General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with learning Treant Protector

Help with learning Treant Protector in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines

    Watch both of those replays and give me some tips on how to win with Treant Protector. I can't clean out waves of creeps or do much damage to the enemy team because this guy has some crappy abilities in my opinion.


      Your hero healing is pathetically low, even if you did heal towers you should atleast heal teammate as well because that living armor can be vital to winning a fight.


        maelstrom, why not something else?


          stack and pull, get vlads when you have melle carry on your team and be aggressive early game punch ppl


              Tbh he's a shitty trench support. His solo roaming is weak, he's really team dependant, he has low killing potential and he doesn't scale well.

              If you insist on playing him, some general tips are:
              >Brown boots + tango + clarity -> mana boots -> blink -> whatever.
              >Be ultra aggressive, go in and punch people in the face. You have decent attack animation and the best starting damage of the game, which means that no one can really trade hits with you in the early game.
              >Control the runes, a DD or a haste will get you an easy kill.
              >Improve your map awareness and spam your heal on heroes/ towers. At levels 1 and 2 it's okay to be conservative since your mana pool is shit and its cooldown is long, but at 3-4 you should heal nonstop.

              Hafla Enjoyer

                Healing with treant is bugged since it gives direct regeneration, so the number you see in dotabuff aren't accurate.

                Tiny Airlines

                  Yep, Treant is the worst hero in the game. You can't win with him. I don't know how players do it but they likely cheat to do it. You fall off so fast and it's GG.

                  I'm only playing him just for this stupid all hero challenge, but fuck it. I can't fucking win with him. I have officially given up on what is probably one of the WORST heroes in the game.


                  This was my fourth attempt at trying to clear this hero and again it didn't work.


                    621 hero healing

                    Also remember you're not this guy


                      theres no cheats in dota 2, and not being able to play a hero well doesn't mean it's bad.
                      at one point treant was topping the pub winrates, with almost 60% i believe.

                      anyways dont go 1-1-3-1 by 6, go 0-2-3-1 or something, you dont have the mana pool to be able to use guise often enough and leech seed's damage (and healing) doubles at rank 2, from 15 to 30 so you deal 180 damage total and also heal for 180. that's a LOT of survivability in the early game

                      treant is very level dependent so you need to find XP whenever possible and make sure your skill points dont go to waste. don't level anything unless you need to use it, so keep skill points spare. because all your abilities are actives, you don't lose anything from keeping skill points unspent unlike passives. make sure you actually join fights, because you'll get tons of XP and gold if you survive.

                      the best way to find farm and levels as a support is literally just avoid dying in fights. you'll gain gold and XP from fights if you're near kills, even if you deal 0 damage. just using living armour is not enough. if your team loses the fight, the enemy will push your towers while you are the only one left standing, and living armour will not be enough to save the tower, so make sure you win as many fights as possible, rather than being in the mindset of "i can just keep the game going forever because i can heal buildings"

                      also you are going to be piss poor as treant so you can't afford to waste any gold, such as on stout shield if you're not being aggressive. compared to arcanes, tranquils + soul ring isn't good unless you are using it to be aggressive and spam out leech seed (where you can actually max it first instead of armour). it heals 90/180/270/360 HP in an AOE - which makes it really good in aggressive lanes because you can dive towers hard. if you're using it for living armour then you're wasting the excess mana from soul ring's active, where you'd be better off getting arcanes because they're cheaper.

                      blink is really good on treant, but if you're never in a situation where you have 2250g at once, you can opt for other things to help your team, such as force, vlads, drum or mek in the 2k gold range. not maelstrom. out of these 4 items, i would say the order of priority would be mek > force > vlads > drum if you're unsure of which one to get (mek being most important). every game is situational but i would say the only time you wouldn't get mek even if no one else has it, is against ancient apparition.

                      more expensive items are pipe or crimson guard, the problem being that their 2k components (vanguard and pipe) aren't as team oriented as the other 4 items, so you want to make sure you have at least 1 team-based item before getting these.

                      other small, cost efficient items are cloak or urn of shadows (both are better than bracer), magic stick (not wand). wand is not as cost efficient as stick, so if there's more important items that you can get 1 minute sooner instead of spending 300 upgrading stick into wand, get those instead. i tend to only get wand if i'm losing really badly or i'm about to die and i quickbuy it.


                        Hero is not trash, you are.


                          to put it bluntly.

                          i think he said he was 1100 mmr or something

                          Von Darkmoor

                            Tango 2x for you 2x for mid wards, perhaps courir, save for 1k get arcane booster turn into arcaneboots, prior to that if its an aggressive lane could get orb of venom, Magic wand is never wrong but before anything else get WARDS, if you got orb, arcane and feel you didnt need the wand then next item to save for is blink, if you get mega super duper duper farmed (for a tree that is) get agha the vision is really nice tbh. The only bad thing about the hero is that the ultimate doesnt deal atleast 1 dmg so you get a assist from it otherwise it can be very nice vs rightclick teams low cd nice aoe (spamm it).

                            EZ MID 9k mmr