General Discussion

General DiscussionAghanim's scepter Ideas [Feel free to give your own ideas and/or crit...

Aghanim's scepter Ideas [Feel free to give your own ideas and/or critisize] in General Discussion
Greygrey the Sailor

    Hey everyone, so I have been wondering "What would it be like if EVERY hero had an aghanim's scepter upgrade?" Well now we don't have to wonder lets make a forum for that very idea. I accept all criticism so feel free to give your opinion.

    Alchemist: For 10 seconds after casting chemical rage Alchemist will gain 1.2x damage

    Anti-mage: 20% of targeted unit's mana is burned and granted in a 200 AoE to nearby allies.

    Bat rider:Lasso duration increased to (4.5/5/5.5) and deals 30 Damage per second.

    Blood seeker:Rupture now deals (45/55/65%) movement damage and grants Blood seeker 10% movement speed when cast and gains 10% of damage done from rupture as health.

    Bounty Hunter:Track range extended to 1500, Tracked units will have current item and ability cool downs on viewable.

    Bristle back:Gaining stacks of warpath will refresh the duration of all other stacks.

    Brood mother:When insatiable hunger is activated all spiderlings will gain 15 damage and 30% life steal and all spiderites will gain 5 damage and 100% life steal.

    Centaur Warrunner:Cooldown reduced to (70/55/40) enemies affected by Stampede will be disarmed for 1.5 seconds. Duration increased to 4.00 seconds.
    ChaosKnight:Grants new ability. Hellshock.

    Target:Unit target
    Damage Type:Random
    Blocked By Magic immune:Random

    ChaosKnight casts a bolt of pure chaos at the enemies which can have deal large amounts of damage or very weak damage, it can also stun, silence or slow the enemy unit. It has a random chance of which damage type it will become and also has random Cooldown and mana cost.
    (Mana cost will change on spell cast)
    Chance to Stun:20%
    Chance to Silence:30%
    Chance to Slow:50%
    Chance to be Physical damage:60%
    Chance to be Magical damage:30%
    Chance to be Pure damage: 10%
    Duration:2 seconds.


    Clinkz:Able to be used on ancient creeps at all levels and can be used to deny heroes with less than 10% HP. If used to deny heroes, Clinkz will heal to full HP and gain 30% of the units damage and 15% total HP.
    Death Prophet:If Death prophet is killed during the duration exorcism, Exorcism Cooldown will be reduced by 70 seconds for 160 seconds, If exorcism is used the cooldown will return to the standard 135 seconds. (If Exorcism is not used during this duration the cool down will return to the standard 135 seconds.)
    Dragon Knight:When Elder Dragon Form is used Dragon knight will become the might Gold Dragon, This dragon will have the following abilities.

    Frost Breath: Slows units for 30% movement speed and 20 attack speed. Lasts for 3 seconds. Affects all enemy units inside Splash Attack's AoE. Does not affect buildings. Fully stacks with Unique Attack Modifier.

    Splash Attack: Deals 100% damage in a 100 AoE, 75% damage in a 200 AoE and 50% damage in a 250 AoE around the attacked target. Splash does damage buildings. (Now deals damage to buildings)

    Inner fire: Fire breath deals 450 damage, Dragon tail stuns for 3.75 seconds. Reduces enemy armor by 0.75, Affects all enemy units inside Splash Attack's AoE. Fully stacks with unique Attack modifier.

    Drow ranger: Marksmanship deactivation radius decreased to 250, Drow Ranger's attacks cannot be evaded or dodged. Agility bonus increased by (50/75/100)

    Emberspirit: If a hero is killed by Fire remnant, all fire remnants refresh.

    IO:Relocate duration increased to 17 seconds, Delay decreased to 1.5 seconds, If in the relocate duration the ability is pressed again, IO will begin to teleport back to the casting location, Activated secondary teleport delay is 2 seconds.

    Kunkka:Rum buff damage reduction increased to 75%, Rum buff movement speed bonus increased to 15%, Rum buff duration increased to 15 seconds.

    Legion Commander:Duel duration increased to 6 seconds, Winning damage increased to 22. Legion commander will deal 15% more damage while in duel.

    Lifestealer:Infest cooldown reduced from 100 to 50 seconds, mana cost reduced from 50 to 0.

