General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the fastest way to lower mmr?

What is the fastest way to lower mmr? in General Discussion

    I want to drop down to a lower skill level, and have more fun ;)

    Unity Chan

      that a simple question keep feeding fast lose fast drop but be prepared to get reported :)

      NextStep ®

        Hide in the woods. Let your team 4v5.


          play normal????


            dat vrok humor, cant buy that anywhere!


              tired of playing with all you pimply nerds like vroksnak loves zara


                its probably clothing brand

                SWAG DRAGON

                  So you want to go from 3500 mmr to 3000 mmr ? how to go lower?
                  I'm fucking shit mate but least i dont ask dumb shit questions.
                  Difference between you and me, i know i'm shit at this game.

                  I'm like a fucking autistic kid trying to run up an icey slope. NOT GONNA HAPPEN


                    ply with me, ill help u reach 0k in no tiem.


                      pick sniper lol lol lol

                      Bad fat mad satan

                        dem abandons tho

                        Dire Wolf

                          Play legion and jungle for 20 mins, never come gank with duel. You will lose games EZ. Actually this applies to a ton of heroes, axe, doom, naix, just stay in jungle all game spamming LOL farming LOL.


                            Cliff farming NP. EZ


                              go drow jungle or ancients, that's what I did

                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                feed courier
                                buy obs ward and block your own camps
                                sap exp and suicide


                                  ^ Doing that will get you reported and probably into LP as far as I know and you can't lose MMR while in LP.


                                    Pick some random mid hero and pretend you're ganking while the enemy mid has free farm.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Just pick Furion and feed if you wanna lose.


                                        just afk, get reported, enjoy lowprio.


                                          This thread is very humorous.


                                            the best way i to go support buy wards courier and just do stupid stuff around the map, that way you dont get reported and lose a lot :D


                                              Im pretty sure playing in LP is not an issue for him, i mean with all those abandons... Basically, keep doing what your doing, just dont quit after you did it...


                                                called make a new account

                                                आप गे क्यों

                                                  1. make new account
                                                  2. feed 50 deaths for first 5 games
                                                  3. enjoy 1k mmr

                                                  Jojo (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

                                                    get a 1K mmr player to play on ur account :D


                                                      stack with me


                                                        Mi amigos, I discovered something hilariously awesome!
                                                        I was reported (obviously), and got into LPQ for 16 games.
                                                        But I found out if you join another lpq game, and abandon instantly, it becomes 6 LPQ games (your most recent abandon overrides the report penalty)!
                                                        Cuts LPQ games down by 10, how awesome!


                                                          Also, after feeding first blood and abandoning game as NP for 22 games in a row, I am testing the theory that LPQ does not +/- mmr.


                                                            omg this means more easy wins in mama russia