General Discussion

General DiscussionLearn from pros

Learn from pros in General Discussion
legendary ball

    Hi guys... Im 4.3k right now. Looking for teacher or some fren who has 5k mmr or higher than me at sea server.. Please add me and teach me... I want to climb up to 5k .


        3k guy played Slark for 1 month and he became 6k.
        ...seems legit?


          jugger/troll/axe/es/slark is your way t 5k.
          if you want to lose 600 mmr, random every game, get sht like invoker or pudge and go safelane and buy 4 min midas.
          works every time.

          legendary ball

            Not so sure about troll.. Have low win rate with him.. I tried spamm jugg recently.. But still lose few games... Can i add you guys with high mmr? So i can watch you guys play n your drafting.. Thx

            Pom Pom 🍕

              Who was the 3K slark player?

                Jesse Lee Peterson

                  i guess its not that easy, 4k and 5k is a huge diffrence. just watch EE or arteezy play carry and mid and learn from theyre decisions instead of picking garbage op heroes.


                    why would u need to watch anyone ?

                    if u can go to live games and watch anything in top page theres like all 5-7k players in first 3 games or so (as long as those games are ranked)

                    Jesse Lee Peterson

                      because, if ure 4k and u look at good people u dont learn the small things that mage a big diffrence. On streams people argue about what u could do or anything. Or just whatch auis replay commentary. Its not about seeing how someone rapes. Its more about decisions in any kind of situation.

                      Jesse Lee Peterson

                        I improved much by seeing yaphets pov games 3 years ago. that guy was just a beast.


                          I'm personally 4k & I can't learn from streams anymore...I can only learn from aui's replay analysis, because in the stream u don't see decision making behind plays.

                          Hiяo ♠

                            Learn how to play Meepo and you can win every single game.
                            Im a good meepo player but man sometimes teammates are just .........
                            4.8k mmr