General Discussion

General Discussion[Question] Phantom Assasin

[Question] Phantom Assasin in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Should Phantom Assasin better off farming or going around the map looking for kills when she hits lvl 6?
    what i mean by going around the map is PA having TP at all times to tp in for teamfights.


    item choice:
    ring of basillius/Phase Boots/Drums


      About carrying a tp, and join team fights, all heroes need to do that, drums only if u not too tanky, or if u think the extra movement speed is essential


        She can be played as a farmer or as a more mid game oriented carry, depends on lineups. If first, bfury into bkb into basher/abyssal/satanic. If second, RoB/RoA into drums into maelstrom, then bkb and then whatever.
        IMO PT > PB on her most of the times, unless you really need the speed boost.


          She's actually really good in early fights as long as you join the fights after enemy spells have been used, like you should do with any carry.


            just fight early all the way, she can fight early more or less independent of item builds (please fucking get blur over blink strike early)

            even if youre going bfury fighting with something like treads/roa/perseverance is still pretty effective

            only resort to trying to dodge fights + farm if you're really too behind and enemy team keeps five-manning plus you have no BKB, or you have mjoll/bfury mid-late and your team cant take a head on clash (e.g. they have doom + teamfight ultimates)


              Item build:

              Skill build:


                Really depends on your lane.

                Team leaves you 2v1 or 1v1 vs Timbersaw? No way in hell you're going to "fight early," might as well find an opening to jungle and gank mid if possible (4 second slow should definitely be a free kill assuming your mid isn't brain dead).

                I assume SWM, Tinker, and Void will be getting the nerf hammer next patch so PA will be even more viable, which is great. It's an underrated hero with lots of solo kill potential.

                Mask of madness makes you a fragile glass cannon, though it also speeds up your farm. The 200 bonus attack speed provided with the active (including blink strike) means you're almost guaranteed to crit.


                  Phase/Vlads is a terrible build. Actually I don't even think Phase should be gotten on PA at all since she needs the IAS to proc the crits more reliably. It's arguably worse than battlefury based builds, which are already dubious in many instances (which lets you farm your next items faster).


                    Well what i like with vlads is
                    For next item you can get : medallion if heavy teamfight or Deso if you can farm it
                    With vlads and Deso/Medallion you can rosh at lv 11 :laugh:
                    After that if mass disabler -> BKB, if not just basher.


                      Since I have an extra 3 minutes to kill, let me answer your question more in depth.

                      "Should you be farming or ganking?" applies to almost every hero. Yes, even a player on Crystal Maiden should be asking that question. If you're forced onto a solo support position with something like legion jungle, antimage safe, storm spirit mid, and broodmother offlane, there's absolutely no way in hell you're going to get kills by roaming until storm spirit hits 6. At best you will chip off 150 hp from the offlaner via bite or nova + a few autos, and even then you won't trade hits with a good offlane hero successfully. What will more likely happen is that you'll just be massacred once your spells are on CD and you'll be flamed by your teammates.

                      Likewise, if I am playing Void against Dark Seer and Seer is allowed to get free levels, my mask of madness will be delayed (I can stay in lane if I get a ROH or port salves), but that will also mean the tower will slowly be whittled down by incoming creep waves. That means carrying a TP scroll and helping out another lane might be worth a shot, because after all, Seer will win the lane regardless, and you never know what is going to happen to your offlane (more than likely he will just feed/lose the lane). Of course if such an opportunity never arises, you might as well tank the creeps and delay tower damage since that is the least worst option, but in the end you're not going to win the lane without major help.

                      @ above

                      Vlads is a terrible item on PA since the DPS/gold boost is miniscule and PA doesn't need the armor (she has 50% evasion at level 10). She needs HP and the ability to proc crits more reliably, since that is a major source of damage.


                        ^When pa builds vladimir FIRST ITEM, i break my fist over something then i report him and flame him all game.
                        if we win i write in all chat : YOU LOST TO PA WITH VLADIMIR FIRST ITEM LOSERS.


                          also medallions awful i think only the actives useful


                            why are u linking this


                              what an awful skillbuild too


                                I guess it reach the conclusion that it depends on the player.
                                A player like dea1h probably don't have to give a shit about those things.
                                So MoM is better i guess.

                                kanye went to uni

                                  i go basi/phase/drum/vlad/deso almost every game of pa nowadays lol ... vlad rush doesn't give you enough hp to fight early i think but it is good both for lifesteal with deso and the fact that you farmed up two auras (with drum) and can help teamfight earlier. i rarely go mid pa though, maybe that's different.

                                  also, mask of madness is more legit than you might think on pa; if the opposing team are low on nukers then your evasion more than makes up for the extra damage taken as long as you're careful. i just never had the balls to build that way because i overextend too much already :p


                                    mom+heart = gg wp

                                    kanye went to uni

                                      also if people wanted to try some sort of hipster build on pa or something skadi rush might be kinda funny? i mean it's probably terrible but you get about as much tank as a heart plus ... well, only a little more damage, but you can slow the guy you're hitting and dagger someone else ... idk just some dumbshit theorycrafting here, don't mind me....


                                        hipster build is manta diffusal

                                        kanye went to uni

                                          omg you could do that WITH skadi rush and your illusions would be tanky as hell ... this is some ti5 meta-breaking shit right here


                                            Diffusal and Skadi won't work together...

                                            kanye went to uni

                                              all you have to do is drop the skadi when you get diffusal to make sure diffusal's the one that procs

                                              i AM kidding btw, just to be clear

                                              Miku Plays

                                                i go RoB>Phase>Drums>Basher>BKB>Dominator >either butterfly / AC / Satanic


                                                  phase>vladimir>desolator>3daedalus > retard build 2014

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