That's funny, cause most of the time if a teammate goes Alchemist it's a loss.
Most of the time I seem to lose with Nyx, but I'm practicing him and I'm doing better.
omg, just when i saw post from u i knew its kappa post that benao will love xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
I gotta love how every 2-3 minutes there is some new person complaining about some hero being horrible or OP
that because u can never make dota 2 balanced if its balanced for pubs its not for pros, heros are better and worse at every skill.
All your threads are complaint topics. Just go write a blog or something if you need to vent it out on the internet. You should know by now that no one in this forum is going to sympathize with you.
Also, nyx no blink?
Wow not a single player over 500 gpm. You lost to a troll who had s&y and morbid mask in a 50 min game lol!
Alchy is a fine pick, but needs proper farm like a lot of heroes and needs to be playing the right team. Better question is how does slark go 4-11
Lol, look at this most recent tiny game from him how is it possible to have so few LH with tiny and aghs in a 50 minute game wtf...
And he wants to bitch about his teammates being potatos.. yawn
you get bad playing team mates, so you learn to snowball with a hero to get out of the trench, then when you play the same way you learn to win at a lower level, you loose at a higher level, and go back down, Its such a vicious cycle. Making farming space is irrelevant when heros don't know what to do with the farm! look at this brewmaster...
>No blink nyx
>Flames team every game
>Normal Skill
If I get matched with OP in a game I'll be embarassed..
@Beserker786, actually no farming space is completely relevant, just make sure you play the farm hero.
What zelda doesn't get, and what is a huge problem at his mmr, is that the scoreboard doesn't mean jack shit. Farm is the most important stat (well actually it's tower damage, but farm translates into dmg for most heroes).
In this game they probably would've done much better if he skipped blink, went treads, and just farmed his ass off. Could've easily got 300 cs and a score more like 5-5-5 and just killed towers in the end.
I had a game where some dumbass picked Alchemist went 0-15 and kept fuckin dying every two seconds. You don't fucking pick alch in this meta - EVER!
For fuck's sake, why the fuck do I get matched with people that don't listen?