General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy the hate for ratters?

Why the hate for ratters? in General Discussion

    Been playing a bit of meepo recently going aghs>bots>super rat keeping all lanes pushed/taking towers etc. but staying away from fights.

    A bit dull but seems imba at my (low) skill level.

    Why do I get flamed every game for pushing towers during teamfights?

    Happened in all 3 of my last games (all won)

    Even if they lose a team fight I'll probably do more tower damage and farm more creeps than the oppo gain from the fight.

    Am I being a retard?


      i tried building bots into aghanim


        Yeah but you play on a proper level ;-)

        Anyway I get tranquils and RoB before the aghs fyi

        Dire Wolf

          People just get mad when carries don't participate in team fights. Often rat games start off with your team behind before you win later and people don't realize how winnable a game can be. I get bitched at for not fighting when I play terrorblade like enemy might be pushing one of our rax and I won't defend, instead I'll tp to lane and kill two of their rax while we D 4v5. People just don't realize TB can drop rax that fast.

          I am at peace (muted)

            you're doin' just fine.. dota is about ancient not killls

            I often mute my teammates and play my own game.


              Normal skill fucknerds think that if they are 5 manning your t3 and your whole team is dead you should just go AFK at t4, then decide to 1v5, feed then lose the game.

              Keep doing what your doing, push them hard when they are pushing to force them back. It's a common strategy. If your team can't defend your base because of waiting for respawns, force them to defend theirs instead. The best defense is a good offense.



                Outpushed because of retarded storm spirit.


                  if they fight while u take twr, they are in the wrong.
                  and if they flame its cuz they are low fucks who have no clue on how to win a game

                  waku waku

                    it annoys me because every time i tried to do it several people pop out of nowhere and kill me in a second even if i'm a bullshit hero like morph while enemy always manages to rat uninterrupted no matter what

                    Low Expectations

                      I actually fucking love BoTs first on meepo. If you can get it before 8 min with 2/3 meepos you can wreck everything and grt Aghas in next 5 min

                        NextStep ®

                          Ratting is an art.