General Discussion

General DiscussionNew PL - what did I do wrong

New PL - what did I do wrong in General Discussion
Midi Prill

    Just wondering what I did wrong in this game.

    Team always dead after teamfights so had problems pushing

    Jakiro and mirana both peruvian btw, take from that what you will


      if you have skadi in a higher priority slot your illusions actually dont get feedback, so you lost a huge amount of damage without feedback

      i can maybe see having sny instead of manta in the mid game but when you have skadi AND heart, that sange doesn't do much. you'd much rather have manta over an sny at that point.

      those are what I can say you did wrong for sure, besides that I don't know since I've not actually played the new PL. i'm not sure if you need heart seeing as you have skadi to give you HP, with the constant illusion spawning it's fine if they die fast

      Jay Ashborne

        you needed a butterfly, or MKB. The hell is this skadi shit? Sny needed to turn into manta. You dont need to carry gem.


          skadi is good on PL. well it used to be, i'm not sure how good it is now. if you're not needing the regen of heart, it gives HP as well as agility, and the slow meant you didn't have to use diffusal blade.

          you can position the skadi in your inventory such that your main hero gets the slow modifier but your illusions still get the feedback modifier.

          i guess with phantom rush you don't need the slow but having agility + HP in one item is still good

          Jay Ashborne

            The enemy has a butterfly and he has no evasion or true strike. I am near positive there are better items than skadi in this situation.


              then he should have replaced heart with mkb, not the skadi

              Jay Ashborne

                Sounds fine. I just think he was lacking any real damage.

                Jay Ashborne

                  He had like base 250 or something, while that TB was hitting way harder and had evasion.

                  Midi Prill

                    OK good points

                    The skadi and diffusal does work you have to drop the diffusal tho

                    I got heart because my teammates kept saying "PL Tarask" and afking in fountain

                    Actually the jakiro and mirana ended up afking in fountain anyway the last 3-4 mins but they said i was "not good leader" so i was trying to figure out what i did wrong here to piss them off lol

                    Dire Wolf

                      Butterfly would've been better too, get more agi gain for illusions. Skadi is good if your illusions need hp but PL makes them so quickly they don't need it. Skadi rocks on naga and TB because they make less illusions that last longer.

                      You basically had no way to kill TB illusions quick enough since mirana is way underfarmed and you don't have truestrike vs butterfly TB. Try and push sooner vs TB, once he has had free farm for 25 mins it's impossible vs good TB's.


                        new PL is a brawler who can push effectively after the fight is done or settled.

                        Diffusal into heart or yasha then heart seems best from what i have seen. The diffusal is now the most core thing on him since the illusions will rush and getting extra hits in.


                          "The skadi and diffusal does work you have to drop the diffusal tho"

                          no it doesnt. this rule applies to the real PL but not the illusions.

                          the uam that the real PL uses depends on whichever item has been in his inventory the longest. the illusions depend on whichever item was created first when they were spawned and that depends on which slot the item is in. items are created in this order: 123 being top row and 456 being bottom row, 1 is first and 6 is last.

                          if you don't believe me, test it out in a private match. buy diffusal first on PL and then get skadi second, but put skadi in the top right slot. by your logic the illusions should get feedback because the real PL does. if I'm correct, then the illusions will not drain mana because the skadi takes priority due to being in the top right item slot.

                          "i was trying to figure out what i did wrong here to piss them off"
                          keep playing and show them that your team can win even though its 3v5. that normally gets most griefers to keep quiet and continue playing. or just mute them. when they realise you're not getting annoyed from their afking they dont get any enjoyment from it because they're only doing it to get a reaction from you, so they'll stop.

                          Midi Prill



                                Manta and Heart aren't that great on new PL.


                                  Diffusal mandatory

                                  Early Vlad's optional

                                  SnY > Manta

                                  Skadi > Heart

                                  Optional Satanic

                                  BKB, MKB, Daedalus are situational

                                  Eblade situational finisher item


                                    You said it yourself two useless teammates........ Sure you can sometimes lift 3v5, 4v5 games but sometimes it's just too heavy to lift the feeders especially against a decent terrorblade opponent. The power of terrorblade is that he can wipe your base after team wiping. Make it a priority to take that terrorblade out. Most mistakes were strategy not really item build. I don't really like Skadi on pl. Rather get a heart+manta. Pl did lose alot of agility gain since the patch from 4.2 to 3.2.


                                      Heart offers useless sustain for a hero looking to manfight most of the time and benefits significantly from lifesteal. It is also a very defensive item on PL since it offers 0 offensive stats. Skadi gives slightly less hp, but provides almost as much benefit to illusions as a full Butterfly, as well as a BKB-piercing slow and solving mana problems on a mana-hungry hero.

                                      Manta really doesn't do much on the new PL, since he gets illusions on demand anyway unlike the old PL. Manta illusions can't really split push much either thanks to a 8 percent chance to create illusions that last 4 seconds, not even long enough to hit buildings. SnY provides more passive bonuses, and Manta's dispel can be replaced with defensive Diffusal charges anyway.

                                      at OP:

                                      Skadi and Heart both is overkill; if you really want sustain + tank get Skadi and Satanic. Alternatively get a Hex - this item practically guarantees you can burn someone's mana pool to zilch if you send all your illusions on him, making it much easier to shut down farmed cores like Bristle or TB.


                                        I think the new pl now creates very short duration illusions and needs the real pl to keep attacking and actually have a target to sustain the cancer. Definitely need a heart if you get counter picked by aoe heroes. pl needs to run out of battles and regen fast to get back in. S&Y seems to be always good on illusion heroes, gives you the initial move speed to get within charge distance. Manta is still good on pl imo, more confusion and escape. diffusal core.

                                        Midi Prill

                                          Ok thanks for chiming in zenoth. nice to have some legit advice

                                          Mainly I wanted to test out the skadi+diffusal because we were stomping, but then my teammates started afking and shit and we lost much to my dismay.

                                          Yea to smurf slayer I feel you on some games being unwinnable due to team, but it just stings that much more when you're 14-0-9 Lol.