General Discussion

General DiscussionWaga Talks #5 - Medusa

Waga Talks #5 - Medusa in General Discussion

    A 27minute clip of me theorycrafting around Medusa and sharing what I think is the most effective way to build her.

    If you have any questions about it, feel free to shoot, I'll probably check in here a bit during my stream or after my stream today and answer some!

    Just wanted to share, peace~

    EDIT: Would appear its not available in higher RES yet, give it some time and youtube will render it.


      quality capped at 360p :/ for me


        As I edited, it will be higher soon. Just a recent upload, takes a while.


          It should be HQ now


            Drow > Dusa


              I'll check it out! btw are you still using that EYEtracking? I saw when you got that shit and that was amazing its an truly epic teq. Hope to see more of that further on.


                Still using it, it's only visible to me in my own replays though for now. I might stream with it some in the future, as people were generally really interested in it!

                g w s

                  are you doing these for all heroes? also good video :q


                    I'll do it for heroes I think I have something worth saying for :) So far only TA and Dusa vids are up.


                      Waga! do Meepo theorycrafting! hehehehhe


                        Wow, someone caring about my cute Medusa! Let me see it and decide am I hate you or not.

                        beast player

                          dusa gud hero


                            secretary-chan stream best stream

                            Game is hard!

                              i do think you are very wrong on many aspects and you don't explain a lot of decisions overall. Your attempt to help medusa players might be nice but you will only make people throw games and do stupid shit.


                                Its not so much an attempt to help dusa players as an exaplanation of what I think is the only really valid build (in my games) for a medusa. Any other build is too costly and gives you nothing, you need bang for your buck and to be useful before minute 35-50~


                                  dude, do a video about earth spirit, i've seen u playing him recently.

                                  We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                    Medusa my favorite carry, thanks for the video!

                                    beast player

                                      I agree with this build if you have a head start or ure trading farm vs their mid but what happens when their mid is just superior

                                      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                        Ty Waga, you are so nice!

                                        I have a question for u:
                                        Is moonmeander a very good player? Or he have serious mistakes in all games? (as benao told me)


                                          @Waga: Bro, need to ask you something while we're on topic of hard carries. How do you build Magina when battlefury is not an option (shitty lane support, agressive enemy team). I thought this patch would bring him back into the spotlight but it really didn't. His squishiness is still an issue.


                                            Video got me feeling like playing Medusa.
                                            Let's give it a go.



                                              Thats what Burning says:

                                              "Q: Ever since you said after TI3, that if you get Anti-mage then you can win, people in pubs have been picking Anti-mage every game. Of course, none of them have won, so what advice can you give to those people? That way they won’t be ruining Anti-mage’s reputation, and we can all learn a bit from you on how to play AM.

                                              A: Anti-mage’s strength lies in overwhelming the opposition with items. If he can’t lead in terms of items, then he actually can’t out-fight many other lategame heroes. So don’t get Vanguard on him, just rush that fast Battlefury and farm it up."

                                              You need to go battlefury.


                                              You said in the video, that drafting for lategame is risky and pros generally do not recommend it. So going ham on medusa building rapier after bkb is not risky at all? The only possible conclusion for me, if I want to agree with you is, that I should never pick medusa.


                                                dusa actually legit counter to legion pick
                                                w33 played it today, its so fucking good.


                                                  I do agree, that this is a fully legit build for the times your team is behind and needs a comeback. But I can't agree with saying this is the only viable build for Medusa. She needs two items to win an even game. She can farm these two items while not leaving the lane, dropping into teamfights with her ulti and doing stuff. Medusa with money wins games even with potatoes for items, it had been proven for a long time already, with people building sub-optimal items with close to zero synergy with Medusa's skillset items, like Manta, Mael, Bloodstone; and still winning games.
                                                  Yes, you will win most of the games you play via going DR rush, but there will be ones, that you'll unnecessary throw by doing so, while you could've won them easily.

