General Discussion

General DiscussionSometimes in Normal Skill

Sometimes in Normal Skill in General Discussion
fasa ming

    Sometimes no matter how bad they other team is its kind of tough having a spectre jungling during minute 60 =.=


      Dammmm that sf carry against huskar spec and invo so good ..

      fasa ming

        he wasnt even a problem, my team couldn't push after winning teamfights, just slipped back into jungle/lane and proceed farming even when 6 slotted....


          why build skadi on invoker? At least build aghs first..

          if you needed push you could just buy necro3

          fasa ming

            lol a high skill telling me how to build invoker


              Bad decision making and bad items.

              Almost all of their disables go through BKB. You went refresher BEFORE aghs. You bought EoS instead of Necro or Hex because you couldn't be bothered to handle extra hotkeys and wanted to rightlcick away.

              Don't blabber about your teammates, you had the power to win the game yourself.


                Shit invoker player hah no aghs.. And you needed a force staff with blink

                lol a high skill telling me how to build invoker/ And what are you a fking Shiite normal skill smurf?

                fasa ming

                  You guys are missing the point watch the replay.

                  @kael lol I'm 6 games into hidden mmr calibration. No shit it says normal skill. Why do you think it requires level 13 to know your skill for ranked. Haha idiot


                    ehm, so much autism in this thread.

                    Since when is agha required on invoker, forcestaff and blink, its all situational items

                    And who cares if you are ''6 games into hidden mmr calibration'' It will still sayl Normal skill when u have calibrated your 10 games. Your skill bracket wont change just because you calibrated. 250 cs not 6slotted 62 min. you belond in normal skill.

                    This thread is all about trying to brag that you 'owned' and you only lost because of your team, its so obvious. Please dont respond to me.
                    (a very high skill telling you stfu)

                    fasa ming

                      Again moron watch the replay I lost a divine to lose the game which is why I lost. I was 6 slotted 30-40 min in couldnt push high ground because of team refusing.

                      4 fuckin stooges posting over here


                          '' I was 6 slotted 30-40 min ''
                          Blink Phase BKB Skadi Bottle

                          At 61:40 you bought your divine which was your 6th item.

                          At 62:00 You run in 2v4, cast deafing blast and meteor (u had refresher) and then tried to run and died.
                          and i just watched 3 mins of ur replay

                          LMAO 63:50. enigma 3man blackhole, all you do is meatorx2 and deaf blast x2 no other spell at all AAAAAAAAAAA LOLLLLLLLLL

                          OKEY WAIT HAHAHAH
                          HE CASTED METEOR THEN REFRESHED AND USED 1 BLAST AND 1 MORE METEOR LOL in a 3 man blackhole u uSE 3 SPELLS LOL he fucking used meteor then refreshed NOTHING ELSE LOL

                          fasa ming

                            Exactly why I lost 1 mistake doesn't make me normal skill lmao


                              HAHA you are not even normal skill this is lowtrashautism skill haahaah omfg AAH guys watcch this replay LOLL im gonna make a youtube video of this HAHAHAHHHHHHHHH OMG


                                6 games on smurf account and still in normal skill bracket. This guy must be so good!

                                fasa ming

                                  Also did that because he holed unexpectedly and needed to meteor refresh to land on black hole and only wanted to blast after hole to keep everyone in. Reason I couldn't cast anything else after that is because I died shortly after


                                    you are amazing and your shitty teammates are why you lose, keep it up!


                                      6 games into calibiration? nigga on my smurf i got vh skill on first game -- suck shit now and not even level 13 was level 1


                                        hahahaHHHAh OMG so when 3 people were in blackhole u couldnt cast spells because you died shortly after??? you could do atleast 5 spells in bh with refresher.

                                        AND HOW IS THAT BH UNEXPECTED?? they were hitting your throne and bh was unexpected??????


                                          vroksnak do u like raggmunk


                                            fuck no

                                            NO MAP (TEST)

                                              vad händer här? XD

                                              trasigt IMO

                                              btw u only want blink lategame if u got blink hex, u should sell blink lategame if u dont have hex : ))))


                                                even before calibration you can hit very high skill bracket

                                                calibration just reveals your hidden mmr


                                                  ligonberries and pork wtffffffffffffffffff


                                                    GG V-GOD HAS DROP THE HAMMER. RIP OP


                                                      vrok youre my hero


                                                        What's the point of this topic


                                                          dude u just suck.


