General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you even enjoy Dota?

Do you even enjoy Dota? in General Discussion
swift beaver

    @ u wot m8
    i don't even have him as Buddy. and i'm not 1k mmr, not even Close.

    U wot m8?

      you still get same amount of russians who seem to think every one can speak their language


        I enjoy dota but it's sad to think that probably nothing good will come from this hobby.


          Seems like 60% of the games are decided from the start to be either too easy or impossible because of who you are with or who your enemies are. that ~40% of games are still enjoyable.


            As a part of the 10% of DotA's community that doesn't have some kind of aggressive personality disorder, your only chance of enjoying the game is instantly muting (+optionally reporting) flamers and/or playing it with people that are able to be constructive.

            Oh, and if not visiting for amusement purposes, stay away from the Dotabuff forums ;-)

            King of Low Prio

              somehow every single pro player is above 5k unless they intentionally throw all their games but hey you are a special snowflake


                Sometimes I want to quit but then I realize every other game bores me and I have no hobbies/interests/anything outside of dota really, so I say I love it, and I do but it is a weird relationship.

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  I agree with benao, Im 3500 mmr and I know I'm shit at this game making retarded mistakes. Every game I play 10% of the games I get ppl on my team that do nothing but give up before game started because of first blood, or flame some guy just because he gave first blood in offlane vs some aggressive lineup. Another 20% 2 to 3 of my teammates get cought none stop or keep feeding some lane. Another 20% ether carry dsnt know how to cs or supports never leave there lane to gank/rotate and to def towers. And 50% of the time its a fair game and possible to win. I dont think there is that much problem community just a little bit with match making but I shouldent even say that because im yet at place where 5k's get matched with 6k with bunch of 4k's.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Mmm, I won't give as strong an opinion as above what YNIT said, cus I think game to game their play varies. But basic dota knowledge I just do not understand at all how some people are same mmr as me.

                    Couple example games.
                    This one won't show up just in the socre but clinkz rushed ochid with ZERO other items. I mean not even brown boots. No anything, no wraith bands, aquila, nothing. When I noticed I did one of those "lol clinkz buy some boots man" responses, not trying to flame too hard cus game was manageable and he said why I have my E. Just dumb. For one thing power treads are one of the cheapest early IAS items you can get which compliments searing arrows perfectly, and then just of course, movement speed. Just his walk isn't enough.

                    Same game jugger built mana boots AND drums. I totally dig drums, fixes a lot of mana pool issues, but wtf mana boots too? I could see going mana boots maybe if you went something with zero stats like a deso and/or battlefury first but SERIOUSLY WTF! MANA BOOTS?!?! He later sold them for boots of travel but really those two choices by them put us as such a gimpped capacity to fight early we ended up losing. We could've still won if I played better obviously butt I assumed they'd be ready to fight and took early risks that failed. I don't know how you get into 3k thinkin it's fine to skip boots on clinkz.

                    Then I get these gems.

                    Shadofeind and luna are the same player in both matches. Look at his talents. Shadowfeind who doesn't pick up raze til level 10... Luna who doesn't pick up beam until level 10 AND put points in ult with no points in beam. Clearly this person has no fucking idea how to play dota at all, how are they more than 2k?

                    This one isn't nearly as bad build still irks me.
                    Bh goes urn and eul's. I'll never begin to guess why. At least he won't run out of mana even though he hits like a mosquito with jinada.
                    Invoker goes diffusal. Ok, purge warlocks golems, I like the concept but in reality he should be the one getting eul's or blink cus jugger and sf farmed his ass all day while warlock was more of an annoyance than a real game changing early.

                    That's it, not bad play per say but really dumbass build decisions that throw games. Those are what drive me nuts. I can handle someone skipping bkb cus it's a judgement call but these are fundamentally terrible choices.

                    Forgot about this little gem too,
                    Necro doesn't get sadist til level 8, has 2 points in heartstopper at level 3, maxes heartstopper before sadist, then wonders why he lost mid. His reply was heartstopper is good for harassing, oh yeah that extra 2 dps you get from 1 more point in it is so worth skipping your own regen that lets you possibly spam pulse lol. All the while flames me for not getting veno wards first (I had assumed that CM would trilane with us thus went aggressive passive + gale in hopes of kills but CM jungled entire game and fucked our lane).



                      Spot on, well said


                        good post timberwolf, and I know right? I'm by no means a pro, but some people you get matched with, it's kind of amazing because it seems like they have no clue... *BUT* that just solidifies my original arguement, because you instantly hate on a random stranger lmao. Dota 2 incites toxic cancerous behavior!!!! Whenever I'm playing CS : GO if someone is having a bad game, it's like... that sucks man!!! Sorry you had a bad game! And in dota it's like... you piece of shit! Everyone report this guy!!! Uninstall, go hang yourself!!! blah blah blah


                          I agree Dota community is like cancer itself. The game is outstanding, best game i've played in my life and i just adore it. But at the same time - i've never been so mad at people till the date. It has to do something with the fact i'm facing little imature kids most of the time and its a computer game, but still i just want to play the best i can and lots of time i cant cooperate with people cause they're just too dumb and have so much less game sense and knowledge then me. If i'm at certain mmr i would expect people there to be similiar skill and game knowledge as me, but it's just not that way and that makes a lot of frustration to a lot of players. Matchmaking sucks, but it's kinda ok at the same time. I guess you just have to get your ass where it belongs and you'll enjoy games as you deserve.

                          Dire Wolf

                            you have to just keep it in perspective or you'll be pissed off all the time. MMR doesn't matter cus none of us are pros. It's just a means of getting more balanced matches so the game isn't too easy or too hard cus it wouldn't be fun without competitive balance.