General Discussion

General DiscussionBrew Master

Brew Master in General Discussion

    I know he is top 1 pick and ban right now in pros, so I wanted to know best skill build item build and game play for him. Is bottle, boots, blink, aghs, vlads, ac good or is there better build?

    Linda | DotaExchange

      Just go vlads before agha, and that is it


        skill build? and do i gank as soon as i get 6?


          or after i get blink?
          leave brown boots or get phase?

          Linda | DotaExchange

            3 1 1 or 3 0 2.

            I will rather farm in lane to get dager, then start ganking. You could get it around lvl 8 or 9, when your clap is maxed. Leave boots on brown, after dager get PT, or leave brown until bot later.

            THICC BABY SHUM

              kk, tx Linda LOVE FOR EVER

              Linda | DotaExchange

                Np, same toU


                  omg brew! megapenis is a good brew


                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Panda ez

                    Go 3-1-1-3-1-4-1... Unless you need beer (Viper, Huskar). Clap on level 1 if there is a possible gank. Don't skill crit till you are about to last hit creep, cause you lose crit if you deny.

                    PT are best boots for him, get them after dagger.
                    Ask me anything else if you're interested.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      tx, this was helpful

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        Bottle, Boots, Dagger, PT, Aghs, AC, Abyssal, Refresher is my regular build if the game is going well. Sometimes you need a BKB. Wand is super awesome also since it helps with your biggest problem - mana, Panda can't TP, clap, split... Use bottle charge before TP.
                        If someone has AC already, go Shiva into RO.

                        Use dispel!!! It removes rune buffs, GA, Bloodlust... Also you can end cyclone with it (both your own and Eul).
                        Stone on your target, cyclone on bulky annoying heroes or spell spammers, beer on right click dpser.
                        Use 1st ulty for a solo kill on enemy mid, kill the foolish support if they rotate to help. After you get blink, seek fights when you have split. Animation cancel with Fire!

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          can brew win mid vs dp?

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Yes. Just learn to clap-crit harass + get a creep while doing it. Clap followed by split kills anyone on 6.

                            Also if you're lvl 5 and have dd in bottle, wait for crit and then clap-crit with dd. That is a guaranteed kill.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              Ok, will need to win by 40 min mark I guess.

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                Yup. Panda falls off late. Although with PT, Abyssal, AC you can beat the shit out of many heroes. Blink, crit+bash is too strong.

                                Get a team that can take towers, and do that after you win fights using split. THD is great, also his path has synergy with your cyclone.

                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                  If you're feeding and shit, consider Vlads and/or Drums.

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    what are good heroes with brew? like sven or doom?

                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                      Any heros that can take advantage of enemies running from the chaos caused by split - Drow, Sniper, Dusa, Gyro... I already mentioned THD.

                                      Roamers such as Venge, Ogre, WK cause you can cooperate with them to get early kills and later on to kill without split.

                                      Bulky heroes - BB, WK, Doom, Tide, Dusa... cause to kill all of you enemies need hell of a lot damage.

                                      Heroes that are strong vs Panda: Silencers of any role, tanky heroes that can't die to split, mobile heroes and high physical damage dealers. Two special categories are cleave heroes and desolator wielders, they rape split.


                                        Don't go aghs. Aghs is outdated build. If u want to stay relevant in late game, skip aghs. Get stuff like abyssal/shiva/assault/hex instead.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM
                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                            Aghs is fucking great, skip it only in games when you can't get it fast or you need BKB real bad. As someone who plays Panda I can tell you that you really notice the advantage of Scepter.