General Discussion

General DiscussionThose poor Ponies

Those poor Ponies in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    these are young under aged ponies that cant consent to being violated by these bronies


      @Soul Eater
      Here. I know you'll love it. ^_^

      Sampson, that wasn't directed to you, actually. I already said, that you don't really want to actually learn something. About clopper stuff, how can I say it... I don't like it myself, but you can't say it's something new or unique. Gadget Hackwrench were here for ages.

      By the way, Sampson, headcanon is - the most of these ponies are in their twenties.

      King of Low Prio

        you keep telling yourself that, these bronies are just lucky animal cruelty laws have not caught up with technology because what these bronies do to these poor animals is just disgusting

        Hex Sigma

          Lol i guess they abduct those little girls(in their vans) with furry and colourfull ponies. And people wonder why some of them don't get employed.

          EDIT: @sampson bestiality? holy shit so it's more than i thought. It's amazing how low a human being can fall.

          King of Low Prio

            they need to send these people to some kind of treatment clinic, I really think epsik thinks his bestiality urges are normal just because he has a cult of people as disturbed as him


              Ah, wait, I have to do something.

              Keep this wild fantasies going, Sampson - I like this direction.

              King of Low Prio


                watch that video I linked he was talking about 'clopping' he said all bronies do it in which they all jerk off to ponies and bust their load into each others fedora

                King of Low Prio

                  and I guarantee Epsik owns at least two Fedoras


                    So, you bring up fedora now? Art thou ready to step into such dangerous ground, m'lord?

                    Hex Sigma

                      @samp you're right i forgot that humans want to hump everything they like. It's like a primal urge.

                      King of Low Prio

                        I like dogs but I have never had the urge to have sex with one, Bronies are different in the way that their brain does not function the same way a normal human would and they think having sex with animals is normal


                          Ha, ain't that funny. You're trying to insult me by doing a non sensical crossover.

                          Sorry Eps, but unless you were at the takeover for the Soul Eater fandom, you're not gonna phase me.

                          Also, Timid /=/ Shy. I consider the ponies to be not at fault for what bronies do, but the fact that you're still trying to protect them is just sad enough.

                          5 stacking be back later.

                          King of Low Prio

                            this is why you see alot of their fan art try and humanize their ponies a little bit to minimize their deviant behavior


                              Well, it's kinda hard to make a full cross-over between humans and ponies without bringing them closer to each other. Not impossible, but hard.

                              @Slow Eater
                              Huh, what else did you want? At least, I'm not insulting you directly, like you do, my dear. ^^
                              And, actually, Fluttershy is very timid and tends to snap out under the pressure.

                              Miku Plays

                                its funny how raspharus comments where sampson comments as well.... what a puppy

                                Miku Plays

                                  btw... heres something that is brony+ otaku



                                      What? Bullshit, I've seen fanart of ponies crossing over all the time and making them look human.

                                      Retired and one of his cleaner works but still. It's not that hard.


                                        You don't want to know what I've seen. Even I don't want to know it.
                                        Back on the topic, I said: "it's hard to make a full cross-over between humans and ponies [u]without[/u] bringing them closer to each other"

                                        BTW, pure sisters' love.


                                          I probably seen more than you have seen.

                                          I can name the big five cloppers off the back of my hand.

                                          Tiarawhy (Has MLP Child Porn, AKA, "Milf Quest")
                                          Mitsies (Whole lot of shit)
                                          Fatelogic (MSA I & II)
                                          Pokehidden (my polar opposite)
                                          SWFpony (Shit ton of SWF porn, now retired)

                                          Don't even begin on my list of purification.

                                          Hex Sigma

                                            @hatsune by your logic everyone who shares an opinion with another person is a puppy. Well played what can i say

                                            Primordial Soup

                                              I'll be your puppy, Raspharus. ;)


                                                Wtf is this thread. You don't need to openly defend your sexual deviancy that you know the majority is going to find sickening and weird without reproach... Also kinda offtopic but whats new.


                                                  Oh you know, bronies trying to take over Dota 2 with their clop porn and "pro team"



                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      SORRY but

                                                      " "Friendship is magic? Love is magic? what the fricking frick. The show is for little girls. Imagine a grown ass man talking about magical frienships. Makes me wanna punch babies. "

                                                      How can someone say this, and at the same time like anime ? @SoulEater @Raspharus you guys realize that anime had some time ago the same kind of hate as this pony stuff has today.

                                                      "Oh you know, bronies trying to take over Dota 2 with their clop porn and "pro team" "

                                                      Oh you know this otakus trying to take over Dota 2 with their hentai porn.

                                                      The same way you guys are juding this guy for liking this shit is how the rest of the world judged you before for liking anime. By the way 99 % of anime is over-sexualized shit anyway.

                                                      Cartoon elitists ..... rolf


                                                        "you know just hang out and talk about ponies"
                                                        the fact that a grown man can say is fucking unreal rofl

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          Yeah i agree Allison, what i dont understand is how could someone say " you know just hang out and talk about anime "

                                                          For someone who doesnt like neither of this things, its the same :/

                                                          Miku Plays


                                                            its the hate bandwagon... its a chemical reaction


                                                              So... what's your problem? Are they hurting anyone? Why you have to make a thread on a dota forum specifically targeting one social group for hate? Are you Hitler?


                                                                GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, privet putin ;)))


                                                                  Чмоки, милашка.

                                                                  kanye went to uni


                                                                    fucking dota players theyre probably all fat and retarded too what fags

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      By the way can someone tell me what the fuck is a fedora ?


                                                                        Hex Sigma

                                                                          ^ a kind of hat that people wore in the 50's. Mafia guys and shit.

                                                                          And regarding anime and myself, for what i know i only watched 2 anime series completely. Just because i like an anime char doesn't mean i watch a lot of anime(only watched naruto and attack on titan). For what i know otakus are people genuenly obsessed with anime and the japanese culture overall. But if it bothers you that much i'll change my pic.

                                                                          Also unlike mlp anime also has gore/mature themes/deaths etc. And regarding the sexualizing i completely agree with you, and tbh i'm also against this characteristic of anime.

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            It doesnt bother me, it does however bother me that you dare to judge people who watchs X cartoons because is different from the cartoon you watched.


                                                                              @dorkleey, the detective hat, srsly

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                Oh so that its a fedora .... and why does people use that as an insult ?


                                                                                  'cause they seem to be popular among geeks for no apparent reason.

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    Well i think they look really fucking ugly but i guess if some people like it whatever ........

                                                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                                                      @dorkly cause of this

                                                                                      in my country fedoras are worn by old people only lol

                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        What ... the ..... fuck .....


                                                                                          The ending was epic!


                                                                                            This thread is turning towards a turn to the worst.

                                                                                            EVERYBODY RUN!

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              This thread needs wave to be even more epic


                                                                                                omg don't let this thread die pls, we need to go deeper


                                                                                                  you guys could be looking at naked leaked pictures of many celebrities that were just released, including yvonne strahovski and jennifer lawrence.

                                                                                                  Instead you are doing this.


                                                                                                    I actually like this cartoon...

                                                                                                    Quick maffs


                                                                                                      Wait it wasnt only kate upton ?

                                                                                                      Ok going to do some research
