General Discussion

General DiscussionAbusive players in higher MMR

Abusive players in higher MMR in General Discussion

    Okay so I am at around 1200 MMR and I fully deserve to be there. I am relatively new and am still getting to grips with the game; I know with practice and effort I can improve. However I am just sick to death of being abused by team-mates who are just as bad as me.

    Does this issue get better with higher MMR? I understand this game can cause frustration and it will feel like a waste of 45min if your team isn't doing well but the maturity level I usually encounter is just insane. I can only remember one instance when someone was actually willing to offer advice instead of abuse.

    Honestly if it becomes just as bad at higher levels I might just quit, I love the game when playing with friends but that happens so rarely that I will never get better just doing that.


      Be a nice player, even 2k - 4k mmr still badass or something worse -_- (SEA Experience)
      lot of abusive player, carry orientated pick, even cant communicate -_-


        It doesn't get much better until you get over 4K mmr. I hardly play ranked nowadays because it's just a pretty bad place to play in. Go for unranked games - people don't take it too seriously there and it's slightly more fun to play. Unranked gets much better once you're in the "Very High Skill" bracket.

        Low Expectations

          the real trench is 3k if you get out of 3k games get better

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            The higher you go the worst it becomes.


              There is an option to mute player on the scoreboard, use it at first sign of flame.


                Counter flame with kindness. Don't argue, don't defend yourself, accept 100% blame, try to be helpful.


                  "Mute" button can make your games more enjoyable. It's not like these toxic players would help you win the game with their "superior knowledge" anyway.


                    Yeah this attitude you encounter is prevalent throughout every game, just need the right factors and anyone and everyone can become the most vile human.

                    I was in a team leading by about 0-10 first 12 minutes and the enemy jugg, farming perfectly fine - just starts feeding himself and flaming his whole team while he had them muted. Just weird stuff.

                    Happens a lot though.


                      you kidding? it only gets worse, bad people are more friendly
                      at 4k+ if you miss a pull someone will start calling you a dirty nigga in spanish and threaten to kill you IRL


                        4k to 4.5k is the fucking worst. below 3k its actually not that bad. u get occasional hardcore flamers but in 4k u get them every game. i played from 1k to 5.3k and believe my words


                          the thing is at 4.5k, its inconsistent.
                          sometimes all of your 4 teammates rage from picking phase, sometimes there is just that 1 asshole (usually the mid or some core player) who has to talk shit after everything he sees. sometimes there are 2 or 3 guys like this, sometimes you get a full team of cooperative players and also a team of skilled enemies, but very rarely.
                          but i have to say, i don't like to flame from the start, but it builds up, when my team has 45 kills, and 30 of them are mine, i wonder WTF IS HAPPENING. and then i drop the hammer on my team, and lose shortly after.
                 such example.


                            5k here. Idiots are everywhere


                              As a guy who played in 1k for a wile and is now on the higher side of 3k I can tell you that yes it gets much much better. there are still asshats, but there are a lot less "OMG FUCKING FEEDER" and "NOOB WHY YOU GO AGHS ON WARLOCK" people are way more likely to use chat to joke around or say stuff that actually needed to be said like "ganking mid you stun first". when people do bitch you out generally more along the lines of "don't go up that far dumb ass" rather then just "stop feeding dumb ass".

                              Also you can stack, it doesn't matter how good or bad people are if they know you they wont be penis bags.


                                Yeah, I understand there will always be frustration in the game. It's the unfounded arsehole behaviour from people who are just as bad as me that pisses me off. From what you say Number 12, I could definitely be happier in the 3k MMR. How long did it take you to improve and become 3k MMR?

                                Infinite Ominous Guarantees

                                  Supernaut, right now just focus on spamming easy win heroes like ursa, ta, etc.
                                  Once you can play a stompy hero moderately well you should be able to get up to 3k pretty easily. After you're at around 3k start trying to learn the game better by playing heroes that arent the classic boosters. I've introduced and tought a lot of people in this game and I know from experience it is really difficult to actually learn the game and get better at the lower levels, I literally play 90% of my games with at least 2 2k players.
                                  While we're on the topic of improving yourself it is incredibly useful to find a high 3k/lower 4k that is willing to play with you and help, teaching yourself from video/forums really doesn't help you understand a lot of the smaller things required to improve.


                                    Quit while you can.


                                      asses are everywhere..

                                      Infinite Ominous Guarantees

                                        Yeah tbh I don't understand how people play this game without friends.


                                          Both Ursa and TA are damn hard.

                                          Infinite Ominous Guarantees

                                            to play them at >50% potential, yes, but its completely possible to reach 3k by just spamming a stompy hero that you even kind of understand, even with very little overall skill.
                                            The point is that it is really, really difficult to actually learn the game in anything less than 3k. In fact, a lot of the players that I teach learn really shitty habits from that bracket that they have trouble getting rid of. The best approach is to just use any means necessary to get out of the REALLY shitty bracket and then try and improve yourself.

                                            Infinite Ominous Guarantees

                                              On that note, I see a lot of newer players on these +every other dota forum and I really feel bad for them because it really is difficult to become good at this game without some better players guiding you. Someone should really do what I do but on a bigger scale and just fill their friendslist with newer players who want a teacher.
                                              not to mention playing this game, let alone learning it, is hell solo.


                                                i honestly think you get what you deserve in dota. apart from at the weekends and school holidays when you really shouldn't play.

                                                if i'm grumpy, flame or respond to flames i get leavers/feeders/losses.

                                                if i smile through it all, offer constructive criticism, apologise for my dumbness, ignore flames and give encouragement i get nice teammates and wins.

                                                there's very few people who actually queue at the start of a game wanting to be an asshole.

                                                as a last resort there's always the mute option...