General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp With Shadow Fiend

Help With Shadow Fiend in General Discussion

    just played this game, did I have the right items? What are good items for Sf. I felt that I was a bit squishy.
    What items are good when you have the farm?


      skadi+satanic when you rly need hp (not against naix tho)
      shadowblade or dagger (dagger if you have a good initiator)
      rest is fine i think.
      i used to be best shadow fiend EU.


        keep talking scrub^


          v-god no mercy


            wanna 1 v 1 me bro?
            after that you can call me S-God.


              I had a Sb to begin with but sold it to make space for butterfly, I think I will get skadi rather than deso next time.

              Played SF safe lane with my brother supporting as KoTL. How good is SF as a safelane carry?


                I think he really needs some early levels for razes damage and for his passive.
                And also i think he is really easy to kill in a 2v2 scenario and easy to gank with a good rotation.
                So he would be alot weaker lane imo.

                Quick maffs

                  Why did naix have hood ?


                    @ Violet Sky
                    Luckily I was against a solo Beast Master, so I had my brother stack some camps and pull. he wasn't in the lane much.
                    Also I got a Midas so that helped with the levels and an early kill with a raze, nice having a kotl to giff you mana :P

                    # Dorkly
                    I think Naix got a hood because in the beginning/mid of the game, I would shadow blade up, ult and raze. He died a few times early game to that.


                      Can you guys suggest any good guide/videos to watch, when I search on youtube I get a whole bunch of Purge videos/


                        searchi dendi or rtz videos on youtube.
                        besides highlits there are a lot of full matches, some with commentary.

                        Quick maffs


                          Just search some good player stream, search a vod and watch it