General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about Juggernaut

Question about Juggernaut in General Discussion

    this MoM build, i see some people would max out stats before Blade Dance, why is that ? is that extra 15% at lvl 4 dont make much difference ?


      Guh :L


        in current meta, jugg became a farming type carry (i mean early stage of the game), and he doesnt rly need maxed crits early (particularly taking into account that the increase in cirt chance is not rly high as u upgrade this passive), as well as blade fury and ward. Meanwhile, investing points in +stats works nice and jugg needs all of them.


          i see so its better to max it out later on in a game, cool ill give this build a shot


            Before the .83c patch, I'd say that maxing crit was ok because your damage really does increase as you invest point into it. However, with the recent nerfs to the mana cost of his spells, I'd say it's wise to invest points in stats early on with only 1 value point in crit.


              try it. atm basically there are two variants of builds: 1-1-1 and then stats, or 1-1-4-1. Just see what suits better/what you like most. Personally prefer 1st variant, but the other one is also viable.


                yeah i used 2nd one so far, will give this stats one a shot.

                Dire Wolf

                  make sure you adjust your items accordingly too though. Don't go aghs or deso anymore, go something like mask, yasha, basher, manta, skadi.
