General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo totally broken!

Meepo totally broken! in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Meepo pick = Autowin.

    If you pick meepo you can't lose. Most Hero Damage, Most CS, Highest EXPM, Highest Tower Damage, just OP. Volvo pls remove this OP hero.


      Most hero Damage? Ember Spirit and Phoenix say hi.

      Giff me Wingman

        don't question greatness, Meepo OP.


          39:49Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: no worries.
          39:54Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: meepopick = autowin.
          41:46Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: autowin.
          42:00Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: meepo so OP.
          42:19Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: zapped.
          42:22Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: lol.
          45:44Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: lol.
          45:48Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: 6 slotted storm.
          45:50Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: 2 stronk.
          47:33Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: meepo autowin.
          49:50Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: madness.
          50:07Meepo Meepo: have you never won a game before .
          50:21The Dire have won the match.
          50:27Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: no.
          50:29Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: first time.
          50:32Meepo Meepo: looks like it.
          50:33Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: 0.001% winrate.
          50:34Meepo Meepo: fucking kid.


          Giff me Wingman



              Do I honestly want to get to 5k? If these are the people in it, count me out.

              Giff me Wingman

                You act as if 3k is different

                Sup m8

                  The thing is if you play meepo, you kinda have to play 1v 5 because he takes all the xp and farm. But by himself he is pretty nasty.

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    It dsnt have chat recorded((


                      At least in 3k, people are TRYING to improve. If the people in 5k are just sub human wannabe Dondo's, then I don't want to be part of that.

                      Except with the 3k people, we don't act like elitist that need to stomp on other's thoughts and insights. There are only a handful of 5k players I've seen that are actually decent people.

                      I guess that's what you expect from a person who's earn the right to be in 5k, rather than have people who were just placed there, and prance around like they're demigods.


                        "i dont want to be 5k im perfectly happy at 3k"
                        yea right

                        Giff me Wingman

                          Are you implying most people don't deserve their 5k+ rating?


                            Well, Androgynous, some people really dont care if they take a huge loss streak or if they go down 500mmr in that steak.

                            Stats doesnt matter to them.

                            For some its still just a game.

                            BIG FAT DUCK

                              i'm pretty sure if u were higher than 3k u wouldn't say that

                              everyone just says shit that fits their own narrative/view of the situation

                              NextStep ®

                                Yea. Meepo is OP.
                                I can easily climb to 8k with meepo if i want but I'm perfectly happy at 5k.

                                Tiny Airlines

                                  Sigh... get Earthshaker and/or Ember Spirit and you'll fuck him up. Tiny works too.


                                    fuck tebye

                                    Tiny Airlines

                                      Meepo is not OP. He is VERY easily countered by numerous heroes in this game.


                                        Yeah Zelda! Please keep enlightening us.

                                        the realm's delight


                                          Anonymous mode- No chat

                                            Zelda isn't wrong. I main Sven at 5k Mmr (which is rare) and my winrate against meepos are like 80-90%. Pretty much eat them for breakfast


                                              ^what do you do with the dominator? Do you use it to stack ancients? Is it really better than mask?


                                                wahts this?...

                                                paid actors enjoyer

                                                  is this cornholio guy retarded or something?


                                                    I have 1 game vs that Meepo, he makes some next level item decisions

                                                    Anonymous mode- No chat

                                                      If you check my last month gameplay with dominator, my win rate has been 66% in 70 games. In very high skill. Use it to stack ancients and also farm. I never went back mom after trying it. Sven also becomes immensely tanker with it. You're probably gonna get blink later on anyway.


                                                        GAYM IS HARD. .
                                                        One bad micro, u lose. XD

                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                          Vlads slark LoL


                                                            SSSSS how do you call 15 deaths "1 bad micro"?

                                                            But i totally understand why you lost. game is 60 min long, enemy has a typical 4 carry and 1 semicarry pub-stomping lineup. meepo doesnt fare well in this patch if enemy is "smart enough" to pick enough carries.

                                                            thing is, people think its stupid but t hats ACTUALLY how you roflstomp meepo.

                                                            meepo can soak xp and farm from his side of the map for 30 minutes and then lose this huge advantage to a few well executed chrono.

                                                            also there's too much SHIT going on in dota right now. sometimes meepo is bound to lose. Juggernaut is cancerous, Lina is SUPER cancerous - both these heroes got lots of unnecessary buffs which lead them to wreck faces more often than not (i recommend checking out Lina's attack range, she can wreck most melee mid heroes and some ranged heroes just by autoattacking them in lane without drawing creep aggro, LIKE THAT. and you cant stop her. and she has ridiculous attack speed. and ridiculous nuking power. and a stun that on the first night time, if you dont have lane ward, will get you killed for sure since you cant dodge what you didnt see being cast. This is not like sniper, sniper may get lucky headshots but lina's stun out of fog will get you killed on first night time ingame for sure.

                                                            there's axe with his BKB piercing Reverse Polarity, uhh I should've said BERSERKER's CALL.

                                                            etc etc etc.

                                                            most of this stuff IS COUNTERABLE however it requires a lot of teamwork, warding well (as i said, a 4th minute of the game you need a lane ward against lina for sure or youre gonna feed as a short range hero) etc. which you dont want to do.

                                                            im not saying meepo is weak right now, he certainly is strong, but sometimes there's no way you can deal with the amount of carry potential enemy team has. this is 6.83, meepo farms well and snowballs, a few takedowns and all this farm advantage goes into hands of enemy team.


                                                              Warlock fucks up meepo pretty well. Team him up with any AoE dmg counter hero like ES or Sven and meepo can't really have an impact as fatal bonds amplify any AoE damage done to meepo by 100% if every meepo is hit.

                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                I totally lost that game [IMG][/IMG]

                                                                Also i basicially made this thread for those retards who claim that i can only play meepo. People keep telling me that i can't farm or i feed a lot because i can only play meepo.

                                                                I sure fed a lot, lost the game and have no CS compared to the other guys, also kill participation is 0. [IMG][/IMG]