thing worse about them is their inflated egos) and then you have the people who started playing dota 2 in 2011 and have 6k MMR. i know this for a fact because several months ago, a narcissist from the old dota 1 days (when the professional scene was fledgling) came back to play dota 2, acted all high and mighty, and he was calibrated at 3800 MMR ROFL. fucking scrub.

                              The first dota clan I ever joined back in 2010 are like all 4.5k~ even though they've been playing for like 8 years or more (and I destroyed their stack in a solo queue pub like 4 months ago)

                              how people like you have the audacity to talk is beyond me. furthermore it's amazing how you can't draw the conclusion that time played =/= skill acquired, there are retards with 7000+ games of dota 2 and sitting at 3k or 4k

                              so shut the fuck up retard


                                  I've been playing since the end of TI2 (more or less 2 years on the dot) and I'm currently 5k. I still feel I have a lot to learn though.