General Discussion

General DiscussionProfile Privacy

Profile Privacy in General Discussion

    Hey everyone! This post is for profile customization.

    Has there ever been a desire to have your profile private on Dotabuff? I mean Dotabuff is a great service with many features, but one key feature it lacks is giving the owner of a profile complete and utter control over his or her information.

    What if I wanted to censor the records I have for my account?
    What if I just wanted to censor my previous Steam names?
    What if I just wanted my account to show my match history, and nothing more?

    The answer to all of that at the moment is: Too bad. The system doesn't allow for any versatile user privacy. You either allow Dotabuff to project all of you user data, or you don't let it collect any at all. You could cheat the system by only making the system detect your victories or certain matches, but the practice is obviously frowned upon and makes you look like an pretentious bastard.

    My suggestion is simple: Allow users to censor what is and isn't shown on their profile. Set up some simple mechanism to allow either Plus members or better yet regular members to be able to decide what information they want to be displayed on their own profile to other people. Of course, always allow the system to display to the owner of the profile all of the data, but allow him to censor his own information. I mean, what are the downsides? Suddenly you might not be able to see some data on some other user's profiles - big whoop. This might get even more people to use Dotabuff or buy Plus membership because then they could track their own information in quiet peace.

    What are your thoughts? What certain features would you like to be able to censor? Has this been suggested before and I just didn't see the post? I'd love to hear your opinion, and I'd love to get the attention of some moderator for a response.



      You cant chose to show wins / losses by toggling show match data since it will eventually do a grab of your entire match history. The players that you see with high winrates have mostly obtained them legitimately with some execeptions of course.