                                                  Also, while I saw this build few times in some high-level games, every my game Medusa players will throw by going this build and failing, I will dedicate to you.


                                                    This video is completly useless as you play as higher mmr than people that see your video; with differents skills and decisions makings to win your games...

                                                    No disrespect but I see on your profile only 19 medusa games.... I would rather listen someone with 200+ games who has tried different builds....


                                                      y, I mean,
                                                      good build for good players,
                                                      I can't imagine going for this in my mmr, :D too risky

                                                      one and half gun

                                                        amazing build, lets hope i can get a team that can grab killstreaks of that bounty for 2 divine rapiers

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          i beat Loda and a bunch of counterpickers with only 3 items on a weak late game hero.
                                                          is this the beginning of a new start for mid players carrying games? Find out next

                                                          one and half gun

                                                            i am now currently at 8k mmr defeating many pro players in pub matches with the legendary butterfly daed deso build. i advice many people to try this build out that i have myself taken pride in

                                                            one and half gun

                                                              Then I park my car, then I fuck your bitch
                                                              Eat that wonton soup, wet like wonton soup


                                                                and you won with ichigo... that guy is fucking terrible and has lost me tons of games (well 2 actualyl), reported him both times :B


                                                                one and half gun

                                                                  Free Rocky, free Rocky, bitch
                                                                  Free Toon, baby
                                                                  Feel me, yeah

                                                                  one and half gun

                                                                    theres a lot more to it

                                                                    i got pretty mad at my team and bought back 5 times just to follow them around for 3-4 minutes doing absolutely nothing while alt tabbing.
                                                                    how they lost? its the legendary butterfly daed deso build.

                                                                    theres just something about it that is 100% winrate ™™™™


                                                                      Even with a completely retarded team. Still almost won..



                                                                        I agree with most of what was displayed in the video. Ending the game sub-40 minutes with a 67 minute hero pretty much proves it. Still, if this is the best Dusa build, then playing this hero might just not be worth it. You might even have a good win% with such a build but every game you lose is a trip to low priority.


                                                                          Pretty sick build and plays. It's actually very legit, 10 times better then usual Linkens, Mantas, etc for sure.


                                                                            i report every dusa that goes linkens as first item, and im still debating with myself if i should do the same with every weaver too


                                                                              damn wave dropping your manta bkb and BoTs at the end and calling it a day....


                                                                              anyway i experimented abit and settled on more or less a similar build for medusa, but I feel that Rapier is somewhat more situational - best for games where you are ahead (most efficient use of gold so that you can actually go high) or games where you are very behind.

                                                                              Player 103543943

                                                                                Do more games with this build, then show us bro. You should test it out more then make a valid judgement.

                                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                                  I love you creative build waga and the new divine donation theme with pubs that will be created because of it. No but seriously, this is going to be amusing as all get out.


                                                                                    Congrats on discovering lil B Wave you're only like 8 years late to the party.


                                                                                      Of course you could argue this is not the best build for every MMR, I totally agree with that statement.
                                                                                      That said, I wouldnt say the video is completely useless for people of different MMR ranges.

                                                                                      For example,
                                                                                      Linkens rush is probably the most common medusa build. It is a farming item that was nice years ago, when people played way more static on lanes and did not use jungle properly, but to be honest, 90% of what you do as medusa is CLEAR CAMPS. Your build has to be opted for this.

                                                                                      Regardless of your MMR, play medusa to her strengths. Nobody wants to focus medusa first in the earlygame anyway, her rushing linkens will just make people give even less of a shit about you. And while its cute that you can put linken on a teammate, a 5k gold item that only makes people ignore you more and does very little for your farmspeed is unimpressive to say the least.
                                                                                      Same goes for early mantastyle, even if yasha is a good farming item, manta early on dusa is also not gonna do much.

