General Discussion

General Discussiontechies counter

techies counter in General Discussion

    Not sure if I'm letting yhevcat out of the bag here but does nyx spiked carapace reflect those mines? Like you figure there are mines at rune spots so you carapace Then walk over said spot?


      When activated, Spiked Carapace reflects and negates damage dealt to Nyx Assassin (max once from each source)

      Nope it won't work.

      Be a ranged support and buy gem/dust/sentries.

      Miku Plays

        why wont it work? im pretty sure multiple heroes who attack nyx gets mini stunned....


          He means that it will only stop one mine, not serval Miku

          Hex Sigma

            What about blademail?

            Miku Plays

              Youll die too though... Unless your dazzle


                the obvious counter is zeus... as his bolt gives true sight.... but honestly Techies isnt worth countering lol hes trash hero will only be crazy in 3000-0 mmr :D


                  good techs will do fine in higher mmr range too.
                  but again, you shouldnt worry about the good ones. you will lose more because of a bad tech in your team than a good tech in the other


                    u play ta vs that shit


                      Techies is a trashcan of a hero. Not only it's countered by buying gem or sentries but also regular wards. Mark my words - this hero will ruin games he is in even more than pudge or afk-cliff furion.


                        No nyx spikes will just stun the source of the damage. Blade mail will do the trick... better yet blade mail and a gem on Abbadon and techies becomes shitty useless walking food for ur team.

                        Spinach Rag

                          Anyone with a summon ability can make their summons walk and basically scan the field for Q mines, I guess. Broodlings, Treants, Eidolons, etc.? I guess you can use L3 Necros for the R mines. =/


                            Techies is good in early mid and late game. Early he just puts mines to kill/defend/push the enemy. Late he does his job putting mines at secret shop or at own tower to defend pushes. If any techies would be late just feeding he completely doesn't have no idea how to play him . Also u can use the ultimate as some kind of observer ward putting it at regular ward places. And against people who have gems and stuff u buy a forcesttaff so u can force them in to ur mines when they try to attack them...


                              ^lol thats all i have to say


                                Brood seems quite good to be honest. Both kind of spiders last 60 seconds and have 350 ms so you can send couple(or a dozen) of them to scout by just giving each of them different routes through some common mine spots by shift-queue


                                  ^not a bad idea i guess but then u still have to play brood mother lol so ur fucked anyways


                                    Countering Techies is like playing Minesweeper. Don't.

                                    Jorges Sanz

                                      Lycan wolves are a better counter with their mobility, magic resistance , scouting etc... if i recall unless the mines/remotes are composite.

                                      Not sure why everyone is bitching about gem/sentries being a hard counter to techies. Its not even as bad as in D1 where the gem costs only 700g with no cool-down. Stacking mines/remotes/stasis isn't the only way to play techies.

                                      ICE SKULL

                                        i dont remember but did the traps from ta trigger the bombs in dota 1

                                        bum farto

                                          @wave no they didn't


                                          > You can trigger mines with summoned units, so heroes like Chen, Enchantress, Lycan
                                          > Pick Zeus as an offlaner and utilize him to deward
                                          > Pick a beast hero with Blademail and just kill him by purposefully walking over mines
                                          > Buy sentries

                                          Some notes from memory of playing techies a lot in Dota1

                                          > Sometimes it's better to quick place mines then try and build traps as people will know
                                          > Mines damage towers when placed near the base
                                          > Mines near runes, secret/side shop, and along the lane entrances from the jungle yield the most kills
                                          > Be in lanes they're pushing, people are scared shitless off mines and you can either play mined games (winning pun) to scare them or use ult and statis traps to slow push.

                                          I remember a time when Visage familiars used to trigger mines but were immune to them, also remember (if its the same) that mine damage is composite much like march so better to chose your pathing carefully and don't rely solely on BKB's and Pipe to save you.

                                 if you get killed by techies you probably deserved it.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            How do you counter a techies that is in your team ?


                                              ^ Pick Venge, swap people into his stupid mines which nobody's stepping on.

                                              bum farto

                                                Venge, Pudge, Tiny, Enigma, Magnus are good friends.

                                                Forcestaff, Blink, Euls are also your friends


                                                  Well, Pudge and Magnus require skilled teammates controlling them to make it worthwhile and Tiny requires either an additional disable or an investment in a Blink Dagger to Toss people into mines. Venge is the most braindead solution.

                                                  bum farto

                                                    Toss techies into suicide?


                                                      Ah yeah, I remember that thing. FIRE IN THE HOLE! But with an initial cd of 180 secs to 150 secs when maxed, you can't really abuse it.


                                                        Any one who can go straight for necro 3 counters him super hard, he will still be a pain in the ass for the first 15 minutes, but once you have it his mines don't do anything. lycan or beast master might be good choices since you can use the summons to scout for mines early on, you can also just follow techies with the hawk/wolves once they are invisible to see where techies is placing mines.

