od and sf are very strong in laning phase, its hard to deal with them unless you got normal supps that do rotate and gank.
shadow fiend
i cant handle him, always choke on the first few cs. I cant manipulate aggro well enough to get first cs and deny either
pudge has no chance to win against most of midlane heroes unless they do mistakes. not sniper only.
Tinker or sniper I love be aggo then they harass me like no other then nuke me in seconds. Tinker vs any low hp mid kills me.
Don't worry mate, i get fucked sometimes againist pudge if im not focused on the game at 100% or if we have no wards, now if we dont have wards againist him i buy 2 and put it on mid hg trying to prevent all the hooks.
I mean, I so rarely play mid that it would be pointless for me to answer this, but instead I can name 3 heroes I find very annoying playing against (currently)
-Sniper or Lina
Tell me please, how can someone with such a shitty attack as the one Lina has be one of the strongest mids? I'm genuinely interested, I want to get good with her.
@ epsik-kun, her right click damage is fine, she just has a long start up time on her attacks so once you get used to it she is easy enough to CS with, she also has crazy range so she almost never needs to go down into the river. she can just spam nukes to harass + last hit, then go get a rune to refill her mana, with bottle when ever one spawns. since her nukes kill the creeps so fast she doesn't need to miss last hits to get runes, but she will push the wave into your tower to make u miss them if you try to contest the rune. also once she hits 6 she can insta kill you if your HP drops below 525.
1.- Lina, idk how to win this bitch, i allways got ultra rekt by lina.
2.- Queen of pain (80% win my mid)
3.- Some good Shadow Fiends