General Discussion

General Discussion96.something something MB update

96.something something MB update in General Discussion

    On the other hand, it doesn't mean that it works if he is doing it. This particular TBD Zeus probalby didn't read the changes...


      wow that was some nice damage control from valve, it made the dotabuff devs look like angels

      maybe if they could just straight up disable zeus from being picked by tbd players it'd change everything? wh0 knows


        wouldnt fixing the algorithm make more sense

        BIG FAT DUCK

          "he doesnt mean it'll be elo hell for them, it'll be elo hell for those who struggle at 4k-4.5k such as bogidota lol"

          rofl, this just made my day

          BIG FAT DUCK

            why don't they just require everyone to play 250 unranked games in ap, cm, cd, or rd (first 10 unranked similar to calibration, next 240 games shift rating by +/- ~25 MMR as standard) and then upon completing 250 unranked games, show them their rank while unlocking ranked? I don't even understand the point of calibration. If you're a legit player you're going to have the same rating, if you're trying to abuse your way higher, then calibration just makes it easier. (and lack of calibration won't inhibit people from doing shit like planting feeders/bottle stealers/etc.)

            anyways i must be lucky since there are almost no 5k players on US West and I've never run into TBD zeus pickers on East

            ICE SKULL

              i woke up my from my nap

              did concede the backpedaling autistic fa ggot create a playdota/nadota thread already

              ICE SKULL

                im still chuckling at the "video games are drugs and illicit in nature" part

                BIG FAT DUCK

                  what goes on in people's heads when they have 3k mmr and flame the team

                  BIG FAT DUCK

                    i'm sure it's something much worse than autism but i'll leave it to wave to interpret

                    BIG FAT DUCK

                      anyways i'm about to do ancients dusa every game since it's actually viable now and i'm sure people are going to lose their lanes regardless lol


                        how is dusa ancients more viable now isnt the old one better 50% to 5 targets at level 1vs current 80% to 2 targets level 1 im genuinely curious

                        ICE SKULL

                          medusa is uselss at lvl 1 tho lol

                          ICE SKULL

                            put dat shit on the safe lane

                            ICE SKULL



                                Why are you bumping this?

                                ICE SKULL

                                  there is a good ongoing discussion? want me to spoonfeed you what day it is today as well?

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    i just met another tbd zeus oh dear :( exploit not fixed.

                                    BIG FAT DUCK

                                      LMAO jesus christ

                                      BIG FAT DUCK

                                        Yeah ancients at level 1 is still pretty damn slow farm (I did it wrong but it still worked against 4k's somehow in my most recent game)

                                        ICE SKULL

                                          wtf Lollll which acc are you playing on

                                          BIG FAT DUCK

                                            @ fanofenvy

                                            well the viable part is your tier 2 towers won't get pushed down like 14 minutes in which allows you to safely farm those items

                                            if i'm not mistaken getting kills on individual ancients faster is better than distributing "more damage" overall (while taking longer to kill an ancient creep) to level up early on.

                                            @ wave

                                            this was the first account i ever played on for dota 2 (so it has all my other Steam games and old friends) with 5k+ cuz I managed to rank it up there before 6.82, the "second main" i added you on ( with most of my dotabuff friends + more recent adds has 4600 mmr cuz I tanked it 100 points since I'm still adjusting to this new playstyle

                                            i also agree 5k doesn't mean as much as it did back when ranked came out but i still have some friends who calibrated at low 5k and are still in that rating range, so it's not as if everyone from 4.5k shifted upwards. It's more like a significant chunk of 4.5k's are now 5k due to spamming certain, favorable heroes so the pool of players who were formerly considered "good" by ranked MM standards are now diluted, but 5k of October 2014 hasn't completely turned to 4.5k of January 2014 (not yet, at will pretty soon though cuz i've seen some pretty big fucking retards at 5k+ recently)

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              pick wk/dp/slark

                                              the only items you need on dp to faceroll the other team is euls and bkb srsly

                                              BIG FAT DUCK

                                                ok thx

                                                for wk do u use the hailrake build or just go something like shadow blade/drums/deso cuz most people are retarded and they just let you walk up to them invis and stab them to death


                                                  is dp still a good pick in solo rank?
                                                  for some reason i thought it died with new patch

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    no the ulti cd just lasts longer and its impossible to kill DP with euls+bkb

                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                      yeah hailrake build, he started playing again after the patch was released, hes currently 5.7k

                                                      BIG FAT DUCK

                                                        PA should be included in your list as well, it's 10x easier to win when people need to actually rely on player skill as opposed to picking Void/Doom/Legion to kill you

                                                        She can also farm against difficult lanes thanks to dagger

                                                        I'm going to test out Sven once I satisfy my PA picking obsession since that's like kzz's 2nd favorite hero and he owns with him
