General Discussion

General DiscussionPhysics in Dota 2

Physics in Dota 2 in General Discussion

    It's me with crazy ideas all over again.

    Blizzard add physics to Starcraft 2 with Heart of the Swarm. Dead bodies could roll down cliffs, fall down from edges and fly from the blast. From player perspective it might sounds weird and distracting. But from spectator's point of view all this flying bodies add epicness to what happens on a screen.

    Of course rigid animation will only trigger when target is dead (e.g. Lina's Laguna Blade will hit as usual, but if the target is dead, target ragdoll get huge horizontal velocity, dragging it to the ground, meanwhile Tusk's Walrus Punch will add light horizontal and strong vertical velocity).

    Do you think it'll ever be possible in Dota 2. Maybe it'll come with Source 2?

    P.S. I know that CM still gets bold after dying, that's all only a thoughts aloud.


      game would get heavy if ragdoll is enabled and more physics.. i dont think they will ever add this there are still people playing dota 2 on low settings and still have 20fps


        They can make it togglable. Because there are people playing at 120 fps in the neighbour thread that want to waste it somehow )


          yeah i play @120fps too but if it would be toggleable then yeah why not
          but still it wont happen eventhough i want to spend some fps on ragdoll :D


            A man can dream. ;)


              I'd like to see the return of visible corpses to Dota. Also, Corpse Explosion. Doesn't have to be on Pitlord.


                  its so much work and completely useless, they wont make it unless they find a commercial view on it
                  +i already play with 30fps, its annoying enough like this


                    @Mekarazium Two halves of body flying opposite direction Mortal Kombat style!

                    @Chains I am pretty sure they have bones for animation in their models. And if this thing could be togglable, you can turn it off. And for the commercial view part, it could be stretch goal for TI6 compendium. Just like very useful Effigies and weather effects.


                      I have been foolingaround with the oculus rift almost 2 years now in dota 2 and trust me. 3d and physics in dota 2 is awsome.
                      There is basically already the function build in (think forcestaff).

                      However I dont see how this would work in theory as when we tried it sometimes certain skills create extremly funny shit.
                      think slark jumping into tuskpunch then flying over the hole map ;p Altough seemingly awsome it might not be good for the game as its already high tempo and stuff like this could create strange interactions and visual strangeness.

                      Not to go all teq on you but it has to do with Speed over things that should not be passable ( think forcestaff over cliff).
                      another trouble it creates is uneven preformance while using 4-8k resolution. I'll actually make a review on this later on this month for Nvidia / Amd.


                        To prevent slark flying across the map all speed must be capped so they won't be bazillion of units per second, that's kinda usual thing.
                        If I think correctly some boundaries already exists to prevent cliff walking, so they should probably interact with physics as well (though i'm not sure if it is invisible walls or some hardcoded just-dont-go-there zone).


                          It really annoys me when I shoot an arrow with windrunner and the birds on the ledges and they dont fly away. This game is so unrealistic.


                            Well it's not about "realism" I'm talking here, more about entertainment. Movies like where guy who get shot with a shotgun fly across the room.


                              Dead heros bodies should stay on the map as a corpse and dissappear once he respawns

                              Vin Fiz

                                Ragdoll effects on Dota 2 would be a fantastic idea, as long as it is optional. It would definitely be taxing on computers, but a great option.


                                  @Rainy, that's actually will be very good. But counting physics for a body for respawn duration is much more resource-dependant than for single blow and afterwards, and people already complaining for that. But myself like it.

                                  What about Troll Summoner's Raise Dead, iirc only skill left that relies on dead bodies. Should it be obsolete at all (needing actual body part)?
