General Discussion

General DiscussionYou should get a 2 hr ban for not connecting to a server

You should get a 2 hr ban for not connecting to a server in General Discussion
"TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

    So you can go upstairs and talk to your mom about upgrading the family internet.




        It's now since last update of last year (26 december?) that one time on 3, i will need to relaunch my game to connect to server.

        And 1/10 of those, i actually even need to reboot my whole computer. So cause of a stupid update of valve, I would get 2hr ban ?

        At least when it's the "minor" bug i can if doing it swiftly, reconnect in the last 5 sec, cause not only it doesn't connect, it took fucking age to notice that it will never connect....




            Not everyone's mom is paying for their internet, some people got to actually work to pay for it themselves, so this topic is stupid.