General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me out with Storm. I'm starting to like him, but I suck with him...

Help me out with Storm. I'm starting to like him, but I suck with him so hard. in General Discussion

    After that match, I think I won't play Storm in ranked for a while..

    I will try-put 1v1's and normal-games as Storm, since I want to improve with him.

    I'm aware that Antimage is kinda big counter to Storm, and it wasn't a best Idea to go Storm on their pick, but still...

    What I need to know is this:

    1. How do you manage his mana-pool compared to his combo?
    2. Blood stone vs Orchrid and why?
    3. Is BKB core on him, and if it is, why? If it's not, when to get it?
    4. What's casual build for storm when it comes to his skills? I go like this: pick up on lvl 1 his 1st, then go for passive, then for his 2nd, then skill-up his passive, then skill up his 2nd and then his 1st? Ults at 6 11 and 16, ofc.
    5. Is Dagon on this hero okay choice for snowball if you can get it early?
    6. What do you sugest me to work on as noob Storm player?How to get better with him, how to get game-sense with him?

    If someone wants to help me out, add me, or I will add you. I'd really apricciate that.

    The Gigglemoose

      1. Very small zips. You don't actually want to zip far at all, and the only time you should zip further than the length, of like, a blink dagger is to initiate (make sure you can get out, especially if you built bloodstone). Other than that, just mini-zip to get overload and slow them. They'll die fast enough.

      2. Personally I almost always go Orchid, but Bloodstone is equally viable if you are going to go extreme farm or extreme pickoff mode. Orchid is an item for a more balanced player.

      3. Nah, not really. You only get it if they get shit like orchids and hexes against you. You don't care about stuns because you should rarely be near enough heros that you can die to their rightclicks, and when you are, it's mid teamfight and it's rather unlikely that they'll chainstun the hell out of you (and if they do, the rest of your team will decimate them.)

      4. Farming build is just leveling remnant and overload. If you want any chance at a kill before 6, I go Q E W W E R (qwer user detected), then maxing overload, then remnant. Never fail to level your ult. You don't notice it, but it does a ton more with each level. Some people find they need three in pull for pickoffs, but I've never found it necessary unless you're against a QoP or something that will get away easily, especially in the lane.

      5. Probably not in a serious match, but if you're way ahead you could get it after Orchid/Bloodstone and have some fun.

      6. Just don't let the enemies see you. Farm the jungle (usually theirs because you can get away from it with decent aggressive warding (buy your own wards if supports are shit, it's way worth it)) and if they come near you, kill their ass. This serves the dual purpose of farming out their jungle, which means they can't. They'd basically have to smoke at least 3 people up to have a chance at killing you if you're watching the minimap. Leave the lanes and your own jungle for the carries to farm. Storm's a massive space creator, farming himself up a lot while leaving lots of chances for his carries to do so as well, because he farms elsewhere.


        Yeah I do stupid stuff like long zips and deathball sort of thing. xD Stupid.

        I will try to farm their woods.

        However, I'm having also this kind of problems: as Shadow Fiend, I know I can kill, let's say, Enigma at level 7 with 2 razes + auto attacks.

        Can you tell me which heroes Storm can't kill at lvl 6-7?

        Also, how to deal with Antimage as Storm? He just blinks and kills me when I'm no low mana. Fuck.

        So, it's legit to build-up his disable-spell and passive and lvl up his 1st later? I'd like to go that way if I feel like ganking and killing.

        But I wasn't sure, since I don't play him at all.

        I need to get in touch with this hero, since I think I got basic idea how to play him, but I still lack game-sense for him since I got like 10 matches with him in Dota 2... Haven't played him in Dota 1 much aswell

        < blank >

          Download my games, if this is possible


            Jesus why you ask this? Watch replay of Arteezy or Envy and you ll learn from that all at once


              They hadn't even had silience until DS got his Hex, how they could kill you before that?

              P.S. Storm is very bad pick vs Antimage.


                Topchyriti, well antimage just blinks and kiills me. I was almost 80% out of mana.

                I know, I didn't pick him after he picked antimage. I picked it before.


                  solo kill potential with q-e and q-w is pretty different. qw is preferred against targets that are really mobile, but against heroes like sf, sniper, etc QE works better surprisingly and is a lot better for farming


                    blitz says dont try to get a kill if u have mana below 500.
                    Also blitz says to always scare ur enemy, stay out of sight.
                    and also be smart.

                    Tips by 7k mmr Blitz, written by 1k mmr di*k head.


                      You're beyond help sf spamming shit