                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          lycan is pretty sweet against techies

                                                          lets estimate the time for the techies hype to die, i give it 2 weeks after release

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            I will say one week

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              ( At least i hope so )

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                By the way is matrice going to be right ? is there going to be some super high rated guy playing techies like a god ? It would be nice to see some really good player get really good with techies.

                                                                Spinach Rag

                                                                  I guess Dazzle can counter him too, but he needs Blademail and Gem. If he finds a stack of Qs, he can shallow grave himself, activate Blademail, then walk on the stack. Who's trolling who again? =/


                                                                    counter techies?
                                                                    i wish i could prevent them from being on my team thats it

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      By the other hand, i roam a lot with my heroes and i never counter pick so i am pretty sure i am going to die a couple of times against this hero.

                                                                      Arek Akashi

                                                                        retarded topic


                                                                          There are really good benefits to having a techie on your team.
                                                                          - Can easily get first kill via suicide or a good mine trap set up early.
                                                                          -Early suicide can help your carry snowball or easily win lane.
                                                                          -Has one of the best AOE stuns in the game, which about 80% of techie players take for granted. His 5 sec AOE stun is massive, lvl that up, do not ignore its use
                                                                          -Can defend towers and base very well. Sure wards and gem can demolish but that will buy u time for team to show up, defend or rez.
                                                                          -He can really help with Rat dota.

                                                                          The trick to Techies is to NOT!!! sit in one spot and just mine it, but insted mine many spots, along the lane and watch as the enemy hero with low health goes back to heal and run into your ult and blow him up.

                                                                          Techies is really good in good hands, and a gem won't help. Making the enemy team having to Stop chasing to take out a Statis trap can help your team BACK out very well.

                                                                          Techies is very good early game, its the techies that just camp and mine one spot that are no good.
                                                                          Techies has very good lane support, use it

                                                                          **edited to add

                                                                          During team fights, move in and drop a statis trap. A gem or wards will not help the enemy team, usually they will trip the statis trap and ur team has 3-4-5 sec AOE stun.. its massive. PEOPLE NEED TO DO THIS


                                                                            ^ how techies is supposed to be played

                                                                            how techies will really be played:

                                                                            - suicide into the enemy
                                                                            "STUPID TEAM FUCK YOU GUYS IM AFK BASE"

                                                                            Spinach Rag

                                                                              If a Techies is in your team I guess you can just use Magnus to RP, then skewer into the mines or stasis traps. Venge, Tiny, Bat, and Pudge work. Naga's Song, Tusk's Snowball, and Treant's OG can help set him up too. =/


                                                                                Nyx is not a counter since it only reflects one damage source (eg. 1 land mine but not the rest).

                                                                                Dazzle is a legit counter since if you activate blademail with shallow grave at 1 hp, you still return the FULL damage taken (due to shallow grave mechanics being a pre-heal instead of blocking damage).

                                                                                As for Abaddon I'm not too sure. Borrowed time is supposed to trigger when you're below 400 hp so unless you are able to wipe out his remaining life in one attack (eg. 500 damage after reduction while he has 450 hp) his ultimate will trigger and save him.
                                                                                When Abaddon walks into like 5-6 land mines that trigger together simultaneously, does it kill him or does he stay alive because the first land mine dropped him below 400 hp (but not killing him) although the land mines all exploded at the same time?


                                                                                  No it won't kill him. Mines he bursts while borrow time is activated will heal him. Try dropping a statis trap with those mines and watch as he panicks because of the follow up.. another great time to have a Ult mine down the lane to finish im as he runs back.!!!!


                                                                                    pick lone druid, and put energy booster and blademail on your bear


                                                                                      Nyx is a good counter, however a good Techies will always drop a stasis ward behind himself to prevent them ganks.

                                                                                      I'm really emphasizing on statsis trap because it is so good, yet hardly seen.

                                                                                      during the TI4 Allstar match, I was yelling for RTZ to lvl up atleast 1 lvl in stasis trap, would of made the difference!!


                                                                                        ^ him building mana instead of a midas might have helped too.

                                                                                        Can techies set up a 12 second unavoidable stun with euls or is that just a lie people tell to scare their children into eating their veggies?


                                                                                          Theoretically yes. the initial stasis trap, euls, another stasis trap. Will this accomplish much?, maybe, gets you time to drop an ult mine or buys time for tag team or gives you time to get the hell out of dodge!. Sorta like the Lina euls stun, altho lina has huge follow up.

                                                                                          Eul's is very good on techies.


                                                                                            Mines deal composite, not universal (Saw someone compare it to Tink march, they're pretty different).

                                                                                            A question for people who are not too lazy to check this: How does Ghost Scepter work against mines?

                                                                                            Other forms of composite damage, such as acid spray and wild axes, deal no damage to ethereal enemies. Wondering if there is some exception made for land mines?


                                                                                              5 years ago, I liked using Blademail on Abaddon. It was funny to see Techies die across the screen.


                                                                                                illusion heroes.


                                                                                                  morph is the best without having any gimped builds


                                                                                                      Techies is already in dota 1 cm...

                                                                                                      wtf are you talking about
