General Discussion

General DiscussionHas anyone actually gained significant mmr?

Has anyone actually gained significant mmr? in General Discussion

    I swear, match making is a cruel mistress.... I win 8 games in a row, and then it seems the dota MMR gods decide to bless me with completely hopeless teammates.

    It just feels so random 99% of the time. I almost *ALWAYS* put out big, and am usually the highest impact player, but some games you are just truely doomed no matter how good you are, or how good you play.

    It seems like whenever you have a winning streak, you get put with down syndrome teams where even dendi wouldn't be able to win lol.


      I calibrated at 3.7 minimum was 3.6 now i am 5.250


        2-1 against you :)
        only lost to your meepo :@


          slerderp, I could see stomping in the 1k bracket... I'm around 3300 mmr, and it's just low enough that some people are terrible, but just high enough that decent players capitalize and snowball from mistakes.


            when ranked was created I was 4.4k, now I'm 5.3k


              why do you expect to go up in mmr if you dont improve and blame teammates

              on our way.

                I have gained about 500-600ish since I calibrated, thanks to my teammates always being there for me. Otherwise I might have to rely on boosting services.

                playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                  This wasn't an experiment. I was calibrated at 1.1k and was pretty damn terrible, but managed to improve by 2k mmr.

                  Quick maffs

                    My friend calibrated at 3k, now he is 4k

                    By the way rolf i think allison and you have almost the same mmr right ? Anyway congrats on getting to 5k+ :D


                      Just to clarify I'm talking about solo que, playing with a 5 stack is completely different.

                      @ grom, I have improved greatly, and play a really solid game. I made a smurf for shits and giggles and I held my own just fine in 4.5k-5k games, I'm talking about mid 3k, and some of the serious derp teams you get where your team was destined for a loss from the accept screen.

                      When you are the only person on your team with a postive KDA, you are carrying / ganking / even buying ward items since no one else is, and the rest of your team goes 1-11-3 3-15-4 and 2-13-3, there's literally only so much 1 person can do in a game with 9 people...

                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                        I calibrated at 5k now I am at 4.6k ^^


                          like this game I just started, a guy on our team first picks sniper and asks for solo offlane....

                          what could possibly go wrong lmao

                          King of Low Prio

                            your opponents do the exact same shit. It is like that solo support players screaming and moaning about how hard his life is and how it is impossible to solo support while losing to a team with no support and no wards........


                              ty dorkly :D


                                Haven't you seen those "bad players", "feeders" on opponent team? it's 50/50. Funny thing is sometimes you get them mostly after winning streak :D

                                me, government hooker

                                  I calibrated at 2.6k mmr, now at 3k

                                  Make love, not flame

                                    Calibrated 2.9k now at 4.1k, raising slowly but steady each 100 games around +400, 500 mmr.

                                    edit: First stop blaming your teammates, we all sometimes get people who feed couriers, feed on purpose or has bad day. Just mute, report and focus.


                                      lol not blaming anyone, it's just demoralizing after stomping a bunch of games, then literally having 5-6 really bad teams in a row, be it picks or performance. The game before last was one of those games where everyone leaves the base and no one bought a courier despite having 2 semi support heroes lol. Normally I'd just buy the courier but I was already at rune contest spot, it was just like.... ffs, puts you in a really bad frame of mind.... Losing streaks are the worst.

                                      Make love, not flame

                                        You have to believe the facts. 10 random people devided in 2 teams. Each team have equal chance of getting retard. If you aren't a retard, your team suddenly has smaller chance of not getting one ;) and if you support your team by good attitude, it's like -1 retard(works a LOT).


                                          calibrated 2.5k
                                          now 3.4-3.6k

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            calibrated 3.4k solo, dropped to 2950 (sad, sad day under 3k lol) now I'm 3700, broke 3800 last week but had a losing streak. So yes, mmr changes as you get better.