                                                                                      But as you say, I made this video with the attention being games in high-mmr or tournamentgames/clanwars.
                                                                                      In these games, spending 10000+ gold just to get linkens manta and still dealing 0 damage is simply not gonna cut it, in my opinion.
                                                                                      My build needs just a little bit more gold than that (roughly 14K networth total) to have an incredible powerspike, and at that phase you can trainstrat with your team and start winning the game. Of course skadi is a great value item and butterfly works really well on dusa for example, but without damage people are just gonna laugh at you and ignore you.

                                                                                      Yesterday I played against a dusa that was left to her own device for a loooong time farming. She went for the standard linken/yasha first and I remember just being surprised at how low her farm was.
                                                                                      She may not have gotten all the farm possible, granted, but I think if she went phase+madness and just used her time more effectively, she could have been really strong.


                                                                                      Anyway, not gonna force anyone to agree with me of course, thank you for receiving the video and giving me your thoughts!


                                                                                        Phase-Madness-roa is the best build for the hero atm. Treads into linkens is just outdated

                                                                                        Medusa only need itens do farm and hit hard, phase-madness help her farm a lot (insane MS+AS) and as you said you dont give a fuck about being even squishier with madness because of stone gaze. Maelst builds are good aswell, but i dont know if it is better than phase-madness

                                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                                          Not to suck waga's dick or anything I think his statement holds more weight then the typical pub statement considering that his experience is likely more vast then the users disagreeing with it. You're entirely to disagree sure, however he's been in the pro scene and still somewhat is to an extent with connections. The vast majority of us will never take Dota to anything beyond that of pub level.

                                                                                          I'm not saying this build is 100% correct and a godsend like he describes it, however as seen it is effective and holds merit as viable in some situations, as all of dota is situational.

                                                                                          I never really liked linkens on dusa, as first. My old stack would always, basi>Aquila >Phase>Drum>Manta>Rapier as when the rapier was purchased we intended to end. I feel the same is true with this build. End or create an obscene advantage.

                                                                                          In most pubs, this would fail with brilliant decent unless you're already holding an advantage or similar imho. You need that >Space created thing going down for you. They had lots of time to shut him down, however never pushed advantages. You get in the lead, dick around for long enough and throw. Moral of the story -

                                                                                          O B J E C T I V E B A S E D G A M I N G B O Y S

                                                                                          Player 103543943

                                                                                            Not disagreeing mate, but test this build out more thoroughly....

                                                                                            So we can watch =)


                                                                                              Oh and getting a qb early on medu is actually pretty decent because of how much time she spends hitting creeps

                                                                                              one and half gun

                                                                                                yes buy a qb from the fountain

                                                                                                100% winrate


                                                                                                  I've been playing Medusa a lot lately, and I wrote a guide for it. It's still unfinished since I have to revise it for the latest version, but this is generally my gameplay for Medusa:

                                                                                                  I'm sure different builds work and it's hard to explain the build but I feel like it just closes some small weakness gaps for Medusa. I also explain why I don't really like the Rapier build. In the end, I honestly think there are a lot of viable builds for different games and it just adds to the argument of Medusa being versatile in Item / Skill build, but I think the Linken build is the most situational (and in general weakest) of all. I'd love to hear your thoughts on my thoughts and why i usually evade Rapier.

                                                                                                  Like I said, I don't think your build doesn't work, I just choose to avoid it and avoid a certain play style which can often cause frustrations having to rely on your team too much. Looking to climb rank with her (currently ranked at 36), but it really looks like a lot of different builds could work. Rank 1 gets Diffusal / S&Y, although those are unranked games so you could argue how reliable the rank is.


                                                                                                    isnt mjo kinda wasted since you splash already plus chain doesnt damage stoned targets

                                                                                                    BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                                                      mjllonir is awful

                                                                                                      i agree with phase/mom/aquila, bkb is situational as you can get a manta or linkens instead if there aren't many non-bkb piercing disables and unlike bkb those items only get better as the game goes on longer. i'd say bkb is the right choice 75% of the time as the pre-rapier item

                                                                                                      waga what if there's a phantom assassin on the other team? 50% evasion is no joke and even with a rapier you'll have trouble killing her.
