General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for 3k ranking games (smurf)

Looking for 3k ranking games (smurf) in General Discussion

    Anyone has some 3k ranking games playing as smurf to share?

    Would be interesting for me to see how experienced players win all games at 3k mmr. Videos are ok too, but the replays are way better.


      Here you are:

      From an experiment done some time ago.


        arent they all expired lol


          Artyom, thanks! that's perfect.

          FanofEnVy, the replay are not expired, they are in dropbox :D. Thanks for the stream link too!

          If anyone has something else like this, please share it! thanks again!

          we lost

            Go into dota and search this match id: 987292872
            a smurf game I just played


              Only 3 games not even ranking, what's the point? .... I appreciate the contribution, the intention count.

              Anyone who know more about the experiment from playdota link, the first games inside dropbox are the last games 5k+? or the low mmr games?