General Discussion

General DiscussionWas it my fault we lost?

Was it my fault we lost? in General Discussion

    I felt I did really well up until like the last 10 minutes of the game whereas I felt my team played horribly all game. Yet, the team blamed me for the loss and when I spoke about the game in some of the dota chats the denizens there agreed and said it was me. Is it true? If so, how can I improve my play and also how can I recognize when it IS my fault?

    Many thanks



      Abang Rey

        you lost at the drafting phase, unless you guys gank like mad, no way your lineup can beat theirs


          What happened to cause you to go from being up 20k exp to down 5k during the 50-60min stretch? Whoever caused that lost the game, whether it be you or the team.






                Don't lie to people.


                  If yes then how come? I'm interested to see how it was. If it truly was then I wanna learn from my mistakes.


                    Look at the replay, and be objective.


                      blame yourself for every lose, best way to improve.


                        ^not always.

                        There are some games which are auto-lose.

                        Because of negative team mentality or individuals purposely losing the game. Unless you blame yourself for entering another dota game. Some games need teamwork to win [in pubs]. You can't be responsible for non-cooperative people, no matter how good your diplomacy skills are. [language barriers, people report and mute or very stubborn negative people etc].


                          You lost cause Ynit and mokujin play the dotas


                          Jay Ashborne



                              as a 3k trash myself, i think you did pretty fine. picks were bad, that for sure. its amazing that you survied 60 mins vs them. but you did your job. you couldnt jungle because of am/axe/timber. im sure you would have done good with a basher and manta for faster finish.

                              am should be blamed. he took all the farm and failed to carry. 8k hero dmg in a 60 min game? really?....


                                AM not getting BKB looks like what caused the loss at first glance.

                                Most people saying yes didn't look at the match. You should always find your mistakes in a match you want to review, rather than asking "was it my fault" however.

                                At the end of the day, if you were a better player, you could have won.
