General Discussion

General Discussionyo dotabuff staff

yo dotabuff staff in General Discussion

    Why does wave have a exploit tag for playing limited hero pool 40 times when there are players who did it 250+ times and used sandbox got theirs removed? shouldnt the same apply to wave when he only played limited hero pool 40 times? he didn't have to get permanently banned for asking a question about the hero leaderboard too.

    kanye went to uni

      whilst i in principle agree with the recent criticism of mods ... what's with the huge sense of entitlement forum users have been showing recently with their protests? i somehow think the last thing db developers have on their mind is managing this forum; this forum isn't the main use for this site. the extremely harsh criticism of the new ranking system was also a bit uncalled for in my opinion; it's a major upgrade compared to the last one.

      dotabuff is an amazing site that provides unparallelled access to dota statistics and i think people are getting a bit ungrateful for what they're getting

      kanye went to uni

        i know i sound like a huge cock_sucker now but seriously wtf, they spent so long making this new ranking system which is free for everyone and all people do is say how shit it is?


          +1 to OP and @we were rdy can just burn in hell

          Welt aus Eis

            the mods here are terrible at dealing with the community, unfortunately.


              Ye I don't see the point of anyone being banned now. They can just make limited hero pool matches not count for the rankings if they want.


                We have a few changes coming to the rankings. One of the items being tested is significantly reducing the value of LHP matches and increasing the value of ranked matches. We're also evaluating improvements to the division system that will better reward ultra high skill players.

                Sorry if we haven't been communicating as well as we could, and I agree that our forums leave a lot to be desired. These aren't things that can be fixed overnight and I appreciate your patience while we make measured improvements.

                Linda | DotaExchange

                  ^ yea, you always have changes ready.


                    Lol wave got banned?


                      to op why do you give a shit ?


                        wave offered you a discount on an account in exchange ?




                            If only limited hero pool was the only thing wave abused :/


                                if only you knew what you were talking about


                                  im wave, im posting from this acc because i cant post since i got banned for asking a question about the hero leaderboard (epic)

                                  so why do i have a tag for ONLY 40 matches of LHP when somebody like vroksnak with over 300+ games of LHP/Least Played got his removed not once but TWICE? shouldn't the same apply to me? if if it's such a big problem, why not just make those modes irrelevant like you did to ability draft? o.000000000 ?????????????????????????????? hello? dont tell me to contact ur support, ive already told you about two exploits to get free dotabuff plus and it still works (only me and a friend knows about it so far) and you havent responded to any of this at all

                                  @ sunnz
                                  what is this kids problem, u've accussed me of scamming, cheating etc but there is no proof and there will never be, ur so humiliating and obnoxious that you ended up getting banned on epicnpc and playdota, im just gonna report you for dodging more than 90% of ur games so u can play with "pros" in us east
                                  >Well Played!


                                    p.s i literally give no fuck about the ban preventing me from posting here since dotabuff forum isnt a real community and used primarily as a website for statistics, i just want the tag removed because you know... others got theirs removed with far more LHP/LP games than me?

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      wait so playing least played with lp is illigal??????????

                                      NextStep ®


                                        @ Allison


                                          well wave got banned immediately again for that post apparently, they weren't in low priority

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

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