General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting to 5k a nightmare on AUS

Getting to 5k a nightmare on AUS in General Discussion

    So my MMR is 4.6 and Iv'e gotta say why is every game only +10 and then the odd loss -40. My American friends say this never happens to them. Is it the fact their are less people on AUS or my search times are way off. It happens to allot of players here and finding a player who is also 4.6 is quite hard.


      this is karma, this is what you get for spamming earth spirit and necro

      kanye went to uni

        a friend of mine who's 5k solo said he solo queued into a game with two 3.6k players on his team who were also solo


          At this time servers are kinda' fucked up, so there are less people searching for games then usually.


            there's hardly anyone on aus compared to most of the other servers, it's expected that there aren't that many people with high mmr as well

            Miku Plays

              sad... AU internet is so bad... every other server i play in is over 250 ping


                australian pub games are a joke. MMR and brackets are meaningless because its all just trash.

                bum farto

                  Australia's skill separation is so damn high, if my ping wasn't so bad I would play Australia constantly because I would be queued with 3.8K players all the time. I think it's a good thing because Australia is a small little haven of bad, but fun people who play the game in a very simplistic way.

                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                    Have you tried playing on perfect world yet?

                    bum farto

                      Nah, I had some stuff to do last night so just played a couple with Arka before bed. Gonna try tonight though.


                        Terrible low 3k player confirmed. Of course you think everyone is bad, cause your stuck down there. And as for your comment Havoc, alot of people say Aus server has a much higher skill cap then US servers due to high dispersion in mmr. It is far more difficult to improve in rank once you hit a certain point as there is barely any people the higher you go meaning you will likely increase +5 or +10 every game and decrease -35 or -40 each game for a loss.


                          Maybe stop picking earth spirit. Aus is shit.


                            if you are 4.6k facing 3.6-3.9k, i dont see any reason why you can't steamroll over them with earth spirit.


                              yeah because this is my main account

                              I play 5k and its the most boring shit ever. 4.6k is trash for aus lmao, even worse if you spammed ES and couldn't reach it. 5k isn't even anything on AUS anyway, its a shit-tier server in terms of skill level for multiple reasons. There are so few good players, that you end up in games with plenty of low skilled players, even if they have decent MMR, its just the result of being against bad players. When people talk about MMRs of different servers, the point is that your MMR reflects your position relative to others on the same server. A 5k rating on servers like SEA is more respectable than any rating you can ever get on AUS.

                              The problem is how few players there are overall, and as a result, at the higher end a lot of players that might normally play solo, resort to playing in stacks or IH, heck a lot of them will only play unranked pubs. What havoc said is right, you frequently get matched with either low MMR players or players whose ratings don't actually reflect their ability at all.

                              bum farto

                                I do agree that winning and getting +5 is a letdown, can you not play China or SEA?


                                  if he played SEA he would be back at 3k where he belongs


                                    idk whenever a smurf trash talking regardless of high mmr they managed to get or even if they have a high mmr main...

                                    i see them as some dumb egoistical stat hoe


                                      the only "stat" that I talked about was MMR. If you are talking about other stats, then you might be the dumb egotistical stat hoe

                                      milk that tastes like rea...

                                        I play aus and hover 4-4.3k. I noticed at 4.2k upward the MMR gaps become much bigger and I was getting dragged into higher skilled games a lot where I was the lowest. Whereas at 4k pretty much all games have MMR gap less than 100. I have seen a fair bit of high 4k and a few 5k so maybe queue tme or exams or something.

                                        आप गे क्यों

                                          so much hate on aussy servers. I play with aussy who come over to sea once in awhile.
                                          They say the ping is about 150+, so if your ping is fine at can easily get 5+k mmr games there

                                          SWAG DRAGON

                                            small mixing pot in AUS. so it's hard to get good, you don't come up against many "wow" u dont learn as quick...yeah u can learn some stuff from replays ...

                                            the amount of players in EU / US is crazy...would love to be a gamer in either region..../wrists
                                            reason why most top pro gaming teams (csgo dota..etc) are from Europe and US for some.


                                                Terrible what is wrong with you? All you do is proclaim everyone shit. Are you really that good yourself? Also the fact your on a smurf is even more pathetic. Aus server is actually full of quite laid back people and its my favourite server. I think it probably has less toxicity then many other servers. Terrible is such a flamer though. Why are there so many people like this on this game O.o. Ive played so many different video games in my lifetime in many different communities but ive never seen so many egocentric people in my life. In my opinion there are so many great dota players at many different mmr levels, and calling everyone shit is a losers way to make themselves think they are better than everyone else


                                                  1. Pretty much everyone else in this thread is making similar arguments to my own.
                                                  2. What does my account or the fact that I am on a smurf have to do with anything? How is that pathetic? Have you decided in your naive little mind that because someone is using an alternate account, therefore they are hitler? I mean really, if you are going to contest the points I have put forward, go ahead. but whinging about someone being on an account with a small number of games is basically just saying "I can't actually put forward any arguments so I'll complain about this persons' character".
                                                  3. This thread has nothing to do with how laid back people are, its about the skill level of the players on the aussie server. When people say that aus servers are a joke, which they are, it doesn't mean that there aren't nice people on it (even though its probably equally as bad as other servers when it comes to flaming), they are talking about the skill level of matches, even at the top end.
                                                  4. You have no idea who I am, or how I behave in games. What makes you think that I am toxic? Is it because you are too stupid to read what everyone else here is saying? Or are you just a little mad that you can't reach 5k on one of the weakest servers even after stacking and spamming ES?

                                                  आप गे क्यों

                                                    maybe...maybe its because u are terrible at giving advice =3

                                                    you are such a special snowflake~
                                                    i am sure other people won't find offense
                                                    when you give your opinion using terms like "drop back to 3k mmr" and they are a "dumb egotistical stat hoe"

                                                    takes someone "special" to not realise that


                                                      You just spam insult after insult. You are impossible to reason with as you are so naive. And yes you are very toxic. I can just imagine you going into a game and raging about how everyone in Aus sucks except you.


                                                        @microjackson, one of those comments was referring to one of his replies to me which was less than friendly, the other was a quote from another user

                                                        @buxo, if you've been keeping track, which you haven't, I said that good players do exist, the problem is that they don't play solo ranked. They either stack, play unranked or stick to IH. Sure there aren't as many good players on aus as other servers, but the reason that it sucks on aus is because very few of those good players play solo ranked, and as a result you keep getting shitty games. It only takes 1 or 2 idiots to ruin a game.


                                                          This is why I'd really like to see concede for high skill bracket games so there's faster game turnovers and more players in the queue. I'm 5.4 and pretty much every game has a 1k+ MMR gap with no way to tell if your 4.2 teammate is going mid against their 5k player.