> millions from compendium + hats because retards buy them
> can't provide decent servers for a game with less than half the population of League
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
> Well Played!
How is that "normal?" Finding a server should be INSTANT. This has never happened to me before till recently.
That just means it's placed you with a game and looking for more players
just a ui change
It's because you're so extremely skilled that it has difficulty finding people you can be challenged playing against. Even then no one comes near your skill so they have to settle for the 7k mmr players queuing :/ sorry, it must suck being that good.
I know what you mean, happens to me a lot on Sundays, I guess a lot of people plays and puts the server under pressure.
It's not the same Finding Server, as Finding Match, so... it's already saying that there's something wrong with the servers if it delays a lot.