General Discussion

General DiscussionBashes win games?

Bashes win games? in General Discussion

    True or not? I really think bashes win games. Imo bashes are > divine rapier> lightning procs > critical strikes


      not. building damage wins games


        That's true but sometimes ratting doesn't work and you must man fight.


          Not. Ancients damage wins games.


            We threw a possibly 20k lead game because we were cocky and wanted to fight instead of taking objectives a few months ago with 2 enemy rax down. Our Sven was 6 slotted without an abyssal blade, destroying the enemy team all day. But one bash from the enemy Alchemist cost us the game. So yes, for me, sometimes that is.

            This was a long time ago but I can't remember. Yes we were kiting a lot and won most teamfights, but in the end we got cocky and lost lol. But was a fun game.


              I've had moments where the enemy carry blinks in to initiate, only to be met with an auto attack first hit bash, then it all goes down hill from there. Bashes are seriously strong. I'd take troll warlord's 2 second bash over pa's 4.5 crit anyday.


                well 2 bashes lategame completely counter bkb time and then carry gets rekt
                2 crits from pa may bring him low hp but if he has satanic or high armor he can take that
                bash just fucks everything


                  a late game troll is a permanent bash 1vs1, can win against all the carrys if he is good.


                    troll with dagger>1 guy in your team gets bashlorded, and dead
