About Kunkka- the change in X Mark mechanics i s a buff for ppl above 4k mmr, I would say. For others, its mre like a nerf; and since average game is on about 2.5-3kk mmr lvl, it resulted in negative change in winrate on this hero
Im expecting sme buffs for DK, sand king and alchemist. At least, these are the ones that come to my mind first.
would be cool if clinkz' ulti would last longer than its cooldown instead of living in jungle 24/7
Leshrac stun cast point will be buffed.
Edit: The hero is broken as fuck
Edit2: Chaos Knight might be too, as Valve wants me to come to TI6
I feel a Leshrac buff incoming.
TB should get buffed yes, but he just got nerfed.
Tinker also got nerfed to shits, but he was recently popular.
I hope they give something to Lifestealer to make him scale better into lategame, like a base attack improvement, or rage lowers base attach rather than giving attack speed.
Or a simple strength per level gain raise...
or give naix +1 armour.
i hope they buff lone druid. idk why but i find him fun to watch
i think ls is not picked not cz he's weak, but cz he's out of current meta. axe, troll and jugg all kill him 2ez, as well as lion, who became one of the most picked supps.
Alchemist, Tusk, Lone Druid, Legion Commander and Huskar really need buffs.
I hope they give Tusk a serious buff next time, instead of stuff like ice shards no longer can be targeted and walrus punch becoming a target skill. He's been very unpopular for a long time, so I don't understand why he gets these tilting buffs that can sometimes make him weaker than before (like if you activated walrus punch before and got silenced, you could still punch someone. And it's faster to ult, snowball, hit someone than snowball and select a target with your ult imo.)
Buffs are too hard to call, very arbitrary. Nerfs are much easier to call, like when void, tinker and jug all got nerfed.
I would definitely like to see CK, DK, TB all buffed a bit.
alchemist, cuz he is shit, maybe lone druid, cuz i like the hero, but idk how he can be buffed.
also dk is such shit i wanna throw up, and terror is such a useless piece of hero that unless you have ultra ez freefarm you are gonna get fuckt sooner or later.
and also tuskar is not even a hero anymore, he is like techies to me.
maybe some others, can't remember atm.
oh and also forgot lifestaler, i used to play him some time ago, now i rarely even see him once a month maybe.
What i really think:
Bounty Hunter
Lone Druid
And batrider will be reworked soon.
Alchemist definetly yes, I didn't even want to say it, its too obvious, he's fucking useless currently, he should get more strength per level to fix the lacking HP shit...
These are suggestions I have.
Batrider - Too many nerfs to the poor guy, maybe his ult could do damage on lassoed enemies? Something like 60/80/100 magical damage per second. Also reworking sticky napalm to be autocast and upping the base damage from 38-42 to 48-50 would be nice.
Lifestealer - Lower cool down on Rage and a higher base attack time around 1.5 could help. Increasing the life leech from 4/5/6/7% to 5/6/7/8% would be nice too. I have a lot of trouble with this hero lately.
Dark Seer - Decrease cool down on Ion Shell from 9 to 6, and increase the damage from 30/50/70/90 to 50/65/80/105.
Beastmaster - Icons given to the bird and the boar would be helpful.
Treant Protector - Overgrowth leeches health from enemies from 7%/8%/9%. Also 1.5 base attack time.
Ember Spirit - Increase damage from sleight of fist from 20/40/60/80 to 30/50/75/100.
Alchemist - Reverse all nerfs from 6.79/6.80 including the length of the concoction from 5.5 to 7 and give the bonus health back. Also increase stat gain from 1.8/1.2/1.8 to 2.75/2/2.75 and increase starting stats from 25/11/25 to 28/19/27. Finally, give 3 starting armor and increase Acid Spray damage from 12/16/20/24 to 20/24/28/32.
I kinda know I did for Alchemist but he's in DIRE need of buffs.
But on Batrider, he's been nerfed to shit - why the living fuck did they nerf him SOOOOOO much? I like the idea of Flaming Lasso doing damage, but I'm not sure how much.
If Alchemist got his nerfs reversed he would just be the most broken hero again. I think reversing the length of concoction is okay though (maybe by 0.5-1.0 instead of to 7.0s). What made the bomb too good was the fact you could throw it early and as it flew in the air the damage/stun would keep increasing. Now you can't get the max damage/stun unless you throw it at 0.5s remaining, which you will very rarely be able to do.
lol alchemist is more than fine
look at wagas previous stream he plays him alot that hero is a beast of a carry if u can play him properly
You realise that if you did all this to Alchemist, Zelda, you would get a 60% win-rate hero.
If you give treant 1.5 base attack you will have a hard carry in minute 1.
Ok then forget what I said about the BAT increase on Treant.
I have no idea on what else to say on Alchemist though.
bat is fine, hero still strong as hell. needs no buffs, if anything he probably needs more nerfs
Dk needs a buff, hes only being played in the tutorial... Lycans ult needs to be instant again. Axes call needs a nerf. Invoker should get some love too.
bkb piercing ultimate which lets you move people.
can run through trees.
hard to deal with once he gets blink.
Can easily farm jungle.
turn rate increase OP.
does ridiculous damage after few stacks of napalm.
because he is one of the best initiators of the game (if not the best)
because he has the tools to farm a really quick blink and can go mid, offlane or jungle
A lot of these heroes are fine... wtf are you guys thinking.
Naix is absolutely fine he just doesn't jungle fast enough now for the meta and most people (myself included) still try to jungle him and he doesn't fit the meta that well. But he still counters str heavy teams quite well.
I like how nobody in this thread mentioned the hero with the lowest winrate AND lowest amount of picks in VHS ranked. I guess it helps showing just how much people know.
Chen's buffs just overlooked her completely. Since he can get a second creep at level 3 rather than 5 now, she does not have as much advantage over him.
"I like how nobody in this thread mentioned the hero with the lowest winrate AND lowest amount of picks in VHS ranked. I guess it helps showing just how much people know."
Which hero is that?
While we're on topic, throw huskar a buff too please. He blows so much if you aren't facing noobs who feed you. They should revert the nerf to his agi gain, give him ~5 more base agi, and then change how berserker's blood stacks. Dota wiki says the first stack lasts from 100-87% of hp which is stupid, means you have to nuke your hp a lot while farming to get any benefit. I think it should work at flat 6% intervals, still maxing at 14, so at 100% you have 1 stack, at 94% you get 2, 88% you get 3 and so on maxing at 16% hp vs 3% now.
got a dk drop from the event, need tthem buffs on DK so I don't lose mmr points when I go play him in ranked
Perhaps Morphling, Dragon Knight, I don't know.
[off topic]
I think Omni will get nerfed along the way.
Also, I remember when Kunkka had 50% win rate. He has recieved nothing but buffs since then, but he's 45% now. :)