General Discussion

General DiscussionHalp my mmr is 2700

Halp my mmr is 2700 in General Discussion

    90% op ppl in dota think they are good and its teams fault not there.


      Ok, I don't think I'm good but yes it's always my team fault 98% it's always my team that put me down. When I played 3 matches of techy yesterday I realised that Bogans are not always bad they actually managed to carry with me.


        Ganks, midz don't call ss time to look at map urself. But that's only 1 game I watched so can't say for sure.


          Which game did you watch? And do you also see what I'm typing I trashtalk and blame my team alot. Especially when I'm playing carries. Ye I rarely call missing cuz I'm so confident that I'm definitely gonna win the game no matter how late game it gets


            Drow game

            THICC BABY SHUM

              I said ur mid didn't call ss and u didn't look at map, never trust team to call ss unlease stacked


                Ahahahahah best game u watched. I made them cry haHHAHAH hopefully you didn't read the chat. Mid game when they were pushing tier 2 towers axe got so confident he started to trashtalk. He said to me ' drow you mad cuz we are going to win'. Lmao how can he even think of that when a drow has sb,mom,Daedalus. It was such a pressure and I was playig in a party with brood. He was so sht omfg


                  just watch your replays, literally the best way to improve. and to know how to analyze your replays, watch this:


                  aui_2000 (pro player playing for C9) analyses a replay of a pub


                    Oh which drow game? 2/11?



                      I don't wanna watch my own replays and waste my time ain't got no time for that


                        i remember when i was 3k mmr and went mid, and after enemy mid goes for warded rune (invis or haste) i ping that shit but my safelane still dies and says "omg no ss, gg wp". i am still remimded of those times when i stack with my friends.

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          Lel, its 2 11 drow.
                          and I wonder when u will get muted lol


                            HaHHAHAH fk you that was a shit game but still it took all the tower damage. My team was flamin me and I was flaming them back

                            JUICY J

                              "I have a friend who's also stuck at 2.7k mmr. The main reason? He is dillusional. I even fucking took the time to watch an hour long game of his to point out the small mistakes he made yet he always had a fucking reason as to why he did it."

                              sounds about right

                              edit for: delusional l2spell :)

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                And I slapped my face so hard when I saw ck buy deso.

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  I don't think there is way to teach 2k mmr player who thinks he is 5k anyway. They are blind and will never get better. Because they don't see problem and when u tell it to them they think ur flaming them.

                                  NextStep ®

                                    Watch your own replay is really useful unless you're delusional.
                                    Despite playing many games of undying, I'll still watch my replay from time to time.

                                    @Hael 2.0
                                    You don't have to watch everything from start to the end. Just watch the team fights.


                                      watch your replay of playing mid, and watch rtz replay of mid.
                                      you will see the difference (extreme difference) in last hit, in creep control, block, bottle+rune management, positioning etc.

                                      No giggities?

                                        @ streeamIX_

                                        Ahah sorry for the mistake. English isn't my native language. There are some words in french that look similar in english and that explains why i make such mistakes :p


                                          just make a good communication with your teammates maybe you can use mic also.
                                          said you need 1 supp and 1 tanker 1 hard carry like that, not just let it go and all pick carry dont care with fucking supp lol.
                                          the main problem from 2k-3k is people love kill kill and they dont want pick supp anddd if they pick supp they will last hit carry creep and not going supp like buy ward or dust if enemy have invincible.
                                          or if you want to get out from that zone maybe you can always use like your very best hero.
                                          and if someone alerady pick supp and already supp you perfectly and your team lose dont always blame to supp if you die or whatever because if he not pick supp maybe your game will even get worse xD
                                          all hail hard support ~('-'~) (~'-')~

                                          ill Smith

                                            Can someone point out my mistakes and provide some tips? I am only at 1.1k MMR


                                              ROFL MOKUJIN that graph


                                                @ecez watch replays and VODs with player perspective

                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                  just create a new smurf account. It's easier to get 4-5k MMR on smurf account than trying to dig back up from 2-3k trench.


                                                    I summon @HAVOC


                                                      yea make a smurf you'll suddenly play 3 times better for sure

                                                      ill Smith

                                                        @loko é poko But what do I need to look for when watching replays?


                                                          I think Benao's graph is too much to the right. I'm a 3k MMR and I play very aggressively with great knowledge of the game but can't advance because I feed too much for no reason. Literally. I feel like playing "yolo watever lol" only gets the average person to sub3k or so.


                                                            knowledge =/= skill, that's the problem
                                                            I know many people who watch competitive dota since forever and can't apply any of that experience when playing



                                                              Every week some dellusional retard opens a thread about how low his mmr is and why he can't climb it.


                                                              This is one example for a whiny thread.

                                                              And this is the correct answer to why it does not exist.


                                                              You sit at 2.7 k MMR, cause you are a baddy. Thats the bad news. The good news is: You can improve fast and alot in a short amount of time, cause you have many big things you can work on.

                                                              And this is my answer to the last whiner:

                                                              Work on your basics: Spam Heros, pick wise, do not rage, learn how to farm, do not feed, be there for your teammates, when you are needed aka watch the minimap and take objectives (Rosh, towers), learn when to be active, and when you have to be passive.

                                                              You can accomplish this by playing dota and you can fasten this process, if you try activly to get better. Watch pros playing (replay or good streams "waga"), watch your own replays now and then. Keep calm and always try to do your best to win. You can only influence your own game to 100%. To some extend you can try to convince your team to do something; Raging at them won't help. Sometimes you won't win. Thats dota, deal with it. Not everyone can be a 5 k player in 1 Year.

                                                              Make love, not flame

                                                                Few rules to help you raise from below 3k:
                                                                1) start by writing "hi :-)" to your teammates, non capital letter suggests that you are not a dominant midorfeed player and smiley face is important to set in the mood.

                                                                2) Always support your team psychically, they give in fb you say "np, we will fix:-)". They manage to get fb say "gj guys".

                                                                3) Don't avoid playing supports, try playing some that can make higher impact easily (wd, venge, phoenix, aa...). While playing them, you should have better map control and therefore can warn your team. It is bullshit that you need to play carry to raise your MMR.

                                                                4) Read about DotA mechanics for example:
                                                                - turnrate - practice with dagger and think how you should turn while porting
                                                                - shifting - practice with puck and sk
                                                                - backswing animation and canceling animation

                                                                5) Practice basics
                                                                - how to pull waves to clear your whole wave
                                                                - how to stack, stacking more than one stack at a time

                                                                6) Play ranked -cm
                                                                - learn how to pick, pick according to the skill bracket you are in. Many people at 3k will pick shit that their team can't play - don't be that guy.

                                                                7) Check those graphs ^^ they both make a lot of sense - the dick one is actually pretty good. Might borrow.


                                                                  don't play ranked cm.

                                                                  edit: unless you're in a stack obviously.