    Lone Druid:Aghanim's scepter will grant Lone druid a second spirit bear but this spirit bear will be disarmed if it moves a 600 range from the original spirit bear (is not disarmed if away from hero.) If the secondary bear dies lone druid will take 250 backlash damage and the spirit bear will take 500 backlash damage. Secondary spirit bear does not benefit from upgrades to synergy and deals 70% less damage to towers.

    Lycan:During the night if lycan is in wolf form he will gain 400/500/600 hp and 60/70/80 damage.

    Naga siren
    Nyx assassin
    Phantom assassin
    Phantom lancer
    Storm spirit
    Terror blade
    Troll warlord

    Banho dos Campeões

      What? Lasso 6.5s?


        Pretty ludicrous stuff, but if I must add some ideas

        Riki : When invis at night, reduces enemy heroes vision to 1200

        PA : 5.5x crit, and 20% splashes in a 300 AOE


          aghs on sniper, does 800 dmg and is global.
          aghs on drow, ultimate has active, forestaff every 8 seconds.
          aghs on lycan, when he ults sommons 4 wolves not killing other 2.
          aghs on specter, illusions get trueste vision and last 8 seconds.
          aghs on tusk, punch is 400 AUE.
          aghs on tide, ult applies tides e and q on every hero.
          aghs on bat rider, batrider gets haste and bkb when he ults.
          aghs on nyx, dmg is pure dmg and mini bashes.
          aghs on clinkz, looks like a creep he ate. lol

          Banho dos Campeões

            Balanar: During the Drkness enemy units and buildings have their vision range even more reduced. Obs: Remove unobstructed vision effect.

            Lone Druid: Adds new ability "Link". WHen used the damage taken by the Bear or Lone Druid equaly divide. Obs could buff Warcry too.

            Linda | DotaExchange

              Wisp, can tether whole team.

              Oh wait..

              THICC BABY SHUM

                Linda | DotaExchange rat doto


                  Lycan: adds new ability to piss on trees while in shape shift form. Urinated trees pick up the scent of enemies that walk past within 345 radius and applies a debuff that grant Lycan vision of that hero when he is within 1200 range and causes his attacks to deal 15% more damage. debuff lasts for 25 seconds.


                    "aghs on sniper, does 800 dmg and is global."

                    so basically u sit at fountain and spam 800dmg ?


                      Agh's Weaver: Time Lapse will automatically activate when you reach 20% HP. This function can be toggled on/off if desired.

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        WiT.HiN_T, pick bounty hunter and truck someone then snper ult over and over.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Sniper - Removes the 1.7s cast time. Make it instant cast
                          Bounty hunter - Reduces cooldown to 0 and increases cast range to 2000.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            too op, global ult, enough. with 800 dmg


                              global itself it soo fuckin op

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                dude we all trolling here)

                                Greygrey the Sailor

                                  YNIT, Yeah it was pretty obvious you were trolling.

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    [R.I.B][uG]Greygrey7, u rlly good meepo right?

                                    Greygrey the Sailor

                                      YNIT, Yeah I dabble with him, In the average game now a days (not when I was horrible with him) I go 24-5 or 27-6. But yeah I play meepo

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        do you know a meepo cambo?

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          mbe we cnstack and do something lke it.

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            terblade aghs, 900 AUE LOLOLOL

                                            Greygrey the Sailor

                                              Meepo combos: Meepo/Ancient apparition, Meepo/Skywrath mage, Meepo/Pugna,

                                              Basically anyone with a slow/damage amplifier/stun is good with meepo.

                                              Just saying one of the best teams with meepo is.

                                              Tidehunter, disruptor, ogre magi, earthshaker meepo
                                              They have the disables you need to right click the enemies down so they cant touch you, remember: They only have to kill one meepo. As long as they cant get one of them, they lose the teamfight

                                              go kill urself

                                                yes lets buff dp!!!

                                                Greygrey the Sailor

                                                  @Go kill urself, Honestly dp really can't do much other than take a tower every 135 seconds, any disable or burst damage takes her down unless you let her get fed. A fortify and/or teleport scrolls will take care of her pushing capability. A silence will keep her from casting, It is popular to say she is ridiculous but she really isnt that bad.

                                                  incest result

                                                    I played unranked on this smurf and my teammate suggested effect for lifestealer: when he have agha he can infest into enemy now
                                                    reddit players are "funny"

                                                    me, government hooker

                                                      reddit phags