General Discussion

General Discussionquestion

question in General Discussion
the realm's delight

    may i ask what the fuck is this new magnus offlane go 0-10 and lose the game trend?
    i swear ive had like 5 of these retards and played against 3 in the past few days
    this one was 5,9k. these fucking monkeys are the most disgusting players ive ever seen
    if u pick magnus offlane please kill urself


      u've been stacking with vroksnak to inflate ur winrate meanwhile feeding 0-6 ixdl as troll. please kill urself
      magnus offlane is legit


        sounds like everyday normal pub offlaners lmao

        im not even surprised if i got 15 deaths in 30 mins offlane in my team anymore

        casual gamer

          How to offlane:

          1 pick axe
          2 die once
          3 go jungle
          4 win because enemy offlane has 12 deaths

          the realm's delight

            i dont stack with vorksnak to inflate winrate you fucking handicapped ape. If i wanted higher winrate id just turn dotabuff off when im about to lose, tho i dont give a fuck about it
            about the troll game i didnt feed shit, i just died 4 t imes at the end trying to defend hg you fucking autist.


              0 6 1 7.2k 89 6 213 281 4.8k 0 604
              your stats say otherwise
              garbage shitter hit in the soft spot trying to defend himself, roflmao it's so pathetic to watch

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Magnus offlane is good though really. Not the best, but this patch every hero can go offlane.

                the realm's delight

                  how do those stats show anything ? we got outdrafted and lost aba troll offlane so abadon rotated to help puck and void (cause picking troll and void vs razor makes so much sense too but whatever) so i was left solo offlane not being able to do anything but getting some xp

                  you actually have down syndrome i am very sorry to have flamed a legit retarded person. i am very sorry dude


                    ask havoc he likes 0-10 and losing games (i'm afk from dotabuff again now)

                    BIG FAT DUCK





                          I like magnus off.