General Discussion

General DiscussionGot muted because of foreign kids

Got muted because of foreign kids in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines

    Okay, may I ask WHY these foreign players come in US East/West and report us english speakers?


      For reasons.


        Are you saying that cursing and acting mentally unstable to people that doesn't talk english/doesn't talk english well shouldn't be punished?

        The system is working wonders, and does mute unstable players.
        I've been muted far over 50 times, and all those were well deserved.

        It's a long time since I got muted now.

        Tiny Airlines

          You don't understand - they're supposed to be playing in THEIR servers, not english servers.

          ham strokers ejacula

            Their servers are sometimes less playable that that of US east


              You dont get muted because they changed the system. I used to be muted for like over a week at some point (it was like 1 day mute, unmuted, 3 day mute, unmuted, 7 days mute) and one of the last mutes werent deserved at all. Someone was flaming so I wanted to defend one guy and then... I got reported by that flaming guy and I actually got muted - fuck this shit man


                  Yes, they are supposed to be playing on their servers...but that doesn't give you the right to take your aneurysm out on them.


                    Quoting Dragonfist

                    "My team is noob" (a classic, generally said by people whose english is their 7th language and are of ages 11-14 mentally)

                    "Peruvians should all be nuked!" (the white supremacist, usually a guy who favors the use of voice chat ingame to call out the most insignificant actions he will partake in)

                    "this guy is level 32 and im lvl 55 more battle point BOOSTERS! why is he in my game???? " (despite popular belief the person typing this is actually a human)

                    me, government hooker

                      Are you saying that cursing and acting mentally unstable to people that doesn't talk english/doesn't talk english well shouldn't be punished?

                      The system is working wonders, and does mute unstable players.
                      I've been muted far over 50 times, and all those were well deserved.

                      It's a long time since I got muted now.

                      one and half gun


                        u know, u play better when u mute ur team and urself

                        just use fucking chat commands


                          I've never gotten muted ~


                            I agree with Wave. I was muted for like two months (one 1-week mute after the other and so on) and climbed like 1k mmr, got unmuted friday and i've lost 17/22 matches ROFL.

                            Edit: Just got muted again. Yay?

                            dota playerツ

                              tfw ganged up in own server by foreigners. Spam "Well Played" everytime they say something.