General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Dotabuff the player

New Dotabuff the player in General Discussion

    Estimate me on the most strict categories, I want to know the truth. Thanks for sincerity


      play more. get better.

      You are too new to judge.


        I dont think you have to be good to jungle lmao, infact its prob best to start with it, as ppl who start are bad at last hitting and die a lot in lane.


          YNIT, I dare to disagree.

          jungle is the worst place to try and start playing DOTA because its not really DOTA. you have literally NEGATIVE impact on your team, and 0 impact on winning the game unless you know what youre doing. Especially if you go jungle with heroes that are very slow junglers.

          AFK farming in jungle makes your lanes much weaker (4 players vs 5), even coordinated ganks won't always work and i doubt a new player knows how to move around the map efficiently and gank at 2nd or 3rd minute of the game with chen or enchantress.

          AFK farming in jungle will not teach you anything, avoiding meeting enemy players or learning to lasthit won't help you either.


            Reading comprehension = super power

            THICC BABY SHUM

              ^^ if we talking about that bad of ppl then when you pick a carry and jungle 10 min get some items while all that enemy heroes have is boots and couple of tangos i dont think you will always lose.


                most picked hero pudge

                typical russian lmao

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  lots of ppl have pudge as most played.

                  Dire Wolf

                    YNIT is right, in low brackets if you pick a fast jungling hero and know what to do it assures wins. But same can be said if you just know how to last hit in lane. However jungling you can pick up after reading one guide and playing 1 bot match.


                      judge = jungle


                      ty dotobuff :D


                        stop jungling me


                          who do you think you are

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            jungling you?