                                              I was calibrated at 3.1k, lowest was 2.9k, highest was 4.4k now back at 3.7k. Mother russia struck hard in the vacation. Even resorted to spamming heroes like Jug and still just get stomped because people try to outgreed a greedy line up or can't get the role they want and then just throw. Played bad myself in 2 games but been getting the worst of the worst lately. people that afk or just grief non stop, unless playing in a stack it's no fun anymore.


                                                3.8k->4.2k->5.1k->4.7k->.... road to TI6 ^^
                                                P.S.: Yes, I'd say 1k mmr is significant and other people probably gained more.

                                                Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

                                                  calibrated at 2.9k, now 3.9k


                                                    over 2k.
                                                    at a certain point mmr just stops to matter and is basically a grind.

                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      i got 2.6k my maximum was 3.4 but atm im sitting at 3.1

                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                        Never calibrated, friend gave me this account at 3k, now it's 5k. My best was 5203.
                                                        Losing lately cause i'm playing from shit pc and with bad ping...

                                                          Von Darkmoor

                                                            I calibrated 3,5-3,7 something played solo mid Ember (post nerf), Storm, Viper got to 4k solo realized i was wasting my time went back to normal. Diffrence i noticed enemy same skill every game teammates got worse and worse and worse, i can only imagine how horrible it must be in 5-6k then you must be truly alone in a sea of idiocy. Was some time ago tho now its more "fidar pidar" "sappart mi"

                                                            "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                              carry or your mmr will never increase

                                                              meow maniac

                                                                I'm trying to climb up to 1.2K MMR, but wins seem to only give me 15 to 20 MMR while losses always take away 30-60 MMR. Luckily out of all the ranked games that I've played I've won more than I've lost.


                                                                  calibrated 1500 mmr now im 1550 mmr


                                                                    calibrated 1650 now 3100


                                                                      @beneo i dont remember u beating me but i did beat u before other then the meepo one , too bad i forgot my hero but i remember u had pa and u went offlane with a huskar if im not wrong , u were radiant and u kept flaming xD
                                                                      maybe i had ta not sure

                                                                      I had 4.7k mmr at that time

                                                                      Bait Master Elite

                                                                        how do you "hold your own" at 4.5k-5k and not win 90% of games at 3k. I notice the skill difference between players if they are 500mmr different. The last 500 towards your true ranks gets slow with ups and down but over 500mmr its not hard.


                                                                          calibrated at 4.9k and climbed to 6k around june last year. I got stuck at certain portions like e.g 5.8k, 5.6k untill I figured things out.

                                                                          Jay Ashborne

                                                                            uhhh like up 200, down 850ish (yeah that happened) back up 1kish again.


                                                                              wow melody.. pick jugger and have some fun instead :)

                                                                              meow maniac

                                                                                bout 2 make a new account. literally got an entire team of little kids that spent the entire game spouting memes.

                                                                                Tiny Airlines

                                                                                  Trench Lord don't even bother - that doesn't help. Report them and get 'em thrown in lp.


                                                                                    Oh i think its bogi not u lmao sry xD

                                                                                    Btw i remember the games they were really nice till abandons
                                                                                    whats ur mmr btw?

                                                                                    meow maniac

                                                                                      kids play this shit like it's team deathmatch. you should literally have to have a credit card linked to your accout before you can hop into ranked.

                                                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                                                        @benao I was really bothered at solo cuz game is hard, for a while but I eventually got around to it, found my zen again. -.- and put a couple weeks in to get past where i calibrated on this act lol. We there tho. ^^


                                                                                          my mmr sucks now enough said :) and again 16 lp games so im not gonna play in a while


                                                                                            I got 1.6k MMR. Calibrated at 2.4k, now 4k & rising :)


                                                                                              i did

                                                                                              calibrated at 2.3k and went 6.8k


                                                                                                oh waits its other way around

                                                                                                calibrated at 6.8k and went down to 2.3k


                                                                                                  Calibrated at 3.9k

                                                                                                  Now I'm 3899. Jeebus!

                                                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                    lol whatever benao, you're an extremely solid player lol you have that "Sampson effect" in pubs i think lol.