General Discussion

General DiscussionWinning shouldn't lower your hero rating

Winning shouldn't lower your hero rating in General Discussion
im so bad at artifact

    A big problem with the hero ratings is that it tries to take into account the skill level at which you played the hero (e.g. Diamond 10). I just won a game, and my rating for that hero went down because I was stacking with 3 and 4ks.

    If you solo, and there aren't enough similar MMR people to fill the game, your rating gets screwed too.

    A better way to do it would be to look at games with that hero in each skill bracket, calculate a rating only off of those, and pick the highest one.

    Not to mention, the entire system blows anyway because it doesn't compare your winrate with that hero to your normal winrate, thus any 5 5k+s can just stack, get +10 mmr garbage stomps, and end up with high ratings for whatever heroes.

    Game is hard!

      it prevents abuse, good.


        If you have enough games played, that won't happen. Just play more games with what ever hero you're trying to get ranked with and it will get smoothed out.

        im so bad at artifact

          How does that prevent abuse? All it does is prevent you from playing with friends, while a 5 stack of good players can just abuse their +5 mmr stomp games.

          Lowering rating for *winning a game* sure is preventing abuse though, right?


            So lets say I'm a 6k player, and I pub it up with a bunch of my 2k players. I will obviously wreck and get a bunch of points on my player rating.

            That's not fair. It makes stackers easier to pull bullshit Rankings on their heroes. Yeah it's kinda sad that I'm a gold 3/10 on my phoenix, but you know what, I'm stuck in 3k and that makes sense that I have that.

            i love u butt

              dotabuff ratings just stop people from improving, dont bother with it


                Who. The. Hell. Cares.


                  Yeah and loosing should not decrease it when it's not my fault if we are loosing.
                  Oh, actually let's just never decrease the ratting, cause it's never my fault if we are loosing and it's unfair to lose ratting when winning and, and ....


                    you can stack with 1k mmr players in unranked and go 90 - 0 on your hero....
                    so you suggest you should be in top for abusing this shit?


                      also You can win but literally be 0/20/0 everytime with no impact and yet you should gain points

                      im so bad at artifact

                        @Soul eater: No, not necessarily, because it would try to match you with people that you would have about a 50% chance to win against. However, if you were 6k and stacked with 5ks, you'd wreck almost every game *and get a higher skill rating in the process* so it's far, far more abusable.

                        @matrice: I never said anything about losing, but for a system to lower your rating after a win is just preposterous and inexcusable.

                        @LaViolette: Where the hell did you infer that from? Reading comprehension please.


                          rating is fine,
                          hey, who cares about that rating anyway,

                          except DB+ users... who basically paid to see their rating,,

                          I get it now