                                                            why the fuck would you get a fucking rapier, when you could go hex and with refresher have fucking 2 hex.
                                                            holy shit fucking rapira,idi nahui.

                                                            kanye went to uni

                                                              i would like to add to the hate on that skadi ... why skadi? is it on the recommended items for him or something? if you aren't bothered clicking on a hero with sheep you can build shivas :p and then if you're really set on building dps voker (w/e) why go for a refresher? or if you went that first then why go dps? it's like the worst of both worlds happening there

                                                              kanye went to uni

                                                                the spectre's items do seem pretty retarded yes but if it was a really close game (which is what it seems like) then you could have won it by building real items instead of wasting 5.6k on a skadi imo

                                                                fasa ming
                                                                  fasa ming

                                                                    Well after typing a wall of text and accidentally deleting it, I'm not re typing it. Long story short, build obviously worked based on score and replay. I've also learned you morons don't know how to use skadi on invoker. Probably all 4k scrubs telling me how to play invoker :laugh:


                                                                      *eats popcorn*

                                                                      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                        You should be in very high your second game on an account, even I can do that


                                                                          they made it less sensitive now

                                                                          MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                            still, if you are calling 4k players scrubs, you should be able to get more than 12 kills the first game


                                                                              fasa ming

                                                                              omgomgomgmogmogmgmgmogmgogmgggg aeeaaehahaheaeha


                                                                                Your Ursa game.
                                                                                5.3k dmg

                                                                                9.9k dmg

                                                                                Seriously, don't smurf pls.
                                                                                I'm a low 4k shit, It took me 2 games to get very high bracket on my smurf.

                                                                                I think you are not even close to high bracket.
                                                                                Let me guess, 1.5k main?

                                                                                kanye went to uni

                                                                                  tell us how you use skadi on invoker

                                                                                  also high kda/low winrate voker players are probably one of the most common things in dota


                                                                                    ^ indeed the thing is to know how to WIN the game as voker .. and get big impact on this

                                                                                    MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                                      lol 2-19
                                                                                      definitely belong in vh

                                                                                      got another excuse?


                                                                                        Because someone picked techies and abandoned.
                                                                                        No way to win 4v5!!!


                                                                                          teachies is 4v5 anyway ^

                                                                                          " No way to win 4v5 " ??!!?

                                                                                          poor boy...


                                                                                            i usually go 0 - 20 in normal skill, its too hard :(


                                                                                              ^ omg u lost with earth spirit??



                                                                                                :(((((, not my fault = bad team :((( reaported the team plserino very bad, much unskill :'((


                                                                                                  I feel a bit bad for jumping on the criticism band wagon, so ill try to say what you could do better instead of just pointlessly being saying "you suck".

                                                                                                  Q(or E) over W at lvl 1 on invoker is a must, and invoke at 2 is also a must. think about it, what do you actually get from having one point in W before you even have invoke, the answer is almost nothing, but having Q gives you some regain and the point in invoke would give you kill potential if a friendly support ganked mid when you were lvl 2.

                                                                                                  you also should stay away from anti mage unless you are really confident in your ability to farm FAST the only reason the hero is good is that he can farm faster then everyone else. 200 last hits and 2 big items in a 44 min game just wont cut it with him.
                                                                                                  I cant personally take credit for this insight, but its not worth it to take points 2-4 in spell shield at all since you get more EHP from points in stats unless you are taking insane magic damage (think over 1000 at once) and stats will also give you more mana damage attack speed and armor.


                                                                                                    The funnier part is that you're so bad at this game that you can't even carry four normal skill scrubs with a pubstomper like invoker. During your first game you dealt 10k hd with a heavy nuker against 2k rated players, yet you're stupid enough to not realize that you are utter trash at this game.
                                                                                                    Ayyyy lmao these delusional kids.


                                                                                                      rofl you guys hurt the guy's feelings topic over.

                                                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                                                        this hate train did get a bit out of hand