General Discussion

General DiscussionFuck you Volvo

Fuck you Volvo in General Discussion
me, government hooker

    1. New Ethereal Blade is pansy as shit.
    2. New map dire offlane forest is retarded as fuck. Seriously no one walks through that shit
    3. Longer games due to "new meta" ZZZZZ waste more time
    4. Fucking retarded bounty system, is this League?
    5. The hell is crimson gaurd - retarded
    6. Bounty rune is retarded, what is this shit

    me, government hooker

      New meta: bloodcyka dagon 5
      Brood 522 ms dagon 5 speedy invisible fgt

      game is bad

        Tinker 17 88.24% 8.29

        I can see where all the rage comes from.

        waku waku

          nice broodmother dodging


            at least keep the fuckin eblade as it was... dont change it.. our fingers are fast enough to eb-dagon.. now i need to wait 1 sec for the e-ball to reach target and then dagon.. fuck fuck fuck volvo give back our old eblade + old sound

            waku waku

              lol tryhards crying how they can't instakill someone before they can react anymore
              you might as well go play pudge instead at least then you'll look cool


                MY APM GOES DOWN DUE TO DIS.^
                you can play pudge on ur level.. but nah... i prefer having 300+ apm

                sleep is for the weak

                waku waku

                  i'm actually pretty bad most of the time as pudge, i think, and only play him because i'm a moron
                  also i need 8 hours of sleep or else i'm very weak during day


                    tbh pudge is situational pick.. u can be so useless in teamfights but also u can hook - ulty enemy team most dangerous hero and kill it with ur teams help then u can end game... its all about timing.. thats why i dont trust pudge . hes not a safepick.. only a fun pick who can really snowball all game if gets a fresh start. 8hrs of sleep is fine.. more or less will get u tired as fuck..


                      Oh no tinker picker QQing? What a surprise!!


                        lets call it " EB-dagon User " :D

                        Low Expectations

                          I think the money you get for ending a streak is ridiculous. Early game heros suck now cuz if the die once after 25 min there is no comming back. I died once to ES who had nothing but boots and he came out with a full fucking refresher next fight (he said he got about 4k for my streak).
                          This shit will allow 5 man cores that only rely on ending ones streak once and winning the game of it.

                          waku waku

                            yeah but it also could improve mmr with these idiots that want to get high streaks ending up making their team lose and falling down and people who try to communicate and play with team winning more


                              Shittiest patch ever .... Go die league of leabians

                                me, government hooker

                                  Why dota 2 is league of lesbians now
                                  Bloodseeker = Vladimir
                                  Void = pantheon with gay ass ult and jump from nowhere
                                  WD homo aghs ult = that spinning AP LADY ninja star ult
                                  Skykunt = ezalor
                                  Alchemist = mundo


                                    In my blood game I think the enemy BH got almost 10k gold from ending my beyond godlike and godlike streaks, wtf is this valve


                                      ^Come backs are real now. He he he. No more death ball bullshit.

                                      one and half gun

                                        you can still play tinker, instead of eblade you get bloodstone


                                          Damn, Urn is like, the best item ever now.

                                          It deals pure damage (so fuck you positive urn), it burns all of TA's Refraction charges stupidly fast, it procs Cold Snap, it breaks Blink Dagger for forever...seriously they need to change it's damage to negative regeneration.

                                          Also, even with the nerfs and bug fixes, Void is better than ever now. The patch heavily punishes getting killed while you hold a huge advantage...who better than this ass to help accomplish that?


                                            delete the shitty game and stop complain


                                              gotta start playing hex tinker again :/


                                                i rly tought it will be op, but in reality after trying it, its so fuckin fuckin shit.
                                                especially the map, the only thing ppl still didnt master in this game was juking, and they just removed all the jukes to make fuckin alleys.
                                                +league of legends pick is killing me.
                                                also bounty.
                                                and fuckin long meta, they used to patch this game to be less long and oh well
