General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Rankings

Hero Rankings in General Discussion
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

    Hello People,

    Please help me. I am newb. I have no idea how this Hero Rankings works. I also have a father who is not in jail.

    So here are one of my stats I have recieved:

    Bloodseeker Ancient App:
    Rank: 81% Rank: 76%
    Hero Score: 3725 Hero Score: 3840
    Division: Platinum 3 Division: Platinum 3
    Win Rate 53.33% Win Rate: 64.52%
    KDA: 3.59 KDA: 3.72

    So what do these stats even mean? Is my AA better than my BS even though my winrate is lower? How so? Is everyone else just not as effective with AA as me? Also, is my BS top 20% in the world? Because im sure it is not. You help will be kindly appreciated.

    Warm and Fuzzy Regards,



      yup top 20, there are lots of noobs and smurfs that got abandoned so...
      just intresting to me, whats ur mmr?

      Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

        2660. It started off with 2400. But throughout the year I started doing yoga and as a result i controlled my anger and rage somewhat. Maybe this is the reason why it is going up abit. Sometimes I still rage and lose. But yeah back to your point. If im 2660 MMR, how can I be top 20%? Or should I ask, If im top 20% how can I be 2660 MMR.


          how are you platinum 1 at 2660 mmr?
          Im 3300 at ranked and get very high at normal games and have all heroes at platinum 1


            how are you 2600 mmr? you have very high skill games

            Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

              Not sure. I too asked myself this question. So I created a smurf to see what MMR i get and i got 2400 MMR again. To be honest, I think the MMR system is abit weird. I played my 10 games to get my rank with supports. Because, I actually enjoy playing supports and I'm good at it. But someone who plays a carry and spams zeus ulti all game gets a higher MMR than me. What do you think?

              THICC BABY SHUM

                i think your hidden mmr is hegher the 3300. Hidden mmr is when you play none ranked games.

                Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                  Maybe, Im not sure, because I dont play many non-ranked games.

                  Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                    Would be good to hear what someone else thinks about this. Maybe we are both wrong?

                    Giff me Wingman

                      To clear some things up:
                      1. You very high skill are simply happening because you stack with plays who are better than you.
                      2. The Toplist doesn't say top world, since not everyone is registered at dotabuff.
                      3. Your AA winrate is 65% and your BS winrate is 53%, how is your BS then better? Even your score is lower.
                      4. Score is very different for every hero, you cannot take a score for Meepo and compare it with Spirit breaker for instance.

                      Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                        Thank you, I understand your points. does this mean that winrate is infact the only way to find out how good you are at a hero? Does this mean that all other stats like Score is useless? What I want to know is what do these stats even mean? Because looking at the forums, not a single person has the same answer. Are you also concluding that my AA is better than my BS? Did you come to this conclusion because my winrate, score, and KDA is higher? Should we be ignoring Rank because it is only comparing me with other DotaBuff Plus users? How many people have Dota Buff Plus?

                        Giff me Wingman

                          No, i would say, the most important points are:
                          - Winrate
                          - Games played
                          - Division

                          Those 3 affect the overall score the most.

                          These ranks are not dotabuff plus only, they are also present for regular dotabuff users, but not for all Dota2 players. Winrate does describe how good you are at a hero only a bit.

                          There are so many factors that describe how good you are at a hero, for instance, if you have 60% winrate with invoker over 400 games and i would have 50% winrate with invoker over 400 games, i would still get a higher score because i am in a higher devision. The devisions are somewhat a replacement for MMR, since dotabuff is not allowed to get info on MMR from the webAPI.

                          To figure out if your AA is truly better than your BS is up 2 you. Some hero are simply better in pubs than others, for instance if i would get 55% winrate with invoker over 2k games that would be rather hard since invoker is a very team dependant hero and also is situational, but when i have a 55% winrate with slark over 2k games it is safe to say that my invoker would be better than my slark because of the fact that you can pick slark whenever, he has no real counter imo.


                            omg kda winrate is low for top rankings also ur division ( skill bracket ) is low for rankings

                            @Ynit lol im 71th Ursa :')

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              Lel ur welcome fyyq

                              forever IO

                              Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                                Thanks Great Cornholio. I think I understand.

                                @FYYQ, I actually dont even know what you just said! Did you just say im a noob? XD


                                  low division games means" skill of opponents" .. if u beat better opponents u get more points for ur hero plus what the guy said above

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    I have never seen an ursa below 55% wr wtf


                                      the answer is megapenis

                                      Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                                        ty ty starting to understand this system


                                          :) happy for that!

                                          Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                                            also how the fuck are you 91% winrate on Ursa? Please teach.

                                            Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                                              im only 66% with 3.1 KDA lel. So ive just noticed my KDA for all my carries are low. I think i suck at KS-ing


                                                ursa is too op... Ynit above helped me a lot with his Io for about 13-15 games but i use to go ursa jungle for 4 minutes then smoke/ roshan at 4 lvl then im 7 instant so i start gank its ez

                                                Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                                                  only 4 minutes? wtf how are you even farming your items? What items do you start with? Why do you go when your lvl 4?

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    stout tango get fast morbid mask and smoke do fast rosh ezy pzy


                                                      1)stout , tangos , 2 branch , health pot
                                                      2) Skillbuild 0-2-2-0
                                                      3)in 4 mins i have morbid mask,smoke of deceit and tp scroll
                                                      4)i go back to base and heal i smoke i tp on tier 2 tower and i cast overpower and then i wait till cd goes to 2secs and then hit rosh 4 times then imidiatelly cast overpower again to stack faster my passive so i wont die then rest is easy also (after rosh im 7lvl so i put ulty and 2lvl on Q then i need like 200g for phaceboots.. i farm them asap and go help lanes )

                                                      Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                                                        Nice. I will try this!


                                                          feel free to add me and ask anything u want

                                                          Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                                                            Is there any specific jungle creeps you look for during that 4 minute period?

                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                              golems, ogres and the the camp with nutural that gifffs 100 gold