General Discussion

General DiscussionPractising creepblock

Practising creepblock in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Wow, long time no see fellow dotabuffers! Starting to play dota and I feel like I am breathing again :D
    To the question then:
    I was watching Aui2k stream(he was doing offlane ember). He pretty much had 3.5 cs/min vs a dual lane and what allowed it mostly was the great creepblock.(Almost under his tower) Impossibru to zone out he got the cs controlling the lane quilbrum well. So main question is how do you improve creepblock for offlane, where to start blocking etc? any tips ?

    Also why would you get Euls on Ember?


      keep creep blocking in bot game till ur towers die. i guess.


        Euls on Ember is >new meta however if you think about it, it makes sense. Mana regen is one reason. Second might be the fact that your movement speed affects remnants. Third is the fact that your escape requires you to NOT be silenced/hexed/stunned for just quarter of a second for you to cast it so if you get jumped with orchid or any other disable that is purgeable by Euls, this is the cheapest item in the game to self purge them. So it probably isnt terrible. also adds lots of utility to your kit. and as i said before: mana regen.