General Discussion

General DiscussionPSA: Techies is not the damage source for land Mines and remote mines

PSA: Techies is not the damage source for land Mines and remote mines in General Discussion

    in other words, blademail wont affect him.

    Also, illusions and minions destroy his mines... So pick NP offlane or PL safe lane and take out all his mines.

    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

      Thanks for the heads up. Sounds reasonable as well but disappointing.


        Then this is a bug, cause it is supposed to be that way fyi


          I didnt play dota 1 but from what I know it differs from dota 2 in some aspects so it might be intended it doesnt damage him.


            was an intended fix in dota 2, it worked in the test client but they deliberately removed it


              how about chen/ench/hotd controlled creeps and visage birds/bm hawk? do those trigger land mines?

              bum farto

                @Kaisle Yes.

                Also yes, confirmed that BM doesn't work and I was going to make a post about this cause as far as I remember that was one of the counters was to shallow grave, tank up, and go BM land mines or bait massive barrel clumps with WK or aegis.

                This game I started noticing it was not working :(